>wait almost two decades for the iron giant to return
>mfw he is just a cameo in some shitty wreck it Ralph wannabe movie

It's this generation's Who framed Roger Rabbit

>Saw that photo
>Thought they were making a sequel
>Read the fist post
Time to end myself I guess

>wanting a sequel to a 10/10 perfect film
Yeah maybe you should?

why do we hate pop culture references and cameos again?

Looks pretty good. Did I like it?

Because that's soooo reddit. We only like it when the references and cameos come in the form of randomly placing advertisements for upcoming shitty super hero movies in the middle of the shitty super hero movies that we're already watching.

this generation doesn't give a shit about freddy krueger

>wanting an iron giant sequel in the first place

did you see that?! THAT was freddy kruger. holy shit. I mean, wow.

The Iron Giant was released in 1999.

What is this 90s Millennial/gen-z pap doing in a movie pandering to the nostalgia of late gen-xers?

Do you hear how fucking stupid you sound?

Someone needs to take "nerd culture" out behind the shed.


'member the DeLeorean? 'member?

99 was almost 20 years ago.

RP1 was a pretty great book but goddamn is it gonna be an awful movie. So much of what makes the universe work in text is not going to translate

>some asshole makes a kitchen sink modpack, the movie

>RP1 was a pretty great
guaranteed replies

neets have terrible sense of time because every day of their lives feels exactly the same

Incase you haven't seen them here are comments from the YouTube trailer.


if we get to see the enterprise D lay some whoopass of some fucking star destroyers ill be happy

Because it's just "Hey kids, do you remember THIS?" and ages the fuck out of a film. Try watching Scary Movie and see how outdated shit is. Or Not Another Teen Movie. And those are the good reference comedies. Pop culture references and cameos tend to be cheap pops. Just a quick "Remember the 90s?" dopamine rush and then nothing. No build, just quick dopamine blip. It's literally the McDonalds of movies.

It wasn't bad, but like third of the book was 80s references.

This brings up a good question as I've heard people say this is a tribute to 80's kids' childhood. What is the Iron Giant doing there?

>no moot cameo


There's a final showdown where the main character pilots an Ultraman zord and the villain pilots a Mecha-Godzilla one. They probably couldn't get the rights to them, and Spielberg said Iron Giant will play a big role in the story so that must be the swap out.