Other urls found in this thread:
>Movie about talking apes
>better than every capeshit movie so far
Disney is making some easy money with their capeshit
Rocket best ape
tfw a fucking chimpnazee was the most sympathetic and three dimensional character in Hollywood movies in the last decade
>One Meme Man
Loved his progression from bully, victim, to hero
>peep the IMDB page
>a million 1/10 ratings on the movie
>"the title is misleading, there's no war or action in this movie!"
Normies are such fucking plebs.
Winter confirmed for worst ape. Filthy donkey.
Rocket was /our ape/, so glad he didn't die.
I mean, I loved the movie, but looking back at it, there really was no "war". It was a single battle, and a pretty fucking small one at that. And even though it didn't bother me at the time, the avalanche was pretty Deus ex Machina.
It was good but had nowhere near the depth and complexity that Dawn had. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was a perfect way to deliver the message of the series, having good humans and bad humans, good apes and bad apes. In War, all apes are innocent saints who literally dindu nuffin, while all humans are war-mongering shitheads who want to torture and kill everything.
>Rocket was best Ape
Bitch please, every ape in the OP is the best ape in the movie
My fav is Maurice bro
>the avalanche was pretty Deus ex Machina.
Yeah, it kinda was. I mean, it makes sense, ''big noises causes big avalanches'', but I'm surprised it came down when the humans started to scream, not when they were bombarding the living shit out of that camp. Still, absolutely excellent movie, top tier Kino
How did they get away with this?
you cant just pump out the same movie every 2 years and expect people to watch it
>Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was a perfect way to deliver the message of the series, having good humans and bad humans, good apes and bad apes.
War also had good humans and bad apes, but it simply lacked of them/the director chose not to show them
Take for instance a quote I remember from the movie, ''Then how do you explain him? [refering to the gorilla] We got 10 of those apes at our service, how do you explain that?''. I saw atleast 3 ''donkeys'', such a shame that they didn't show the rest of them in action
yes you can, we call those movies ''capeshit''
Le "one meme man" meme ;)
I was so scared when he went and surrendered to the camp
>you cant just pump out the same movie every 2 years and expect people to watch it
>capeshit is still capeshit
>apeshit turned to apekino
Maurice is literally rebit: the monkey
CG has aged horribly
haven't seen the new one yet, does he speak more now?
t. asshurt koba-follower
>big noises causes big avalanches
It was the force of all the explosions
dawn still looks pretty good
rise never did
>not monkino
You had one job
>haven't seen the new one yet, does he speak more now?
Not like Caesar or Koba, or even Bad Ape
But he does speak one word, and a sentence
Fucking watch it user, what the fuck are you waiting for?
weekends been busy as fuck, but I'm seeing it tomorrow
Refrain yourself from watching this thread or anything similar, and don't watch any of the movie clips online
Just go on, watch it, and come back
thanks, I don't even remember seeing the trailer, so I got that covered
don't think I will be too surprised at the end though, I mean it is pretty much a prequel trilogy for the old franchise (complete with Heston references in Rise), right?
>don't think I will be too surprised at the end though, I mean it is pretty much a prequel trilogy for the old franchise (complete with Heston references in Rise), right?
Come on, by now you know how the story ends, its the journey what matters the most
So yeah, War is as great as Dawn, watch it my man
will do, user.
>Starring Punished Caesar
>Revolver Maurice
>Rocket Kazhira
>featuring Nova Quiet
>Guest starring The Remains of the US Military Forces
The Phantom Pain of The Planet of the Apes
Something Awful-Luca
Sup Forums-Rocket.
Bad Ape is Otacon as a chimp.
Found the Koba follower!
Holy kek, it even sounds like him
>humans use nonsensical human wave attacks with M4s spraying full auto
>colonel using apes as slave labor to build a retarded wooden wall not to defend against a swarm of monkeys but another 21st century military with tanks, artillery and fucking helicopters
>called "War" but it's a poor innocent apes prison break movie
Fucking stupid
fucking traitor piece of shit
There was a reason the first 2 made a shit load of money
>called War for the Planet of the Apes
>trailers show almost nothing but battle scenes
>promo images show soldiers facing off against hordes of apes
>actual movie is Caeser teaming up with reddit monkey to spend 2 hours being oppressed by the evil white colonel until they dramatically escape because the guard with the keys goes into the cage full of apes to find out who poo poo pee pee
I wish it did worse
>shits into hand
>tosses feces
>capable of overthrowing humanity
Nope, immersion ruined.
>mfw ghost Koba
>he fell for the hype train
It's your own fault for hyping something
>it's actually two different battles for two different bunkers between three different factions
>and a commando raid
reminder that the studio forced "War" into the title, Matt Reeves wanted to simply call the third one "Planet Of the Apes", as to signify things coming full circle or some shit
tfw a fucking bonobo was the best villain in Hollywood movies in the last decade
Koba do no wrong. Caesar betray ape. Caesar love human more than ape. Caesar weak.
Planet of the Apes should be reserved for the fourth movie
When Marky Mark lands on Earth
koba make ape kill ape and start war - koba just as bad as human.
I agree with you, Koba was right and did nothing wrong
>When Koba couldn't do shit without a gun
Koba weaker
>mfw movie wants me to believe literally every human on the planet gathered to attack the Colonel
>they all wear the exact same white clothes and goggles
>they win the battle and decide to charge into the fortress screaming like they are in a medieval battle or some shit
>an avalanche is caused by them yelling, but not the huge fucking artillery strike before
>The entirety of mankind is supposedly wiped out in this one avalanche, there are no survivors or women/children who did not participate in the battle
Of course you would know what's Reddit. Go back
oh shit you're right, they even sound the same.
