Movies where degenerate liberal scum get exactly what they deserve?

Movies where degenerate liberal scum get exactly what they deserve?

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It's not like any of them wanted to really join the military anyway. They just needed something to bitch about, as usual.
Also, fuck off back to pol/reddit.

And Trump will not get a second term.

big trouble in little china

Why not?

Movies where the antagonist gets defeated through the betrayal of a former ally?


Shut up nigger you don't even vote.

At the start of his presidency after constant smear campaigns, these will fall flat IF he does well during his term, a lot will change in the next few years

Meh, that's probably because Shillary won by a popular won, though it doesn't mean Trump won't win again.

>infographs after he won with .034534 chance


get what exactly? the ability not to die in oil wars?

The incoming recession in 2018-2019 will only only further erode what little support he has

Perfectly reasonable.

To me it's on the same level as rejecting people who are allergic to latex.

I have very bad news for you.

Jewicide Skwad


>republicans fuck shit up
>democrats fix it

America has to learn eventually, right?

You do know that what he says is meaningless right? His little Twitter rant means nothing and none of the top military personnel are taking it seriously.

All Trump achieved was pissing off yet another group of people and continuing to go against his message of uniting the nation.

>it's a trump says he's going to do something but fails to do it episode

It's not entirely meaningless. The majority of people, in this social media obsessed society, do really care about these twitter rants.
It really doesn't matter if nothing happens, because the attention spans of these people don't last long enough for them to care. Trump will tweet some other bullshit in time and they'll just move on to whatever shit he's spouting next.

>the only legislation passed so far under trump was additional sanctions on Russia, which he wanted lifted

How can you literally be on the job for 7 months and get nothing done?

No, it's absolutely meaningless bullshit.

I want a president who will take action and actually change this nation, I don't want one who wastes hours on Twitter, arguing with shit brain liberals.

What kind of presidential legacy is that? Thanks Trump, you spent four years triggering liberals while your party crumbled, your administration stalled and you got none of your original promises done.

>How can you literally be on the job for 7 months and get nothing done?
By watching Fox & Friends and Hannity all day.

Arent mentally ill people already barred from service?

>mfw Trump's and his shitbrain follower's legacy will be nothing but arguing on a social media platform

They can't go off and die in some rich man's war.

There are 15,000 active duty transgender service members

>at the start of his presidency

Historically, a president's approval rating is at its highest right at the beginning

because he'll be impeached by the end of the year

> you are barred from service
> thats an outrage
> i apologise, i have now established a draft especially for lgbt members

get rid of them in one feel swoop

By shitposting on twitter.


You need a news source, Trump has never once said he was going to remove sanctions from ANY coutry lmao

You know why you never hear that from your sources? Because its counter to the russia narrative.

Seems like kind of a pointless ban to be honest.

Trump lost the popular vote to a mafia boss who was investigated by the FBI twice and has the charisma of a fish. His opponent would have to be a literal piece of shit if he has any hope of serving a second term.

Movies where degenerate shitskins act like they belong?

Wouldn't you want to ship them off to use as meat shields?

Not a movie, but...Rome?

>MASH will be banned now

>making up numbers to push your narrative

>the mentally ill will now be banned

It has to do with mental health. Joining the armed forces isn't a "right". Fuck, if you can get turned away for having a flat foot why the fuck wouldn't you get turned away for flipping your dick inside out and wearing make up lmao

You people really need to start using your head and quit caring about offending someone


Shareblue alert

Let's honest, anyone who volunteers to join the military is already mentally ill regardless if they want to dress up as the opposite sex

newfriend alert

Except they won't

All his "ban" is, is just a long twitter rant designed to make idiots like you cheer for him and to make idiots on the left yell at him.

