Will esports make it on TV or will they fail like they have in the past?
>Taxpayer funded esports coverage
I yam a afffleeet
>taxpayer funded education/healthcare/anything else
Let's hope not.
Hope they cover the return of Broodwar HD
It will fail. Normies are never going to care about a bunch of betas playing video games.
e league does pretty well and it covers like 6 games now,
E-league has about the same number of viewers as ancient Seinfeld reruns that air at 2AM.
No because only nerds like watching games.
taxpayer funded history
we wuz blaksmiffs n sheiiiiit bruv
It's really no shock that white women are getting blacked at record breaking levels. Modern day white boys are so beta that they're too busy playing video games.
Video games are better than women though. You'll understand when you get a girlfriend and you have no time for video games, or TV. I can't even get an album in these days.
>and you have no time for video games, or TV
Sounds like you're just too beta to manage a relationship. Probably a clinger. I'm glad video games have given a place to escapist losers like you.
Why would anyone need esports on TV. TV is dead
It's more down to my job and loving situation which should be sorted by the end of the year but we can't all be NEET like you despite how much we wish.
The people who care about that kind of thing, don't watch TV, and if they do they pirate their shit.
>pay taxes
>get free education, infrastructure, healthcare, welfare in times of need
Hmmm, truly noting in return
Fuck off to Sup Forums trumpbaby
>this is what goes through the mind of a wageslave cuckboy
lmao. enjoy wasting your life.
also romans
Enjoy festering in your dead mom's baby milk.
Is that some elaborate plot to convince the bongs to stop paying for the BBC license?
That have been on TV for years
Only in graveyard slots on obscure shows. Because this is a niche and boring as fuck to watch unless you have a understanding of the games meta.
Esports garbage ruined gaming, just look at the clusterfuck with PUBG and steamers, tv would just double down on the shittiness
I don't get it. When was a kid watching my friends play video games was the most boring and frustrating thing in the world
>complains about having no time
>is shitposting on Sup Forums
I find when you understand the meta its even more boring.
I hope WoW makes it so I can watch high level guilds raiding on my comfy TV
> WoW
> relevant
Even pathetic twitch fags don't watch WoW.
>watching pasty-faced, acne-scarred, gangly miscreants who walk without moving their arms, and speak in monotone voices, compete in "sports" (that don't even require them to leave their seat)
>paying tax so these absolute fucking losers at everything life-related can indulge their myopic whims at desks while viewing computer screens up really, really close
Wew lad. Just WEW. Look how mad sperglords got, when this champion exposed their pathetic selves. Look at all those dislikes. Oh, THAT showed them!
Gamers should KILL themselves.
Pull that back right now.
The only decent "esport" that is actually fun to watch, even for outsiders, is CSGO.
Why would they need to? Cable is a dying medium and esports and the internet already go hand in hand
>I've created a race of dummies
>t. god while looking at an african
What did they mean by this?
>not paying taxes
>still get free education, infrastructure, healthcare and welfare all the time
mmm i wonder why tax payers have a problem with taxes
I only watch fighting games
can't fucking wait for the new ex layer game.
>bunch of cheaters trying to outcheat eachother
The only watchable esport game is Dota 2
>mfw e-sports will be bigger than real sports when the boomers die off
Well BBC3 is no longer a broadcast television channel, so technically it's being streamed online just under the supervision of the BBC. So this isn't much different to its previous arenas
> some fat burger or malnourished gook farming for 20 minutes
> watchable
I watched Faker destroy the world hopes three finals in a row and it was amazing.
I think young people like real sports too. Isn't Sup Forums a really popular board?
> mfw when gamers and their pathetic heroes will still be virgins
You deserve the blackening that's happening right now.
You just jelly cause you lack fingers.
>celebrating the devolution of society, by supporting these donks who are steadily going blind while developing RSI, contributing nothing at all of value, and inspiring absolutely nobody to physically be the best they can be
5 minutes alone in a padded room with one of these sad cunts, and not only would I make them wish they were dead, they'd be inspired to spread the message to other wannabe-"esporters" that Hell is coming for them all.