>burger education
They're apes you mong
Truly best ape.
This movie sucked and was unironically the worst of the trilogy
Me agree. Only thing Koba did wrong was order suicidal attack on stinky humans. Too many apes died.
>>mfw movie wants me to believe literally every human on the planet gathered to attack the Colonel
Except it didn't. They just said ''more soldiers from the north'', not ''all of mankind''
Besides, the rest of humans are either surviving on other parts around the globe or slowly turning into primitives
>>they all wear the exact same white clothes and goggles
They're soldies in the snow, what did you expect?
>>they win the battle and decide to charge into the fortress screaming like they are in a medieval battle or some shit
>>an avalanche is caused by them yelling, but not the huge fucking artillery strike before
I agree on this one. Maybe it was that big of a fucking mountain, but the avalanche was convenient as hell
>>The entirety of mankind is supposedly wiped out in this one avalanche, there are no survivors or women/children who did not participate in the battle
There's still a virus out there, turning humans into primitives. Did you not pay attention?
Glad that Cesar strangled his was to death.
CGI tends to do that. But the apes in War look fucking amazing. But in a few years they will probably look like shit.
>wahhh where's all my edgy war and call of duty scenes?
Who knew Sup Forums was infested with so many plebs and normies?
Caesar should have just killed the colonel, fuck that guy. But then maybe that would have been giving him what he wanted.
How is it possible to have such shit taste?
Sup brainlets!
>Apes together strong
>Decides to fuck off with the humans and divide apes
Fucking albinos, when will they learn?
$150 budget
what the god damn fuck how
I guess they didn't have to pay for a bunch of lead actors aside from Woody and I guess Andy Serkis, but I can't see either of them demanding huge salaries. Still, it's insane for a movie that revolves around entirely CGI characters looking photorealistic and filming almost entirely on location to only cost 150 million while there are movies that cost twice that and look like absolute garbage
Woody isn't even a huge star these days. I doubt he got more than 5 million for his role in the movie.
Fuck off, koba-posters
If there are more humans out there, then it's not a "Planet of Apes" yet and Caesar's apes are not safe. And the movie made it clear that humans didn't just spontaneously turn more primitive, they had to be infected with the mutated virus.
Apes follow Koba. Caesar dead. Caesar weak. Koba strong. Koba love apes. Apes love Koba.
Koba is manchild. Apes no like manchild. Apes divide. Koba weak. Caesar strong
Koba not manchild. Koba no man. Koba is ape. Maurice is manchild. Maurice touch self to cave drawings of Caesar.
>He says
>when Koba
>got mad
>at simple
>human work
nah it's just the compression of the image. I watched Dawn the other day and it still looks fucking amazing. Obviously War looks better but Dawn hasn't aged at all.
Rise has though, but they were still finding their footing with the ape cgi and plus it had a different director. Some directors are much better with CGI than others, and Reeves really knows how to use it. It's not a talent thing, since even the best directors like Spielberg haven't figured out how to use CGI right. Even Peter Jackson who arguably did more for CGI than James Cameron when he made the Lord of the Rings movies (Weta was his independent visual effects house and they literally invented new ways to create CGI for armies and Gollum with a $90 million budget per film) lost his way and went too far with The Hobbit. Although, part of that is the fault of WB giving him no prep time and forcing him to turn 2 movies into 3 halfway through production.
I'm still mad that he got all of the blame for that when it was all Warner Bros fault. 4 years of pre-production on Lord of the Rings compared to like 6 months on The Hobbit? And then in the middle of shooting forcing Jackson to change two films into three?
>watching the Appendices for The Hobbit
>Jackson is fit, young, and healthy looking at the start of production
>WB threatens to hire Bret Ratner to direct them after Del Taco leaves, basically forcing Jackson to direct the movies instead of writing/producing
>They don't give him any more time to work on pre-production
>Literally is hospitalized for an ulcer due to stress, has to keep working from his hospital bad
>A year later he's back to being obese after losing the weight and unJUSTing his shit for years
>Hair goes from being almost all black to completely gray, borderline white
>The movies are hated and everyone blames him
Find one single frame of any of these three movies with a monkey in it
What was the most kino scene of the trilogy?
dogfucker hates the ape movies
it's ok, Pete, we don't blame you.
(except for King Kabortiong, but it doesn't matter anymore)
they already have the perfect actor to play Richard Taylor
>Fall of the Planet of the Apes
full circle
>entirely CGI characters looking photorealistic and filming almost entirely on location
If I had to guess:
Apes movies have an in-house effects team, the production is directly tied to the cgi.
Capeshit send their effects out to everyone they can, so you get shitty inconsistent products (Rogue One, Age of Ultron) with inflated budgets
I could see him just wanting to be in a movie with a bunch of monkeys if they paid him in weed and let him smoke on set
desu I'd be the same, being able to hang out with Andy Serkis while he pretends to be a monkey would be an absolute dream
dude we actually need to dumb down ourselves in order to get peaceful with animals (niggers)
Dawn was way better and even that had plenty of flaws
final shot of Dawn with Caesar standing before the apes with that slow close-up on his eyes mirroring the opening shot of the movie. Unironically kino to the highest degree
>mfw Dawn lost best visual effects at the Oscars to fucking Interstellar
Ape not kill ape
Ape not kill ape
Join me
The cherry blossom tree
Anything that involved Maurice and the girl
Apes together strong
I think the kino in Dawn was in the cinematography, while War was all about that simbolism (wich tends to be bad, but it worked for LOGAN, and so with War)