This shit should be illegal

This shit should be illegal.

I named my vibrator Ivanka since its made of plastic like she is

thats not now you spell required.


I guess if you want to be mislead into having ugly children.

Money might not buy happiness, but it sure does buy good looks.

>This fake bullshit image again

Omg, i hate cruz now im a #hillmissle time to correcttheshill and record my correct vagina vote

>Implying self-improvement is a Jewish Trick
>Implying pride in appearance is dishonest
>Implying elites are as malleable and suggestible as the tv consuming proles

Middle class people get braces.
Upper class people get personal trainers and plastic surgeons.

Think the Chinese ruling class is going to look like flat faced ching chongs when they figure out gene fixing?

Well to be fair it looks like she only had a nose job.

That guy needs some body fat.


funny how straight men always think taking things to extremes is the best idea