Tfw even the poorest african nations have free free healthcare and college

>tfw even the poorest african nations have free free healthcare and college

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See? Free healthcare and education is for third world shitholes.

Yeah ''free'', doesn't mean it's good though.
I could offer free healthcare at my house, if your problem can be cured by me smaching you over the head you're all set.

If you go to the doctors office in Sweden it's literally 90% old people and immigrants there.

yeah nigger I guess free healthcare is bad than whatever garbage america has where the main cause of bankrupcy in their entire country is healthcare in shit like car accidents.

You're fucking retarded. I'd rather have the flawed American system over any system coming out of Africa.

Nigger, just because it's free doesn't mean its good.

>americans don't pay taxes
yeah, I guess is great to pay 25% of your income to the goverment and not even get free healthcare.

I guess I really want to have to work two jobs and not even afford a basic tooth removal is trully first class healthcare.

Wanna guess how I know all your "knowledge" of this place comes from Sup Forums?

Brazil free healthcare is top tier

>first class
You're so utterly dishonest in the way you argue. I never said it was first class - however if you have money it definitely is- but its BETTER than AFRICAN systems.

Just because you're retarded you don't get to get away with strawmanning all over the place.

>Free African college
>Pay for an American college
Yeah I'd rather pay a bit to get a good education than having to first go to some humdrum African college only to be forced to re-educate myself in the west again because the standards are different.

I guess americans don't have income tax, right?

>third worlders know more about americans politics than americans

you do realize other nations also have private clinics for the people who can afford them?

my country healthcare system literally ranks above the US and we're an african shithole.
even cuba has better healthcare than the US.

>but americans don't pay taxes


African healthcare is just as good, do not believe whiteoid capitalist propaganda. I would not hesitate to get an invasive medical operation performed in a third world country.

Yeah, Witchdoctors are great I hear.

>implying people with money don't go for private clinics


they literally think 90% of most healthcare isn't some basic shit even africans have access to.

>third worlders know more about americans politics than americans
I know who you are retard, I've seen you actually try and argue that Colombia is a better place to live than the U.S. One of the most delusional posters on the site.

>but americans don't pay taxes
What? I never said anything like that. Are you replying to yourself?

How am I supposed to reply to you when you're not even responding to the things I'm saying?

According to the World Health Organization the US ranks at 37 while Cuba ranks at 39.

The top African country I could find was the Seychelles (which isn't really a country) ranked at 56.

>70% obesity rate
>GMO food
>thirld food infraestructure made in the cold war
>15k homicide brazil rate
>fluoride on the tap water
>you need to travel in car to reach most of your daily live shit
>slave to israel interest
>slave to saudi arabia interest
>40 million people on food stamps
>20 trillion debt
>7 million jobs lost to china in the last five years
>literally thirld world PISA scores
>white trash
>jews owning their media and music and film industry with propaganda to kill whites
>500 billion dollars in trade deficit
>99% of their currency value lost in the last 50 years
>rampant inflation (12% in shadow goverment stats)
>unemployment at three times what the official stats are (make up stats)
>FED being a private company
>trillion dollar college debt bubble
>most malls are now closing (shitty economy)
>most of the manufacturing gone for ever
>sucking dick to chinese and japanese so they can make american factories using american tax dollars
>literally depends on the war industrial complex to have jobs
>record levels of autism
>record levels of opiate use
>60% kids are now born to single mothers
>a literal economy based on service sector

there's a bunch more I don't remember right now.

and yes, Colombia is better than your shithole.

so americans pay the most expensive healthcare system to literally afford the same to a fucking failed state?


Imagine being this OBSESSED with america lol

Fucking weapons-grade delusion.

Cuba has a better system than the following countries

>New Zealand
>Czech Republic
and is only 3 spots after
and 6 spots after

Maybe Cuba isn't a failed state when it comes to its healthcare?
Maybe you're just utterly stupid - while lacking any decent arguments.

The US system lacks low for a first world country, because poor and lower-middle class people get shafted - that doesn't mean the system is without merit and qualities as well.

You dim-witted retard.

The US is 3 spots after Denmark and 6 after Finland*

your goverment is literally trying to genocide it's civilian population with chemtrails, deadly vaccines, opiod epidemic, GMO food, obesity related disseases and making healthcare not affordable.


>the system is good because only rich people can afford it
wow, and you can afford first world class healthcare even in africa if you can afford it.

you're talking as if a free healthcare system and a private one can't coexist at the same time.

Imagine how many precious seconds of his life he spend writing all this instead of going outside, getting fresh air, learning a hobby, learning a useful skill, meeting people, having sex, etc.

Majority of Brazilian would rather get back the tax money to use a private healthcare plan than using the shitty expensive one

>only rich people can afford it
Never said that. Yet again you're being dishonest.
Being middle-class doesn't make you rich.
Are Colombians the worst posters in the world?

