Why did Will Smith have 2 moms and 2 aunts?
Why did Will Smith have 2 moms and 2 aunts?
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to me , they all look the same.
Isn't the aunt from the opening Will Smith in drag? I always thought it was.
this scene is why dark skin aunt is superior. you'd never see the other one doing this.
Wrong way around laddem
the second aunt was the worst actress I've ever seen in a sitcom
is this picture wrong on purpose?
Picture is backwards.
Also first aunt viv is best aunt viv.
Second one was a huge bitch.
And stay there.
i dont even like Sup Forums.
funny, because apparently will was an asshole to Aunt viv #1
Media needs less "big ass black women" and more slender gazelle black women.
Bottom right mommy looks pretty good there.
I honestly can't understand what that nigger was saying
It's a nightmare.. ON MY STREET
Funny, because the entire cast found her to be a bitch.
wow that board seems pretty great, thanks for showing it to me
Because he's black
Wh*te "women" btfo
and how do you know they werent siding with Will because will was the star and they also didnt want to be kicked off the show?
Were you an Ashley guy or a Hilary guy?
Hilary for many years, but now Ashley is thick so I like both.
who was in the wrong here?