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oyyy veyyyyyy

Post YFW the goyim are onto the Zionist world domination plot, so 100 year old dying George Soros offers himself up as a sacrificial lamb, abandoning secrecy for the limelight so his 100 NWO brothers can continue to act in secrecy.

Why is Fox News actually reporting this

Aren't they owned by Jews?


gevalt yadda yadda

He fucked up. People are starting to notice what he's up to now.

It's too late; Fox News has enough influential people who are strongly pro-Trump that they CANNOT bury this.


Welp, that reporter will be dead by the end of the week, if not sooner.

friendly reminder the only reason his name is mainstream is because of him being a meme on Sup Forums





Have we started the fire?

>The fire rises

Man O'Reilly was taring this Kike apart tonight although I am guessing he was triggered to discover Soros was funding Leftist anti-Israel groups.


Thinking this as well. He got named, and now they are "throwing him to the wolves". The funding of these organizations wont stop though.

I mean, I hate the bitch, but she's not wrong.

What's wrong with prosecuting people for slander, or libel?

And you don't think your next-door neighbor should be allowed to own atom bombs, do you?


Bullshit. He was well known before Sup Forums ever existed.

This isnt new. Oreilly literally mapped out Soros bux and all his front organizations on their show

Another good one from last night. Democratic bitch got torn apart on the Soros question.

>CTRL+F "J00"
>Zero results
Who's Soros? Some Spanish Guy?

no big deal goyim

you soon will mysteriously an hero.

i'm kidding. TAKE THIS DOWN NOW GOY!!


>implying people wont be asking who else is in on this and search for the NWO brothers

Thanks for link.

Oh, wait... (asshole)


That was the weird guy they is his name I forget?

I used to hate O'Reilly immensely at one point. Turns out he has the biggest balls to expose this fucker.

Dont get too carried away boys. Soros is just a front man himself for the 'deep state'. If anything should actually happen to him, it's because he's been then monkey's paw, and a sacrifice to quell the masses.

holy shit. did the washington times just redpill the world?

BLM is a terrorist organization funded by (((liberal agenda billionaires))) including one (((George Soros)))

>What's wrong with prosecuting people for slander, or libel?
we prosecute the media for it, nobody else.

if we start doing it to people then anything they dont like = slander.


That's not a donation, that's someone investing a lot of money to push a political agenda.

Glen beck?

Why does he want to destroy the western world?
Seriously. He's old as fuck and he has more money than god. What does he have to gain from all this NWO shit?

BLM paid millions by The Ford Foundation, Borealis Philanthropy, and $33M from top Democratic Party Donor (((George Soros)))

No, you're reading it wrong. It's a push for legitimacy of BLM under the 'logic' of: since 'legitimate' liberal organizations have funded BLM, then BLM must be legitimate as well.

I enjoy insulting the pedophile mohammed and would like that to not be regulated.

(((They))) thrive in chaos and discord. When every side is fighting every other side, being the moneylender and arms supplier is a lucrative existence.

Yeah that's the guy! Soros had him fired finally.

There's nothing wrong with it. The issue is they will selectively attack Conservatives with it while turning a blind eye to Liberals.

As they already do in most of the Western world

is this for fucking real? Soros dumping money into all this shit has been common knowledge since practically last year. why are they only now jumping on this? did Soros do something? turn his back on them? did they realized he's only in it for the money and his own vanity (I refer to his attempts at 'philosophy,' which, while developed, cannot account for anything beyond a nihilistic approach.)

Because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

If what you're doing is right you don't need fundraising in order to get your movement to work



"...The movement for Black Lives, which unveiled a policy agenda shortly after the fund was announced accusing Israel of being an "apartheid state" guilty of "genocide."

Leaked emails showing definitive proof that he's controlling politicians, like Shillary.

I don't know, I can't help but feel sorry for him. He really thought he was onto something, and now it's blowing up in his face.

reminds me a little of myself.

Soros will die within a fortnight. Kek has willed it.

Aside from his funky-ass god complex, he's still very much consumed by the desire to profit off of everything he can. To that end, he plays every side he can against the rest to try and create environments where his short-selling shenanigans can fatten his bank accounts. Even the Jews at large aren't immune, and now that the leaks have shown that he's quite willing to steal your favorite dreidel and then sell it back to you broken, expect them to start raking him over the coals.

This is somewhat along the lines of what I was thinking too. There's no way this decrepit old mummie didn't hand over control of his operations to a successor(s); he could die in in sleep at anytime, it's too risky.

Somethings fishy... maybe these revelations plays into their hand, be very wary.

oh I see, now we have "definitive" proof, as opposed to, say, (((coincidental))).

sounds to me more like he's getting thrown under the bus.

