Saturday night alright
Post 'em if you got 'em
Saturday night alright
Post 'em if you got 'em
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Previous thread Alright alright some British OC incoming for you lot
Eccleston is one of my favorite British actors
He's so versatile. Pops up in everything.
Ever seen Shallow Grave?
The one with Ewan? Many years ago, can barely remember it.
Ends with Ewan gets stabbed and the money is under the floor boards directly beneath him right?
That's the one. NZ's own Kerry Fox is in there too as the gurl. It was Danny Boyle's first big movie and it sort of overlaps with Trainspotting, Keith Allen plays the same character in both movies. Probably doesn't contain many great webmable moments but the dialogue is cracker.
Gotta get around to watching that one again.
>The Doctor Dances.webm
Getting in early
Who is this woman?
Kate Beckinsale
evangeline lilly
a national treasure
kek, forgot I was uploading stuff
Confirmed for autism
Lady, you forgot to dress yourself.
Thanks very much for all those Cabin webms btw, added a few scenes to my own collection
No problem - it was one of those better then expected movies with plenty of webm moments.
Quite true
My favorite part is hunting for the easter eggs among the monsters
There's a good wiki detailing all of them, including the ones that didn't actually make the final cut
Yea, the list is hilarious.
Also Tea Leoni is always welcome on my farm.
I was trying to figure out where I knew the two main control room guys before I realized it was from the west wing an the dad from six feet under.
Thanks for the OC
I feel like I have to see this because I've seen all of the others including the Japanese trilogy, but I don't know if I can force myself through it.
Most welcome
Just finished watching a Russian war movie called White Tiger
It's going to be good for some two dozen webms at least but I won't be able to start till tomorrow
Might try and get stuck into one of my Ania movies
Yeah, I am most likely going to take a break from making OC today. Too much stuff to do.
Okay, here one bit of OC - didn't finish it but watched the first part of "To the wonder"
My god is Olga hot in this film.
PA is Lamanite an ethnic term or cultural and ethnic? What does it mean?
stop posting
hes baaaaack
I know a lot of Indians/Native Americans. The reality is that most Indians don't mind being called Indian, as they don't ID with a bigger group, they ID more with their tribe. (So for example, they are Cherokee or Crow or Delaware, and so on)
Lamanite is a book of Mormon Term for Indians , as the native split between the Lamanite and Nephites, and the Nephites where eliminated after becoming a decadent culture.
So it just another term for Indian with religious connotations. .
Based fuckin' TiSM
On ya user
>tfw wake up with a warning for a deleted post in a deleted thread and not remembering none of that shit
cool cool cool
How do women think its acceptable to go out in public like that?
what are you geigh
Cool thanks mate
It's pretty darn acceptable to me
Thanks grandma, you can go back and watch jeopardy now
fucking brain hurts.
Thanks for asking.
this movie isn't suitable for webms, even moreso when you forget the subtitles
You'd let your daughter wear that?
mean to axe if we
I'd insist upon it
Oz checking in, and about to check out soon.
Why the fuck are you even here normalfag
If weather permits, no problem.
It really isn't - I agree, I just made that webm test but would need to burn in subtitles if I was to do more then a test.
Great film, but it doesn't lend itself to webming
Soz user, fucked up the opening titles. End credit titles are better.
oh I posted a webm of me shooting at a painting.
Good call mods.
kek is that why the thread got deleted?
I'm guessing.
Alcohol was a mistake.
>Alcohol was a mistake
digits agree
Must sleep. Night you crazy cats.
Haven't listened to G!YBE in ages
Used to be great background tunes when I was working
>quentin tarantino guest directs aoen flux!
I was like just discovering MTV when that shit was ending.
Good to see that it's still just as disturbing as an adult.
The original shorts that ran on Liquid TV were truly fucked up
>Alcohol was a mistake.
It almost always is.
Yeah, I watched it when I was much younger and was like "WTF is this"
watched it last year and my reaction was "WTF is this"
will give it points for being unique. How bad is the movie?
>How bad is the movie?
It replaces all the fetishized weirdness with a generic sci-fi plot
It does retain some of the strangeness but that falls flat
Only redeeming feature is sexy Charlize and you could just watch a better movie for that
ok so user had to be pretending to be Daddario.
Only person I've painted that was also in an episode of the Sopranos. And she didn't respond to but did say I've painted her and likes muh work.
Pretty great miniseries, saw it in RE at school a few times.
Never knew Daddario was on The Sopranos
Ever done an Alicia Witt painting? From what I could tell she seemed a better fit
Alicai witt was, and still is hot as fuck.
No. Doesn't seem like she'd be the type to call herself an A-list celebrity. And she said and was in one episode credited as "another woman."
Plus she name dropped The Rock and Upton and shit.
Plus she seems weird enough to be drawn to this cancer.
I mean he. The user pretending to be her.
Quite true
She was on the latest episode of Twin Peaks for about five seconds
Jesus christ this looks awful.