Did anyone see that promotional video that shows that every one of their childish "wubalubadubdub" quips is actually made by a committee?
They write half the script then fill in the memes later
Being so desperate to say buzzwords that you called riffing "wubalubadubdub quips"
Did you see the video where helf their writers are neon hair ham planets. Guess those are the women they bragged about hiring.
oh my god what is this fucking dialogue?
wait is the new episode coming out tomorrow?
>Beth walks into garage, looking for dildo
>sees Pickle Rick
>"this will do"
Didn't they catch a bunch of heat about not working with women? At least the designs look good
So what's the hive mind opinion on Rick and Morty here? Are we going to force ourselves to hate it because Reddit likes it?
Of course.
If you're nu/tv/ you hate it because Reddit likes it.
If you're a classic you pretend to love it but have never seen it.
If you're a normie you watch it and don't understand why its hated.
fuck YES i forgot this is airing tonight
boner activated
It's alright, just extremely overrated with a turbo cancer fanbase.
>reddit and memey
off yourself
you really can't comprehend someone not liking this show can you
I actually want to see this
If you don't like fart jokes and sci fi I can see someone not liking it
How do you fuck up a pickle rick toy
One job
They're supposed to have big heads so that's why the face part is disproportionate but why doesn't it have the black dot eyes??? I'm not gay so I don't collect toys but that's just poorly done
10 full seconds of reddit goodness!
trying to do every character with the same style is retarded. they should have just gone for a general chibi look because sometimes it's forced and doesn't work
Rafiki looks fucking creepy
I really hate Rick and Morty but I love Pickle Rick.
The general impression I got was that it was an edgy futurama, but after seeing this promo, it made me want to start watching it. Looks funny
I can comprehend that but I can't comprehend hating this but at the same time liking something for even bigger plebs like suicide squad
Reminder that season 1 was the only season written by the good writers
2 and 3 are written by the affirmative action women they hired and are also why they're so fucking terrible
>autistic pol whining
MAGA xD Shadilay putos!
It looks fine
Women are bad haha
women are trash
rickposting sure does brighten my day thanks op!
Who has ever said they hate Rick and Morty while liking Suicide Squad?
I'm plumbus rick Morty
This is a good thing though. It ensures the jokes are actually funny. They didn't invent going back and fixing the jokes later (i.e. "punching them up").
The general consensus on this board is that Reddit and Memey is le Reddit shit and Suicide Squad (and the other DC movies panned by critics) are le fucking capekino. I don't know how you can post here and not get that impression.
At least post the video.
Good mindset. You should keep it forever
...was that supposed to be funny or something?
simply an epic nihilistic masterpiece
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
>nihilistic masterpiece
I hate whoever came up with this
ive literally never seen anyone praise suicide squad on Sup Forums
can't wait for this to become a cult classic 10 years down the line
Why 10 years?
That's pretty neat. It actually sounds like a pretty cool group of writers, although it'd be distressing to be the least funny writer.
enough time will have passed that people can examine it without constant shilling and shitposting.
t. Justin
I fucking hate this show.
why is Sup Forums full of contrarians? it's like meta-hipsterism.
He's schizophrenic. Probably randomly brings up DC all the time. Probably works for Collider or some other clickbait website.
>SS capekino
I have never seen that said here before. Everyone trashes it.
t. Justin "yes, I'll have another rolo" Roland
It's clearly home made dipshits.
>Mentions reddit
Why the fuck would someone like this even post here
Oh I'm a normie.
Who /PICKLEHEAD/ here?
Is there a link to watch that one episode that came after season 2? I think it was about mcdonalds nugget sauce. Never saw it and I want to get caught up
oh boohoo
I pray to God there's one episode revolving around Trump, the Sup Forums shitstorm will be magnifioso
I'm willing to bet 20 BUCKS! that all these Pickle Rick clips were made just for these teasers to look like real episode clips but aren't and that he will never be seen again.
Game of Thrones is currently airing so we have a lot of seasonal tumblrinas for the time being.
>can't even use it as a dildo
I get you don't like the show, but them making sure the jokes are funny seems like an odd angle to attack it from.
tfw to intelligent ;/
I think you mean the Oscar winning suicide squad.
There has to be, right? Dan Harmon is forever going on about Trump. Every episode of Harmontown he goes on at least two five minute long monologues about Trump.
Right? Don't they know that this is our safe space??
Having to have a committee just to produce garbage memes like pickle rick is one of the most embarrassing things I've ever seen
I assumed Justin dreamt them up on the toilet. Nope, adult men have drawn-out discussions to come up with "mr poopy butthole"
as a waste of time
Just torrent it. Are you clinically retarded?
brave opinion
Even if it's only like 5 seconds such as Rick bursting into the oval office via the portal gun and accidentally shooting Trump and then says something like "yeah I'm hispanic bitch *burp*" we'll never hear the end of it
>literally implying redditors are cucks
Lol. Dan plays the alt-right like a fiddle.
You can just fuck right off
the lines they went with were better than the alts, so looks like it worked
i guess im nut v then
Pickle Rick is unironically Dan Harmon's favorite episode of season 3.
make me, pussy
And if it was completely improvised you'd complain that it has no structure and its only about memes. Contrarian faggots like you are barely important in the grand scheme of things.
"capekino" is ironic
Those are both character names, not jokes. But you're acting like it's abnormal for writers to brainstorm ideas.
>Contrarian faggots like you are barely important in the grand scheme of things.
Oh whereas you're soooo important, Justin
>Sup Forums starting to like Reddit and Memey
Who let the trash in?
>hasn't come out yet
>no way of knowing what exactly he likes so much about it
Who fucking cares?
Pickle Rick is Pickle Kino
>just to dumb to get it
>just to dumb
>to dumb
The irony
>Season 3 hasn't come out yet
>"So fucking terrible"
Sup Forums everyone, give them a hand