why do people want this to be canon?
Why do people want this to be canon?
Two (2) girls
why not? neither of them are compatible with any male characters on the show and they're close.
Because straight men find lesbians hot.
Tumblr does, and they're the only ones who watch the show now
Remember those shows, where one character has sudden lesbianism with another one-shot character, who never appeared before and never will after?
They do so, to boost ratings. Once subtext isn't enough they will out them and get a special episode where they are getting married. This is a signal that they are about to get cancelled.
Sure tumblr will love them forever, but they are a fucking minority.
because its the current year
That's mostly on the writer's part. They made PB into some cold dyke on purpose to keep viewers on their toes with the, "will they won't they" trope. Once the AT movie comes out though, Finn can finally start dating her and we can't put this lesbian bullshit behind us.
Well, i just like their relationship and honestly Finn hasn't really had enough life experience for the amount of baggage these two are carrying.
I thought they weren't gonna do the movie?