What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood honestly?
What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood honestly?
good goyum want to keep their jobs
What the fuck are they going to do that they haven't done already?
Were they not already pissed off? And why are they not afraid of islam?
George is gay and trans are basically just gays who went a step further so he has a dog in this fight.
The sister fister just inserts herself into things that she has nothing to do with
The gay community does not equal the trans community.
Most gays are indifferent to trans or outright belligerent and dismissive
It's full of degenerate pedophiles if creepy old Takei that feels up young dudes dicks on the Howard Stern show is a roll model for you then kill yourself.
It's almost like people have opinions that are different from yours. Mind-blowing huh
Damn, how fucked is he now
seriously though, he'll never work in hollywood ever again
Just like George Tekai
That's impossible considering he's in bed with Zionist Israelis.
i'm only like 30% gay myself so i'm not the best authority on this, but i wouldn't really see trans people as fighting the same fight as me if i was a totally gay dude. when it comes down to it, gays are people who prefer to facesitting from the same gender, whereas trans people typically go through hormone treatment, surgery, therapy and all other sorts of crazy shit to get what they want, and they very often don't come out very sane when they're done, and i wouldn't really want to be compared to them if i was gay
>The gay community does not equal the trans community.
Yes it does. You're all just a bunch of sick faggots. Some are just more fucked up than others.
relax, celebrities, there's still plenty of chances for this to fall apart actually being implemented, like other things trump has tried
>sign up for uncle same
>decides you want to be a new gender
>spend half or more of your minimum 4 years in and out of surgery, taking hormone pills and changing your body type
>then comes the question of where the fuck do we put you, both during this transition and when youve become whatever Frankenstein creation youve become
>do you belong with the women, the men, what standards do you have to follow and how will that change your MOS and PT scores
>not to mention being in combat
the military is not a place to be an individual, you are a cog in the machine and nothing more. Anything else and you'll piss everyone off around and get yourself hazed until you shape up or wash out
pastor pls go, you need to practice your sermon for tomorrow
>you pissed off the wrong community
lmao wtf you gonna do, cum on the white house. make an orgy near it
Why can't they be normal socially well-adjusted individuals like us??
Call him a bigot, racist, sexist etc.
Why would people with mental illnesses be allowed to join the military?
I'm an atheist, you're just a sick, diseased, fag. Shall I post stats of STD and suicide rates to prove my points?
just conveniently ignore all those already-serving trans people that arent causing any of those issues, right?
>implying most of the generals weren't the ones that made the decision
Probably has something to do with the AIDS
yes, this is surely a new and unique phenomenon. all conservatives spent the obama years being levelheaeded and sane and reasonable and never doing or saying anything ridiculous
What, all 5?
>Can't be depressed
>Should be able to have a disorder that requires you to down hormones like candy and mutilate your genitals
>30% gay myself
>gays are people who prefer to facesitting from the same gender
>if I was gay
Which part of Scandanavia do you hail from?
Shadilay, Pajeet!
>if you bury your gead deep enough in the sand, you'll find some yummy worms to snack on while you're down there!
all 15,000 of them right?
Transgender people don't give a flying fuck about this.
No one MTF or FTM was ever planning on joining the military.
>pfft, why do you think they're all the way you say when they're so obviously actually the way that I say?!?!
>if you hate gays you are a poo
Don't forget to get yourself checked out, fag.
you seem upset
Were you?
>No one MTF or FTM was ever planning on joining the military.
They were, but mainly for the benefits of the govt. funding their transition.
I still don't get what that whole issue is about? What are the medical costs they keep talking about? How is it different if a tranny gets his or her arm or leg blown off?