The biggest problem he has is that he's delusional. He doesn't read replies properly, and when he actually responds to anything you're saying he pretends you're saying something you're not.

Twisting someones words constantly shows just how weak your argument is.


at least I'm not getting fluoride on my tap water, GMO cancer food when I go to the supermarket and chemtrailed with aluminiun and toxic chemicals when it rains.


the public healthcare system is usually fine for basic health shit, which is like 90% of what you usually need.

not even middle class americans can afford basic dental healthcare unless they have a good job with good insurance.

there's several millions on america who can't even go to a clinic right now.

the main cause of bankrupcy in america is paying the bills of urgency clinics because of some shit like a car accident.

70% of americans don't even have 500 bucks in savings, less alone being able to afford some emergency.

Sure thing dude, thing is I actually live here and not on Sup Forums so forgive me for being able to take any this seriously.

No most Colombians are fine, this guy is just obsessed with us and post his Sup Forums inspired fantasies daily.

>unless they have a good job with good insurance.
That's what makes someone middle class you mongoloid.

>the main cause of bankrupcy in america is paying the bills of urgency clinics because of some shit like a car accident.
And that's a problem, which is probably one of the reasons why they're not ranked higher than they are right now.
(Still ranked better than all of Africa though)

>70% of americans don't even have 500 bucks in savings,

I'd imagine that the average personal wealth is higher in the US compared to most of the world.

yeah I guess puerto rico, detroit and other states declaring bankrupcy is just pol shit.

most of the american states are in the red, except for some like california who pays the rest of the rural shitholes taxes.

the average wealth of like 80% of americans is less than 40k total faggot.
most of americans are poor as fuck.

>but muh silicon valley
>muh rich white suburbia

yeah nigger, I guess ignoring the 90% of the country makes america rich.

Lol no,

yeah snow nigger, we literally wuz first world.

>have literal outbreaks of african tier disseases
>first world

Surely sexual ''change'', cirurgy is what Brazilians need.Public healthcare increase the price of the private.

What countries don't have poor areas or states?

Is that retard Cristian Ceron at it again?

>80% of americans is less than 40k total faggot.
Actually, white Americans (which is still a majority) have a pretty decent net-worth of 171 000dollars.

I guess that 80% is something that you're just pulling out of your faggy ass?

poor people can only afford public healthcare while people with fucking income you know, have money to afford better private clinics.

are u dumb?

80% of americans are thirld world level of wealth.

>poor areas or states
literally 3/4 of rural areas are thirld world shit.
look at the internet speeds in america.

average 401k retirement account in america is 41k.

>Have outbreaks of African-tier diseases
>Argues that ''even Africa has free healthcare'' while proving himself why their systems aren't good.
I like the way you argue, it's like a toddler punching itself in the face.

>he doesn't know american wages haven't increased since 50 years ago

>average 401k retirement account in america is 41k.
Okay, and in Colombia people don't have any wealth outside their retirement accounts?

Damn, that a strange place.

my country has better healthcare than the US and we're an african country.


yeah, I guess having wealth and not being able to afford a 1k emergency is real wealth.


>poor people can only afford public healthcare while people with fucking income you know, have money to afford better private clinics.
And why they should pay the public one?Descont taxes and they can easily find a private one

>80% of americans are thirld world level of wealth.

Do you have atleast a link for this affirmation?

You're delusional and actually quite hilariously stupid to boot.

Their system is ranked low for a first world country, but still higher than eastern Europe and DEFINITELY higher than Africa.

What kind of old American man put a finger up your bum when you were a kid? Must have been a fat finger seeing as it's still hurting and he was a yank huh?

The average white net worth is 171 000 dollars.
Please stop being retarded and see that this is mostly a problem for blacks, who will go to free clinics anyway.

That system doesn't come out of Africa. It's shit in Africa because Africa is shit not because of anything else. Keep bootlicking Americans

why should rich people be able to enjoy roads, clean streets and other luxuries if they're not gonna pay their taxes?

average american wealth is 40k
70% of americans have less than 500 dollars in cash in any moment.

>literally ranked barely above than Cuba


look at the demographics retard.
50% of all toddlers in america right now are non white.
80-90% of all people older than 50 are white.


america is a future mutt nation.

He brought Africa up, not me. Am I licking American ass because I'm pointing out how retarded it is to compare the US system to African systems while pretending they're getting the better deal?

Don't be stupid.

>future mutt nation.
That's the first true thing you've said so far.
Why not stick to that instead of trying at things that are clearly beyond your reach?

>literally too retarded to take an hyperbole literally
wow, someone didn't finish high school literature class.


Rich people pay more taxes

Is super normal have 500$ cash in hand,isn't?

Yeah Cuba is 1ºword

>he doesn't know what an hyperbole is
>get angry for that

You're taught to write things like
>tfw even the poorest african nations have free free healthcare and college
in literature class?

