How will Sup Forums react when it inevitably wins an academy award?
How will Sup Forums react when it inevitably wins an academy award?
I'll never work for WB. They can kiss my white ass.
I just cannot take women seriously.
Imagine being buttblasted by DC winning and BTFOing virgins like you
>there are people still caring about virtue signaling: the award
With the exact-same expression I reserve for any and all capeshit.
Unfortunately this is likely to happen.
What is the closest competitor right now? Dunkirk? Featuring all white CIS males and no blacks and women? You really think the Academy Awards are going to vote for Dunkirk? pfhahaha
Total ambivalence, since I expect it to take an effects credit it won't deserve, or perhaps some other ancillary reward.
It if gets a best actor/actress nom, I will shit myself with laughter. If it gets a nom for Best Picture, I will take up arms and join Brother Nathaniel, since the end days are nigh.
You're an odd little fella, aren't you?
It's already happening, see the revisionism about WW. Sup Forums will never admit they're always wrong, I just expect more hilarity.
t. oscarlet m/a/rvlet
Absolute waste of digits. kys.
It won't win best picture but has a chance in costume design and makeup I suppose
we will have another sw trash with strong females
The Oscars are a joke and it's really easy to get one if you're high profile, which is even more embarassing for the MCU
Why anyone on Sup Forums would legitimately care about the Oscars when it's all just one long Hollywood jerkoff session is beyond me.
Hopefully Apes gets the effects credit. Those monkeys always look great
In this timeline I wouldn't even fucking doubt it
>Oscars don't matter DCuck
What the fuck could it possibly win for except possibly effects which IMO aren't even worth a nom
>that retard thinking that it made $6 million in the first weekend
>that revisionism
Got more?
I'm hoping it wins
All awards should only be allowed to be accepted with actor/actress in full movie costume
That'd be pretty cash
decent film. The tone was right.
>A blue eyed white man saves the day and is the real hero of the film.
Doesn't deserve any awards.
Ill begin shitposting as a DC fanboy shitting up Marvel threads.
Here is a taste "TWO (2) oscars you marvel drones, how does it feel to watch your shitty drivel without any awards?"
I can't name 3 oscar winners from the last 10 years
Doubt I would care
Have a laugh
Fucking saved. Thanks, based DCbro.
Pine could legit take best supporting actor. He did a fantastic job with Steve.
Like the HAHAHAHANOOOO guy that keeps still making threads about WW.
Is it really a big surprise the DC nonwhites are happy that Suicide Squad won because of immigrants? Remember these are the same people that want to come to america
Here's the deal. *Every* American should want people to dream of becoming an American.
It's at the very heart of everything this country's supposed to be about. So I welcome them, fully expect them to remember their traditions, their culture, even their language, but I also expect them to assimilate into society and acknowledge that the reason they ever wanted to be here in the first place is because our philosophies, principals, and the culture that we have all built together are objectively superior to the one they left behind.
In other words, I expect Americans, native-born and naturalized alike, to come together as parts of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
You know I won't disagree there
He was about the only redeeming part
He made the movie really
Him and Gal did work off of each other well
You don't fit in here very well bruh
>because of immigrants
This isn't fun anymore, MCUcks are depressing me now
The problem with your dream is countries/nations are a dead, obsolete concept. Corporations are the new world order.
Too bad this outlook isn't shared by more people landed and otherwise
So many immigrants fail to see the blessing of being able to relocate and then fail to integrate themselves so in turn the people who were already here get a bigger chip on their shoulder
>Kike award goes to a kike movie
I find it extremely unlikely it'll get nominated for best picture.
You might as well admit to the public that all the oscars are literally bought by then.
That's such a shame, because I bet they do take you seriously. They all must be struggling really hard to earn your respect, I think you should be more considerate.
I fucking wish it doesn't win best picture but Jenkins does win best director. It's not like there's any credibility to the Oscars anyway and it would make Marvel and Snyder fags so fucking mad.
Damn spiderman v iron man got crushed by THAT?
I don't disagree with you. We need to rein in global megacorporations. The time for doing so is almost beyond us. I keep waiting for people to realize that corporations, no matter how "progressive" are enlightened despotism at best.
