Is it shit?

Is it shit?

wasnt smirfu moriarty in this?


Yeah it had that weird looking fit girl from GoT as Moriaty man

No it quite good a little to procedural at times. Joan Watson is also 100 times better than John.

it's better than sherlock and the rdj movies.

Worth it for Lucy Liu

It's actually great. JLM kills it.

Is that you Almond White?

It's a lot better than the SJW tumblr bait that's on the BBC.

Yeah Joan watson is good. Also useless. The reason Sherlock keeps John about is apart from unlatching him he gets locked on or whatever he carries his service revolver. Basically Holmes muscle

Having some weird thing where he's teaching her to be a detective is unnecessary and a waste of time. He's already the best

Finding it hard to disengage from the Sick Boy thing man. Watched T2 when it came out then started watching this recently

Also he's super bad at acting in the first season

She helps him actually solve crime and has saved him several time. She becomes him Apprentice because he got her fired from her regular job.

idk that's just the writing of episodes man. Thematically she's pointless

I stopped watching when they made Watson fuck Holmes brother.

Thematically she serves as a foil and also as POV character to experience Holmes' antics through.

It's probably not the best mystery show in the universe, definitely not a fair play for the most part, but it feels consistent and making sense as the plot progresses.

I would never thought the reveals such as "FEMA employee killed a scary clown to cover up his scheme to scam a city with bioterrorism" and "Canadian shipping company wants to assassinate an Aleut pro-gamer because of global warming" could feel like they make perfect sense.

It's actually pretty fun. Sometimes, it's too much of a simple procedural with an autistic lead character. However, there are a lot of good, fun episodes that are clever. Unlike other versions of Sherlock, the mysteries are written and depicted in a way that a discerning audience member can actually figure out based on the clues presented.

>Having some weird thing where he's teaching her to be a detective is unnecessary and a waste of time. He's already the best
That addition was because Lucy Liu didn't want to be a bumbling sidekick.

Watched the first few episodes i just couldn't get over the fact that dr. watson is an asian woman.

You know, it's not because i want to fuck chinks that i think this is any better than forcing niggers or whatever else. I hated it. Dr. Watson is a white man and that's it, anything else is just bullshit political propaganda, fuck this show too

not very good

It's the comfiest show I watch. I didn't have time to watch the last season and am going through it now. Fuck I forgot just how nice it is to watch this show. Shit works perfectly when I'm watching it while working, watching it while shitposting, watching it when curled up in bed ready to go to sleep. It's great.

And it hasn't turned to shit liker Sherlock did. There's no need to worry that some demon level enemy is going to turn up and take an entire continent hostage. Just nice, relatively low stakes fun. It's often very easy to figure out who did it, but there are other times when you can't and those are really good.

However there was one episode where it was such bullshit involving bees that even the characters knew it was bullshit.

>Basically Holmes muscle
Virtually every modern rendition of Sherlock Holmes portrays Holmes as a kung fu master capable of defeating several foes at once. I'm not sure Watson's combat capabilities are terribly relevant.

It's been a while since I read original stories, but I think in them Sherlock was circus strongman-level strong.

Watson was mostly a POV character/narrator to receive exposition.

No, it's a lot of fun. Better than Sherlock, IMO.

Since we are all comparing it to Sherlock.

How bad Sherlock really is? I decided to drop it when they didn't reveal how Sherlock survived and I heard it became somehow worse.

Watson originally existed just as an idiot Holmes could casually explain things to.

I was skeptical of a Sherlock Holmes adaptation with an Asian woman as Watson, but they actually do a good job building their relationship. Yes, Holmes is the best, but he's also extremely arrogant and has difficulty connecting with people on anything more than a superficial level. It makes perfect sense that he would want to teach someone the trade. He says in later episodes that he finds the role of mentor therapeutic in a way.
Anyway, they do a good job of gradually showing her growth as a detective, and it gives Sherlock an excuse to share detective techniques he would otherwise have no reason to mention. It works.

>"Canadian shipping company wants to assassinate an Aleut pro-gamer because of global warming"
What the fuck? Is that actually an episode?

I like it, especially when compared with BBC's Sherlock.

That said I wasn't a big fan of the finale

Yes, basically because of global warming, Northwest Passage is more available and they want to build a port on Aleut land. But Aleuts who live won't sell land to them because a pro-gamer hailing from this village feels really traditional and sends them lots of money so they don't.

Episode called "Rekt in Real Life".


Is this real or some sort of parody with dogs?

>they didn't reveal how Sherlock survived
Yes they did

it turned into a boring pile of dry dogshit the last couple seasons.
you have a low talking brit and a stuck up slant eye. if you like those things go for it


I liked the first season and the reveal of Moriarty was done well, though I disliked the entire rest of that character's plot. I tried watching season 2 but got bored maybe 3-4 episodes in.

Kill yourself

why ? did i trigger you ?
this kind of shit-tier broad appeal tv show is obviously about ingraining mental images on the population, setting up role models for how people should behave

and i said absolutely nothing wrong, this show is about shitting on western culture, it is in no different way than that show about troy

apparently moriarty is a woman too but i didn't watch that much
which is also fucking stupid, the only rival for a man is another man, this makes it shit
not to mention the white man+chink woman fighting vs white woman angle but that's another topic

oh and i remember they had a retarded nigger sidekick playing lestrade too, this one is kind of believable though but it's still racist af, and if it were up to me there'd be no minorities whatsoever

I stopped watching it when Anonymous showed up as the bad guy, pure cringe.

what is the best mystery show? early CSI is kino, i think

>falling for the bait.

dude, why

Underage b&

I like it. Gotten a bit stale but I still enjoy watching it. By far the most enjoyable recent interpretation of Holmes. Which is funny since on paper it sounds fucking awful.
>Sherlock Holmes in modern times in America with a female Watson

>oh and i remember they had a retarded nigger sidekick playing lestrade too
The nigger is a new donut steel character. This is Lestrade in the show.

you insult me cuz you know i'm telling the truth and you have no arguments against me

Why did you quote my post? It wasn't even a response to anyone. Who the fuck are you?

There's a character called Kitty that is introduced, Start from there.