
Edition: afternoon shenanigans with the lads

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poached > boiled > scrambled > fried



early mong

I fucking told you not until page ten you worthless nog


ki-on seems a bit noncey

*mutes you*

posting from the former yugoslav republic of scotland

>the benders are now ironically teehee posting
so fragile


>>the bendews are now iwonicawwy teehee posting :3cc
>so fwagile :)x

weather is orrible

teehee about to have a bum wank

the only good vidya nowadays are all indie games


but quake 3 still exists


would appreciate the bent balkanposting be kept out of /brit/

alri freud

still enjoy bioware games even if they are filled with sjw tripe

love sesame snaps, 35p a pop and better than any sweet you'll buy

Come on then you fucking drip

going to go read a book thanks for the motivation dumbfucks

just tweezed my nipple hairs

oxfort twat

>going to go wead a book thanks fow the motivation sillypants :3c

Can I stay here? There's a retarded Lithuanian weeb in /balt/ talking to himself with a Russian proxy

witcher 3 was breddy good

She's very sexy, ngl 2bqh


British Olympic diver Tom Daley has announced he is having a baby with his husband, US film director Dustin Lance Black.

They both shared the news on their social media accounts.

The couple got married in a service at Bovey Castle Hotel on Dartmoor, Devon, in May last year.

The couple posted a photograph of themselves holding up a baby scan picture on Instagram and Twitter, with the caption "Happy Valentines Day!".

would like to suck the maple syrup out of a canadian boi

how's that then

cdpr were pretty small till the witcher got really popular tbf

>British Olympic diver Tom Daley has announced he is having a baby with his husband, US film director Dustin Lance Black.
dont think thats how it works


At no point in the article does it mention a surrogate or other third party so...


who spaffed into a female? bet it was the top

go away rasheed

uni toil today
the 'xiety is terrible lads

don't like balck people



pretending to be a bender on valentines

I get horrendous anxiety to do with my final year project
can barely get out of bed in the mornings

Don't see why doping is seen as a bad thing in sports
If you're willing to ruin your body for a short term boost in power I'd say they can go for it
Just make them sign something saying they understand and let the roided up freaks go at it

Thoughts on opt-out organ donation lads?

don't rly care either way

my organs are probably worse than nothing

seems a bit coercive

business idea: don't let people opt out

Families will say the dead person told them they'd opte out but just never got round to filling in the paperwork

Won't change anything really except for maybe kids

Lithuanians hiding from Russians in Britain isn't new, welcome friendo


should be done
anyone who opts out should be named and shamed

the gf




name 1

had one of those ulsters in my mouth once

very good, literally NO reason to be against it

Thanks. Really tired of that retard's antics


how's the drought?
how's Zuma? he good?

>me believe in morals

i'd probably unironically shag at least a few of your mums t-b-h

>they'd opte out but just never got round to filling in the paperwork
why wouldn't they just take the cunts organs then
It can't be that you can just say "lol no" and they have to fuck off

thoughts on bankers bonuses?

bet none of you cunts are registered to donate

Families can over rule now even if the deceased was a registered organ doner. Opt-out won't take away a next of kin's right to overrule

Pic related is for you OP

I am, dunno why you'd be against it 2bh

Here in Israel, organ donation is voluntary, but there's a policy called "don't give, don't get." When doctors have to choose between people who need organ transplants, priority goes to people with organ donor cards.

it's called paraphilic infantalism and it has nothing to do with noncery, bigot

Typical leaf, subhuman




What tremendous bollocks
Who okayed something that stupid?

Go fuck a dog, Zheng

Business idea: Bury 95% of the fresh, usable hearts and give the ones left behind to rich, old cunts

business idea: willy transplants


Judges of some description I imagine

family>country most of the time

> this man calls you an Eternal Anglo
what do


call up my mate bomber harris

all woman were children once

walk up a flight of stairs and piss on him

say I'm not eternal yet but I'm working on it haha so far so good haha

Me be leafy me play trick
Me only pretending to be prick

they still are, mentally at least
all breeders are nonces

if the uni im going to is like 5 minutes away from my house, should I still move in to accommodation or just stay at home?
(not an underage sixth former just took a couple of years out)

gta v

bet sheeds are less likely to be donors than any other race