What the fuck are esports? sports?
You have Sup Forums for that, fuck off.
> tax money goes towards this
Taxation really is theft at this point.
You must be 18+ to post here.
>What the fuck are espeorts?
Pic related events
I honestly think that videogames are the downfall of humanity, I mean it's okay to casually play a game, but to be obsessed and taking vieogames like it's something of value, people who do this should be killed with a blade.
Futbol, baloncesto, bullfighting...you know, the esports
bbc three isn't on tv anymore m8
A lot of empty seats. The fucking butter tart festival was more full than this.
I want Sheever to smother me with her pusy
Of course it will fail. Do you think anyone will watch aspies like this?
A comet can't come soon enough.
BBC Three is online only, not on TV
Literally no one will watch it instead of Twitch.tv
BBC execs showing once again how fucking incompetent they are with public funds.
Those are all /ourguys/ except for faggot reddit Seagull
That's one of the early Dota International tours. You should see the hype over there in Asia, the gamers are more popular then your favorite artists over here.
Not that I care about sports, but fuck that shit.
ti4 wasnt early newfag
I want sjokz to sit on my face
I'm quite serious when I say that the U.S. should test its modern weaponry at events like this.
It clearly says 2014, first international was in 2011
>the gamers are more popular then your favorite artists over here
Outside of South Korea nobody gives a shit. I've lived in both China and Japan and 99% of the population couldn't name a "professional gamer." Even in South Korea the popularity of gaming is highly overstated.
the international was established as the biggest esport event way before ti4 (in TWO THOUSAND AND FOUR)
>That's one of the early Dota International tours
More people watched the world scrabble championships. Pathetic.
Check the money prize.
If BBC is willing to pick it up, then you know it's pure degeneracy.
> implying a large money prize would make this kind of beta behavior and degeneracy acceptable
Well it kinda is slowly.
Its already here just needs a little stronger push
Once the economy collapses gamers will be some of the first against the wall.
post some esports kino
The only esports "athletes" that could be shown on TV are the CSGO ones.
this was TI4
we don't talk about TI4
BBC 3 isn’t on TV anymore, it went online only years ago. Ginx TV was a video game channel with reviews and stuff but it shows mainly esports nowadays, even renamed the channel Ginx E-sports TV
who will play /ourguy/ in the inevitable biopic?
>we went from Roman gladiators, to this
Bountiful times breed weak men. But weak men bring forth harsh times and from this, we will rise and crush you all.
Only with low IQ and no degree people
I hope they fail, they're trying to push this too much, first they included it into actual sports, like what kind of a sport is being good at a video game.
I mean I like to play a good game from time to time as well like every other dude, but trying to live on that game and dedicating your whole life on it isn't really good.
We already have that in Finland.
I'm 99% sure the tories are trying to crash the beeb with no survivors
and it won't be missed
>match fixer
>our guy
THIS is /ourguy/
The most hilarious thing is the game they play. I remember when the players decided which games were good for competition and which were not. Now the publishers decide.
I'm glad I don't have TV licence.
tfw IBUYPOWER unbanned
E-sports people watch it on twitch anyway, I bet most of them don't even have tv access, because their parents are more likely to be watching something else.
At least we can agree that SC2 is the patrician e-sport right?
As if watching overpaid niggers and chads throw balls at each other is that much more entertaining. All of it is "what the fuck is wrong with you"-tier entertainment, where you wonder how someone could enjoy what isn't too far from paint drying.
At least with e-sports they don't have to stop every five seconds because someone got an e-penalty.
>thinking fnatic never threw
>a-move 200psi ball
>whoever wins the fight wins
brood war is the patrician e-sport, newfriend
not only does it have THICK in the url, it's probably the best pro frag video
also C9 is the best
more than you've done with your life
>mfw Hearthstone TV
there are so many shitty channels I don't see why not
but this just seems like a way to show more ads. I don't see what's better for the viewer than twitch, besides twitch being too lazy to make a samsung TV app
>no black soldiers
>what are nubians