Things used to be different. Immigrants in generation 0 used to insist on making damn sure that generation 1 was well on its way to being fully Americanized.
I think that time will come again. I hope it does. It feels sort of weird - I'm not racist or nationalist, but I'm definitely "culturalist," if that's even a thing. I can't imagine how anyone can begin to claim that Western culture isn't pretty much the best thing going in the world right now.
It was a solid movie. I wouldn't care that much.
I actually believe the box office of this crap is fabricated to fit todays political message, so I wouldn't be surprised if it "earned" an Oscar.
I'm a Snyderfag. It wouldn't bother me a bit.
Why didn't BvS or MoS get any nominations? It deserved some technical categories, like Suicide Squad
Just goes to show the irrational hatred/love the Academy has for stuff
>Things used to be different. Immigrants in generation 0 used to insist on making damn sure that generation 1 was well on its way to being fully Americanized.
>I think that time will come again. I hope it does. It feels sort of weird - I'm not racist or nationalist, but I'm definitely "culturalist," if that's even a thing. I can't imagine how anyone can begin to claim that Western culture isn't pretty much the best thing going in the world right now
Everything you said here
I agree with except I am Canadian not American but that's just splitting hairs when it comes to western culture thing. I would only say that there is a happy medium that is not around anymore.
Yeah, I would be inclined to agree.
You didn't see Homecoming's bad CGI suit?
nope, he played the typical quip-loving manly american agent. below average actor 2bh.
It's not Oscar season yet. Bait like Detroit is still coming
You're in the minority. Snyder faggots here shat on WW almost as much as Marvel faggots, if not more.
Vocal minority is my guess, probably some false-flaggers, too.
I don't think Wonder Woman's a better movie, mind you. I just think it's accessible enough that normies(like the Academy) can understand everything that's going on in it.
>capshit gets oscar
its already a worthless award
BvS being bad doesn't have anything to do with not understanding it.
It will win best director.
Dunno why you faggots made so much noise about it. It was less obnoxious and in my face sjw than star wars. I thought it was done quite well.
I expect an influx of spics and pajeets spamming "capekino" and "marlets btfo"
The Academy Awards are becoming an utter joke. It's an award that a small group of people give themselves. Wonder Woman was a good film and might be worthy of an award for special effects, sound, costumes, or something like that. But, if the academy selects winners based on merit, Wonder Woman cannot win an award for best actor/actress, best director, or best picture. If it does, the Academy Award becomes as meaningless as Obama's Nobel Peace Prize, which has always been the ugliest, most politicized Nobel.
Gal Gadot will go on tour sucking every Acadejew voter's cock to get this flick a nomination
I will bump your faggot face
I thought the movie was boring garbage. You know, like all capeshit is.
why does DC cgi look like such shit all the time?
WW's sfx don't hold a candle to Valerian's. Plus there's still The Last Jedi to come which will almost certainly blow it out of the water in that department.
Likely nominations are probably
>costume design
>supporting actor
The only one it an realistically win is costume design. I imagine the Academy will throw Patty Jenkins a bone in the director nom for female representation, but she's not in serious contention.
This board isnt just you and one other person
Mcu Pajeets
Capeshit more like capes hit. Amirite /thread
But even among superhero films Logan is far more deserving
The Film is fine except for the last act. Better than every MCU film besides first iron man anyway
>bbbbutttttt muh GotG
i liked that more but its a poorly made film from a cinematic viewpoint
reminder that suicide squad has an oscar
why dont dkeks ever use the actual poster?
>movie that feminist's hate
>all because it has a fashion model lead who loves a white man
>the movie wins an oscar
>no more movies focusing on plain janes, dykes, fatasses, niggers, or interracial shit
>only slinky white women with white male love interests
Sup Forums will celebrate
It wouldn't be the first DC movie to do so.
what a self-important retarded faggot. Maybe focus more on how to make a fucking coherent movie first you incompetent hack.
Fuck off you retarded faggot.
english as a second language
My girl.
it would be great match up with "Get Out", "The Cure For Wellness", "Somg To Song", "Catfight", & "Logan" at this point.