There's something we have been warning but yet to have noticed.
The Western Civilization is DEAD.
Every single foundation of the West got damaged beyond repair right now:
>family values
>Christianity (even if you don't believe it you know this is a foundation)
>pride of our own countries is called racism
>gay/trans acceptation means society has nothing better to be doing
>mass invasion of symmetrically opposed cultures
>governments do not give a damn about their citizens religion being attacked, only cares about invasors
>whores are socially accepted
It is DEAD, not DYING. The West is out of tricks, I have no idea what follows this. It is already the 'bad enough' point, nothing can be worse than the new demolition that is scheduled to follow. I'm not saying we can't rebuild it, but it is already down.
What is your plan?
There's something we have been warning but yet to have noticed
Reboot the constitution.
Original 7 amendments only.
Then we start all over again with jews trying to ruin it by adding amendments.
Wait for economic collapse and form a tribe
Don't you mean the original 10 Amendments?
>>Christianity (even if you don't believe it you know this is a foundation)
>Unironically posts this with that pic
Wew lad
When, therefore, people of this blood begin to show symptoms of Communism, it can have
only one meaning: somehow their resistance has been so lowered that they have become the
victims of a virulent infection. And this is what I finally have to declare the influence of
Jesus upon our life to be. Whether at its worst, as it comes from the Church, or at its best as
it flows from his teaching itself, it is an alien, oriental, Jewish infection. All through the
centuries it has meant our weakening, our sickening, our self-betrayal. Indeed, from the
beginning it virtually implied and actually involved our gradual enslavement to values, to
ideals and to means that violated our instincts. Invariably, and inevitably, if any people gives
up the religion of its own creation to take up the religion of an alien people, it surrenders its
independence and to a considerable extent its identity. For our people to have adopted
Christianity was to yield up their life to the direction of Jews.
I'm gonna buy land and move there and try being self sufficient
Marcus Eli Ravage actually has claimed, “We have been at the bottom not merely of the
latest great war but of nearly all your wars: not only of the Russian but of every other major
revolution in your history. Your religion, your education, your morals, your social,
governmental and legal systems, are fundamentally of our making!” He speaks of the
“proved control of your whole civilization by the Jewish Gospels,” and concludes
triumphantly, “No conquest in history can even remotely compare with this clean sweep of
our conquest of you.”
it's been dead for 50 to 100 years . now its just vultures picking at the corpse
And if in the end Aryan
man, the supremely gifted and most masterful race known to history, should disappear from
the Earth, the primary reason for it will be his having succumbed to the virus of Christianity.
This has been the direst calamity in his entire history.
Jew and gentile, perhaps, most of all, Jew and Nordic gentile,
belong to two different worlds. And never the twain shall meet. Never shall the two
understand each other. Whatever of the Jew, therefore, got into Christianity, whether from
Jesus or from Paul, is shot through with the substance and feeling of the religious experience
of a race very different from the race that has chiefly made European civilization. These last,
whether they came from ancient India, Persia, Greece and Rome, or from northern Italy,
Spain, Germany, France, Britain or Scandinavia, have been predominantly Teutonic, Indo-
European, or in any case, gentile. Christianity, therefore and inevitably, has been a
contradiction among us. This alone is enough to account for the fact that it has been a
religion that we have professed but rarely practiced. Or even worse, when we have practiced
it, it often has been to our hurt. For it does not fit us.
It's a cycle, user. Egypt -> Greece -> Rome -> Byzantine // Ottomans -> EU/USA -> ISIL -> United Western Alliance
We've been trading ownership and progress of civilizations with shitskins since the dawn of civilization, it's just that most of the success comes when the West holds the ball. They'll crush us, fix the degeneracy, discover the base theory to some new form of technology, and collapse in 400 years. When that happens, we'll take the reigns again.
The fun part is China, they've always assumed they were on top and were literally never on top.
time to gtfo
You may be a jungle monkey but at least you can recognize the reality of this situation.
Meanwhile Sup Forums is hung up on
>hurr durr you need to impregnate more white wymnn and save da white race durr
nice 'shop, transvestis fagget
I don't think having more white babies will solve the situation. White people are mostly cucks nowadays anyway. That won't help.
im 40. i intend live as much of a white status quo life as i can for the last half of my life. that involves mitigating violent crime risk and avoiding large cities with large black populations as much as possible. their social structure will never change and will only get worse as america continues to deindustrialize.
That is very accurate.
You will need fortifications in a few decades.
Yes thats what I was saying. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to change the situation except vote.
I already live in an semi-militarized gated community. Hope the money lasts.
>tfw you consistently post serious political arguments and always get ignored by ignorant, illiterate Sup Forumstards.
Read some fucking books faggots.
> what happens next
Not only are our nations morally bankrupt, our governments are rapidly cannibalizing anything left of the economy.
The next step is culling the unfunded liablilities, which is why the establishment is itching for war.
They kept technologies like the water wheel and proper shipbuilding going while Europe forgot how to make a fucking road. The Dark Ages erased a ton of advancement for mankind, the Ottomans held onto some of it, and the Renaissance Italians / Great British Empire relearned it from them.
White civilization is always better, but white civilization also has an occasional bender at the local bar and passes the fuck out for a century for five.
No one is ignoring you...there just is nothing to add. you're correct.
And so the "correct" posters get ignored and their threads die, while the blatant baiters and trolls get 10,000 replies and slide all the legit threads out of existence.
Either way this board is filled with idiotic cucks.
I can't reply to your shit because I am not an Aryan, you have a few points there and it did seem that the Aryans are superior but what the fuck do you expect me to do?
Again, no disagreements.
Sup Forums is one of the last true bastions on earth, but it's been slowly slipping.
And yes you're correct, that is frustrating and I've been through that exactly feeling tons of thousands of times in my life.
Its not dead but slowly commiting suicide
Will die fully in 2050
God bless i wont be around for it
But won't your kids/grandkids? I don't think I will be either but.. That's why I even worry.
Lately I've been reading Evelyn Waugh and H. L. Mencken, two of the finest writers of the English language. I listen to classical music and watch black and white movies on TCM. Of course, I don't live in a cave and can't isolate myself from "modern culture" and news and olympics and elections, but I try to fill myself with some authenticity. When it feels hopeless and I drink too much, I know I will lose the war. I just hope to win a few personal battles in the meantime.
I dont want to spawn my little pure aryan babies onto this shit hole
Caner pls take me away.
That reminds me, scientists said that by 2050 something like 80% of population will have some kind of cancer so maybe the world will cleanse itself from human filth
Stop living for yourself and start living for something greater than yourself.
That is the only way to transcend your basic useless mortality.
i moved to oregon from SE michigan, home of the most violent major city in america. now i live with hippies and retarded liberals but at least they aren't violent and the states black population is barely 2%.
Whites becoming outbred is surely part of the problem.
That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.
This is a message to everyone: you can't outrun the coming tide. Stand and fight it with your fellow Americans/humans. Running into the woods is futile, they will find you.
m8 you aint a western country
But Mexico looks good
Yes, just as soon as I become a communist.
>gay/trans acceptation means society has nothing better to be doing
even for Sup Forums this is bottom tier shitposting
here's a pic to trigger you
Fuck off, NordLARPer.
With out Christianity scandies would be living in mud huts like Africans.
Europe mastered the entire world only when they were Christian.
Norse armies tended to lose most battles against Christian armies. Even a tiny English kingdom of peasants defeated the 'GRand Heathen Army. Norse mythology is a joke, senpai.