Get banned within 2 minutes for posting an on topic thread

>get banned within 2 minutes for posting an on topic thread
>cuckold porn stays on main page for over 25 minutes

cuckolds and blacked are officially Sup Forums-canon

Jannies and mods are uniroincally /leftypol/ and Jews

You now realise it's the Mods making cuckold threads.

That was very informative, thankyou

wtf im leavin this shithole, best reason i ever had


>alt right whining intensifies
I hope it was me who reported your thread.

>bragging about being on the watch over time on this board reporting threads that upset your autism

Stay on Sup Forums you racist Drumpf assclown and don't bother us with your "on topic" threads a la "librul shit propaganda film!!!!" or "fucking n*ggers in my movies!!!"

You're disgusting

Fuck off to r/political incorrect, safe space drumpfbaby

>alt right autistic rage intensifies

I can't tell if these are bot replies or satire

Neither, "praise Kek" faggot.
Now back to Sup Forums with you

What did Jonah mean by that?

Just goes to show what kind of fetish hot pockets and mods are into :^)

Social engineering

>make retarded politics thread
>b-but Trump is on television so it's on-topic!
fuck off and die.

>start a popular thread that is full of decent replies and discussion
>mods ban it because its not 100% on topic to the board

>get banned on Sup Forums for responding to a Sup Forums thread while insulting Trump
>thread itself stays up and the OP gets zero punishment

What are you even talking about you braindead baboon

>get banned for calling an actor a hack and daring Sup Forums to prove me wrong
>banned within minutes
>"ask a gender fluid person anything" thread
> up for 3 hours. 200+ posts