>people vehemently anti-trump responsible for polling
>He has the lowest approval rating of all time, everyone hates him!
I really love this. I'm so glad that I don't fall for this shit anymore.

most polls were about the popular vote, which he lost

and his electoral victory was still in the margin of error on most respected polls

So either send them to the front lines or kick them out

>polls are about popular vote
>polls say Hillary wins by +2-5
>Hillary wins popvote by 3
What the fuck I hate statistics now??

has he actually achieved this or is it another example of him revealing how powerless he is by talking about something he wants that he can't make happen?

I love how Sup Forums, who are tranny lovers, completely fail to understand that the problem here is not that Trump out of nowhere is shitting on trannies, but that Trump is literally going back on everything he promised and everyone he said he would protect during his campain.
And that his administration is an absolute disaster that only happens in those third world countries that Sup Forums hate.
This is hilarious and really fires up your neurons.

>it has to do with mental health

Then why don't they just allow transgender soldiers, but phase out the ones who have mental problems.
>le being transgender in itself is a disorder
No, not really. A disorder negatively affects people. I'm sure there's at least one (or if we go by the army's own numbers, 15,000) transgender servicemen who are combat effective without being too negatively affected by their condition. Not even discussing the thousands of servicemen who suffer from alcoholism and PTSD even while still deployed, but those conditions don't make me question my sexuality, so they don't count.

Besides, Trump himself said it was "cost"-related, so your argument means nothing.

>Fox news
>vehemently anti-trump


They say Trump hasn't done anything but the constant bitching by liberals proves otherwise

Agreed,I know I personally feel more informed and knowledgeable once I started dismissing any statistics and polls that go against my narrative.

Hey guys, any kino about dumb fat amerinigger scum that can't keep their shitty politics to themselves?

>I'm so glad that I don't fall for this shit anymore.

I wonder how it feels to be so fucking stupid that you take pride in burying your head in the sand and ignoring reality.

What has Trump accomplished so far that you respect and applaud him for? Why do you think his approval rating is undeserved?

No, he hasn't achieved it. He didn't even consult with the military about it.

It was honestly kinda funny seeing Sup Forums spammed with dozens of the same "le trannies btfo how will they ever recover?! XD" threads with a couple replies each circle jerking about the headline without actually looking into shit like always.

Basically, the back story is that republicans wanted to put a provision into a military spending bill that would stop military healthcare from paying for transition. It turns out enough of them weren't on board that they didn't actually have the votes to pass it so the provision was dropped with the hope they'd come back to it again with some other bill or something.
Well that wasn't good enough for one official, a woman I believe, who couldn't let it go and went straight to trump assumedly to ask him to take action. In classic trump fashion of "naw, naw, I got this" he proceeded to fire off the tweet that got everyone riled up without consulting anyone in congress or the military, they were actually quite surprised and left scrambling to react.

Of course, trump could still try to actually make it happen once one of his retard wranglers manages to sit him down without a tv to distract for a good hour to explain how things actually work and happen with law and policy, or conservative congressmen/senators could try to use the opportunity to make another push for it but their record of being able to do anything doesn't really bode well for anything coming of it.

Klinger didn't want to get discharged for being a gender dysmorphic transsexual, he wanted to get discharged for being mentally ill

Lebanese """logic"""

>some liberals bitching on twitter = passing legislation and signing it into law

Kill yourself

so the exact same approval numbers that he won with?

>Besides, Trump himself said it was "cost"-related, so your argument means nothing.
It doesn't cost shit. His weekly golf vacations are more expensive than that.

>what has trump accomplished so far that you respect and applaud him for

H-he makes l-liberals mad, s-so he must be doing something right!

Just like George Dubya, and we all see how that turned out!

No, liberals will bitch about anything. That doesn't make Trump's administration better.

Stupid fucks couldn't even repeal the healthcare bill they've spent the last eight years whining about.

>constant bitching by liberals proves otherwise
"B-but he made libtards cry on Twitter" wow what an accomplishment I love Trump now

I know. My larger point was that Trump and his supporters are retarded. If anything we should be banning Trump voters from the military

Why should they screen a problem demographic for a handful of people who supposedly aren't insane?