How does he still live being that hostile to both Israel and Russia. This guy must have an army protecting him.

The new Left is vehemently anti-Israel.

What's more confusing is that he's aligning himself with a left-wing group that considers Israel an "apartheid state" guilty of "genocide."

What the actual fuck is going on, Sup Forums? Why is Soros donating to a group that hates Israel?

That policy was obviously paid for. Someone wants to twist Israel's arm over something.

Rolling rolling rolling

True. It's become all the rage on college campuses now. Even Occupy wallstreet fuckers were chanting and carrying ant-semitic signs.

which group is this exactly? I know he's been pumping money into anti-Europe groups like the migrants and blm, but, for example, when Femen tried to start a branch in Israel he stopped funding them.

I almost wonder if he even KNEW they were anti-Israel, or if he was set up.

Why does he put money into groups that hate Israel?

this may just be another example of liberals cannibalizing each other again. and again. and again.

>Even Occupy wallstreet fuckers were chanting and carrying ant-semitic signs.

There were only a few reports of that at the very start of the campaign, and it came across as a PR trick to discredit a movement primarily going after bankers.


We knew all this months ago. What changed at Fox?

I know there has to be some kind of spin or context to this, but it makes me pretty fucking happy regardless.

Bulgaria in celebrations already

Is this TRUMPS?

Time to hit him in the head so he doesn't wake up

>New reports

Sup Forums has been saying this for years and now Fox acts like they just now discovered this?

I thought flying the Nazi flag was illegal in Europe?

>Jewish Marxism indoctrination schools (all modern colleges) producing anti-Israel leftists

>Palpatine SuperJew funding anti Israel groups

>The new Left is vehemently anti-Israel.
Amazes me that half of Sup Forums does not seem to have noticed this.

He ruins his name too much, it's over for his kids too.

(((They))) can't risk elevating the kids too high, and they'll be shunned even harder by outsiders if the Soros name is publicly dragged through the mud.

We all know about Soros, everyone has known for years, I have two questions now.
Was being outed part of his plan? Is this part of the end game, the Jews coming out from behind the curtain.
We know he's not alone in his manipulation, in fact he's probably only a minion, will they be more forthcoming with their global world order now?



He hates nationalism for ANY nation and wants to dissolve borders for all countries. In other words, he wants a One World Government and the only way to achieve that is to wipe out nationalism from all nations.

why? an old man's vanity allows him to be manipulated and dealt with by the same politicians he thought he had in his pocket. Soros never was in control. He just thought he was, and now they're playing their hand and tying up this one loose end.

Soon they shall fly over the land as they once did.

>europe has one set of laws
>eastern europe has laws

sayonara, motherfucker

>mfw jews are btfo

It's only Germany that has specific laws about it. Everywhere else it'll just stir up a massive amount of shit.

>Why is Soros donating to a group that hates Israel?
Interestingly enough all of the liberal Jews support the Democrat Party and only Israel and the Republican Party have any meaningful relations. But that's because liberal Jews couldn't give two shits about Israel, they want to be kings in the West and by extension, rule over the world. Hence people like Soros only support groups that are destroying what they don't like and who don't want to play by their rules. This also extends to Russia and China as, whose leaders don't give a shit about listening to the West, and therefore people like Soros consider these two countries to be enemies all the same.

Soros isn't a fucking idiot, best to assume he always knows what he is doing. But honestly in light of how much he is supporting anti Israel groups the femen thing is a bit cofusing, but then again it's not like he has ever really been pro Jew or pro Israel, the motherfucker helped the nazis, I'm pretty sure he is only out for himself.

Soros is a fall man.

It's possible that Soros could be used as the "public" face of the NWO. Even normies have heard of him, whereas 5 years ago barely anybody knew. So when he dies in a few years people will think the conspiracy is over.

This fucking year has been crazy

A) Europe isn't a country
B) as you guys like to point out with gun laws, people often ignore the law
C) Bulgaria does not have laws

I wonder how much of that money will end up supporting the black communities. I'm guessing 0.

Are you people this stupid ?Soros is a old fuck the scapegoat who is almost dead

>And you don't think your next-door neighbor should be allowed to own atom bombs, do you?

Actually yeah. If my neighbor was capable enough to build a FUCKING ATOM BOMB. I would support my fellow scientist any time of the day.


You goys really need to stop assuming that (((Jews))) and Israelis are the same thing, they aren't and they are often very much against each other.

yea see this is what I was trying to say

Oh shit. They are not gonna be happy lol. Never thought I'd say this but thanks Fox news

>funding finnish somali groups and influencing immigration politics in finland

I want off from this ride, i was hoping jews dirty hands wouldnt reach here but i was wrong