I think it's great that Hollywood has finally woke and started including us POC in movies that takes place in medieval Europe.
I think it's great that Hollywood has finally woke and started including us POC in movies that takes place in medieval...
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In a fictional setting with giant elephants, magic towers, with the film being centered in and around a huge port city, you mean?
Yeah. It's good to finally get recognition.
The Excalibur super power scenes were cooler than most capeshit movies
regardless of politics, the movie sucked
>tfw the movie bombed and we won't get a sequel with black Lancelot cucking Arthur
>the movie sucked
A movie prominently starring David Beckham sucked. You don't say.
not even CIA could interest Sup Forums in this movie.
How much screentime did CIA get? Did he play a big role?
i doth
God this is so stupid, you african savages werent even considered people until 1965.
nope, he played cuck beta role
Minor role as an archer, but enough to be one of the main character's buddies. Roose Bolton is in it too.
Same, I actually liked it too. "Devil and the Huntsman" is a really cool song.
you could replace david with anyone else and that movie wouldn't improve
the writing and directing was just terrible
I wouldn't know, all I know is they cast him in a significant role so that ruled out any possibility of it being a good movie.
No serious filmmaker would cast some big name football celeb if his intention was to make a decent movie. Hell even a footballer's cameo could totally ruin it completely ending immersion and making the whole thing laughable.
I wonder if we'll get a sequel?
Fuck off, Sup Forums talks about this movie constantly. It's the most praise I've seen for it anywhere which is nice because I like it.
>all I know is they cast him in a significant role
So you don't know anything. It was literally a minor cameo, you fucking moron.
Cry me a river fanboy. Not interested in seeing it even if someone were to pay me to.
Not a main character but he was one of "the crew" so he was around quite a bit and had some great scenes which Sup Forums will probably meme hard about once the blu-ray rip is out and we can get good screencaps. My favorite part was when he knew it was a trap but was like "Fuck that guy" and shot him anyway. Also his character is named Bill which is, of course, funny because of Bill Wilson. He survives the movie so if it ends up with a sequel (which it could, because Guy Ritchie does not give a fuck about whether his movies succeed financially) he's gonna be one of the Knights of the Round Table. You remember Sir Bill from Arturian legend.
I don't care, you came in to shitpost the thread with lies and I BTFO you with the truth. Now nobody will listen to a word you have to say.
>I don't care, you came in to shitpost the thread with lies and I BTFO you with the truth. Now nobody will listen to a word you have to say.
Lord autismo strikes again. Congratulations old chap.
pretty sure its never implied that the movie takes place in medieval europe
the film has no pretence of historical accuracy, its a fantasy setting with giant fucking elephants and dark souls-esque behemoths with double-ended scythes, therefore its okay for a few black and asian people to appear in lead roles
why'd it get so much hate from everybody?
Did it bother anyone else that the way the brother of the king just one day decides to kill both his brother & wife out of nowhere
Yeah I know it's implied Mordred did "something" to his thoughts & general attitude but it's never brought up
> and started including us POC in movies that takes place in medieval Europe.
The movie bombed btw so don't get your hopes up for a sequel. Knight movies will never be successful it seems
i loved this scene and the badlands gag
>gets BTFO
>b-b-b-but autism!
Nice try, but you've already ruined your credibility. I BTFO you with the truth and now nobody will listen to a word you have to say.
I wish the entire movie would have taken place in the badlands that entire section felt like a completely different movie
>Reminder that CIA and Jax Teller once had graphic gay sex in a tv show
there was going to be six more films right?
apparently they had planned for a 6 films franchise
dead at arrival lmao
the kicker when you realize what the "stone" is made from is great after a re-watch
I think it had some pacing issues, and could have either started later in Arthur's life or done with a smaller scope, I feel like too much was packed in at once, the Darklands part seemed pretty important and badly skipped over so they could dwell on the later stuff.
It was a fun movie, I liked its style, the Excalibur power stuff was videogames as fuck but in a good way, and the music was really good, too. The Devil and the Huntsman song was really good.
I honestly thought at first he got possessed by Mordred and that's why Mordred didn't put up a fight against Uther. But that doesn't seem like what they went for.
Some of the jokes were great m8 what's wrong with you
Post the other one too
>We want the anime audience
what other one? I am gonna do him versus Deathdealer though
Things they did WRONG
>Schizophrenic camera work where the angle changes way too often
>King Arthur raised in a brothel and was raised by a whore (disrespectful to the actual legend)
>Niggers with English accents
>Chinese guys with Chinese accents (wtf)
>He's a "bad boy" instead of a chivalrous knight devoted to Christ and Kingdom
>Autistic wizard girl
>King Arthur was the king of Britannia, not England
>King Arthur was native British which makes him a Celt, extremely disrespectful to say he is English
>King Arthur fought the Anglo-Saxons, not the "vikings"
>King Arthur was not raised in Londinium which was a city occupied by his enemies
Things they did right
>The "power" of Excalibur slows time to a standstill and augments his natural fighting capabilities instead of shooting lasers
>CGI and special effects were pretty good
>Managed to introduce you to his character and show him growing up in a very concise manner
>shooting lazers
I see what you did there
literally worse than the Assassins creed Revelations trailer
Buddy did you not notice this was 99% a fantasy movie with only the vaguest pretense of historical fiction?
>generating a shockwave (SHOCKWAVE~) is fine but lasers aren't
man fuck you
It was boring as fuck, all of it felt forced and ridiculous; there was no chemistry between any of the characters.
I don't care about the negro, he's an ok actor in a shit role in this movie.
>Using a pre-existing character in a different story
>Altering the character beyond recognition while still piggy backing off the cultural relevance of the original character for muh box office
Not fine.
They should at least be able to get the rudimentary things down. They tried to be historically accurate with some parts which intrigued me but then they just threw the rest of it out the window. It's like they threw that shit in there for the people who actually watched it hoping it would resemble King Arthur then they give you a big middle finger after they catch your attention
Shockwave was lazy, I agree. The scene was already taking wayy too long and they were like "fuck, if we show him going onto the battlements that will be another 45 seconds of this extremely expensive CGI" so they just had him WHOOSH them down.
Looks like a video game. This is how you do a sword fight with mystical overtones.
(canned laughter)
Holy shit, that scene is awful.
Holy fuck that was awful. I've played games that looked better
but that was one of the best parts
The problem with the movie is that it never went all the way. It was always holding something back, which it seemed to be building to but afraid to show.
watching it now, all the actors phoned it in lmao, it looks like they did 1 take for everything
this is one of the worst movies i've ever seen
>medieval Neo Vs. Smiths
>a chivalrous knight
Arthur was an example for anything BUT a chivalrous knight, you doofus, as was all the knights of the round table.
What's with the invisible air effect did the directer watch too much Fate/Stay Night?
>implying Gawain wasn't chivalrous
>Implying he was
Was he even in this adaption?
dat soundtrack tho
Was the woman Merlin?
No, she's just a mage, we see Merlin once making the sword in a flashback