Won against Clinton.

Put him up against someone who people actually like, and he's gone.

based klinger

>Obama wins reelection
>basically no shitposting outside of Sup Forums
>Trump wins election
>not-stop shitposting on nearly every board for 9 months and counting

What the fuck?

>there are people in this thread right now that don't believe trannys are mentally ill

Everyone knows butch transgender lesbians make the best arabic translators.

>not wanting to win

>There are 15,000 active duty transgender service members
Not anymore kek.

>claim he consulted his """generals"""
>nobody in the state dept. had any idea wtf he was talking about
The only people who could be taken in by this obese 80's con man with early onset dementia are the very young and the very stupid

Literally this. He went up against the shittiest candidate the dems had to offer and still barely won. All this election proved is that republicans will vote republican no matter what.

They shouldn't, they should just tighten up psych profiling in the first place. Mental instability runs rampant in the military, it's why these guys always come back shooting up people or themselves.

>This fucking (((Muslim))) Obammer sure done treat our military like dirt! I want a president who'll make Amerika great agin and treat our vets like dun good
>Also fuck 15,000 of the people who fought for our country, yeehaw

If Bernie wouldn't have been cheated out of the primaries, he would have easily beat Trump.

nu/pol/ didn't exist in 2012

>get rid of them in one feel swoop

I enjoy when Sup Forums tries to use common expressions

He won with dozens of extra electoral votes. No, someone like George Bush barely won.

non-/pol-tards finally getting into the meme game. maybe theres hope for the future after all.

Americans get exponentially more retarded every year. Come 2020 America will look like the movie idiocracy.

You underestimate how hard Fox News has hammered the "socialism is satan" narrative into the midwest's head.

I've got some of the script from the upcoming biopic.

Here's a good psych profile: "Are you a tranny?"

Not that any of this matters. This is nothing more than a political move to force Democrats to more openly champion trannies, which will hurt them in elections because most people, regardless of political affiliation, are disgusted by trannies. Even the people who say they are for "tranny rights" are disgusted by them and don't want to have to look at them or hear about them.

>he tries to use that pic to make fun of the US

you dont get jokes do you?

Not American, but surely drawing a team you're supposed to be blown out by is a victory in and of itself, no?

>doesn't like trannies
>married to one
What is this madman doing?

Trump won due to 80k voters across 3 states. Voter turnout, especially for Dems, was historically low.

You know what the fuck I mean. Losing the pop vote yet winning the election has happened like 3 times in history. He got lucky, he still barely won.

>Fox News is the reason why people who work don't want to pay for entitled millenials and poor blacks to breed


You're projecting pretty hard, aren't you?

>people who work
I thought the entire reason Trump was elected was cause "dey tooker jerbz"!

>that last paragraph

Leftypol losing their minds because they lost the culture war. You can hate Trump and try to discredit him at every turn as much as you like but the fact is he represents normalcy in a society that rewards abnormality and condemns anyone that isn't 100% on board with extremist progressivism. Leftypol lives in this imaginary world where idpol is irrelevant. I wish that were the case but it's just not. And the DNC is so ridiculously, shamelessly corrupt that you'd have to be without any dignity to support them.

Starship Troopers?

because they're immigrants from /le_donald/ and have no respect for board culture, only winning converts to their hateful frog religion

they also lack the self-awareness to understand the irony of that

>married to one


Don't get your news from biased sources morons, every post you make lets us know exactly how dumb you are.

I didn't say that retard. It's not about socialism it's about the word being a boogeyman you can attach anything to. Remember when Obama was a socialist who was going to take our guns away and invade Texas?

He didn't need the popular vote and he wasn't going for it. He also had the entire system, including his own party, against him in ways that it has never been utilized against a presidential candidate before. And he was effectively a newcomer to politics. It was a huge victory, not some Pyrrhic victory that spells doom. He's going to win the next election by an even larger margin because people will realize after 4 years that the world didn't actually explode under President Trump.