Well I guess you aced it then lmao.


>socialist economic
no wonder theyre poor

>shitty low quality product is sold for what it's worth

Rich people pay less taxes in proportion of their total income.

>high school math is too hard

>I take hyperboles literally
ok faggot.

>what are market socialism
>what is China

>Rich people pay less taxes in proportion of their total income.
Wich country is this one?

every country where rich people get tax benefits, can afford lawyers accountants and get their friends elected in the political system.


>I learn to write hyperbole like ''>tfw even the poorest african nations have free free healthcare and college''
in ''literature class''


These are the leftists ones with their corporativists buddies.

finish high school, faggot.

>tax evasion and fiscal paradises only happens in socialist countries

I can just imagine in.
All the teens sitting around discussing James Joyce and when the teacher reaches your desk he goes ''Well Juan Carlos, this is how you claim you didn't mean the things you said when you're losing an argument on the internet''

Really did prepare you for the big wide world.

I didn't say that, what I say is that left wing polticians especially in South America do this.

We should blame the country that they keep the money or the people who commit crimes?

>taking hyperboles literally
>call others retarded
wew lads.

you know tax evasion is the reason most countries can't afford good infraestructure and hospitals and shit?

look up how much money is stolen from africa because western companies don't pay taxes.

>wew lads.
I'm sorry, but you're probably the most retarded person I've ever talked to on Sup Forums.
And the most dishonest and child-like on top of that.

Who is helping corporations in tax evasion?

African countries are commanded by crazy socialist dictators but the mainly reason Africa is shit is because western companies?

you're pretty new if you take everything seriously on this website.

maybe you should go to reddit.

Africa is a diferent topic and africa is fucked because of the west.

>you're pretty new if you take everything seriously on this website.
Since 2006, yet you're still a retard bud.

>a leftist saying that someone should go to reddit

If wasn't for the west Africa would be the same or worse, but if the west is so evil why every year thousand of dollars in humanitarian help are send to the African continent?

>he seriously think anyone really thinks african shitholes were 90% of the population lacks basic services is worse than the biggest economy in the world
>call others retarded because he takes an hyperbole literally

>le humanitarian aid meme
>If I steal billions but then send a few thousands then is ok because is fair
ok retard.

the west literally steals hundreds of billions every year from african nations in terms of bad trade deals and tax evasion.

The globalists from EU?Obongos?South America commies? these are the leaders of the West, only thing that changed is Trump in USA the rest are the same

there's only the NWO globalist kikes (george soros, clinton fundation, vatican, royal families, illuminati, sionists, american deep state, weapons dealers, big corporations) and whatever shit is oposed to them right now (Russia, BRICS, putin, China, Iran, N.Korea).

Is not longer a matter of nation states, which has been irrelevant for decades.

So this is the power of Sup Forums intellectuals...

pol is too retarded and believes whatever propaganda their hive minds tell them to believe.

they literally think black nations have no history nor archieved nothing and get triggered when basic wikipedia proves them wrong.

Also they get triggered over basic facts like modern africans have higher IQ than WWI europeans.

>da jews
I think you're that stupid lefty/pol/ american using a proxy.

Clinton helped China.Obongo made the path to China take the word leadership and was ready to give Iran some bombs.Clinton,Bush and Obama had a policy of inertia towards North Korea.Obama let Russia increase military power without any problem.

You sure that they're against each other?

Is not kikes, kikes just happen to be involved, but not all kikes are the same or even support globalists.

pol thinks because their cognitive bias tell them anti jew propaganda is the correct thing.

There's big involvement on jews on the NWO but I don't see it because they're jews.

also, the jews pol complain are genetically european and not semite.

That was not the point

the topic is much more complex than anything pol really gives a fuck to research five minutes.

also, american healthcare is fucked because of crony capitalism because companies best interest is to keep a population of wagecucks paying really expensive healthcare meanwhile the companies spend the less money of their services.
Also their lobby shit to stop the free market from lowering prices.

It's a really shitty system made to fuck the average citizen.

Is much cheaper for a lot of americans to travel to Canada or Mexico for basic healthcare.

Socialism was made to fuck the average citizen

now kys proxy fag

there's not a single branch of socialism.

also, socialists criticism of capitalism are still valid and capitalists can't answer them.

t. not a commie but libertarian

Lefty libertarians are even worse now kys

I'm more of an ancap type, but I know free market is a meme.


One day

Post those links. I want to know their accomplishment.

jesus christ, I'm not moving to america ever. What a shithole

This guy died fyi, he ended up $50 short on his goal and it wasn't flexible funding so by not reaching the goal it was cancelled without funding.

>Egypt achievements
>equals Africa

Canada. I know USA bullies you continously but if I ever have to move to the american continent I'm gonna knock on your door first.

Yes but you're forgetting a PhD or MD from a uni in Angola or Kenya is not worth anything in the first world