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Her story was always the most upsetting to me.
Probably because she can act circles around the rest of the meme cast.
Is this the most overly dramatic movie ever made? It felt like a anti drug PSA.
haunting character
>degenerate drugfag detected
Have fun ODing you dirty addict!
Rumor has it she's still taking those pills and watching that same show on tv...
if only YouTube had existed back then
the jewy-ish most pretentious shit i've ever seen
if you liked this you are one poser retard motherfucker
Let's be real, anything short of Joe Rogan-tier druggie circle jerk is a PSA to you people.
give me a DUDE
it's not even about drugs.
and marion didn't even get it that bad.
she just has to get some bbc and black dildos up the ass for drugs and live her life while everyone else is entirely fucked.
This film made me want to kms
No you're just a sub-normal idiot who probably is addicted to opium.
It was done on purpose, otherwise impressionable viewers could romanticize the characters.
This is by far Aronofsky's worst movie.
>weight loss pills
Are they actually retarded? Wight loss pills don't do this
Marlon Wayans was actually pretty good.
It's amphetamines. I think her gayboy son Jared Leto says it too.
it was speed, genius.
Why would Jared Leto's character continue to inject in his infected arm? That never made sense to me.
Because he was desperate for the high
nah it's pretty great. the worst is easily The Fountain
He wanted to stop it from hurting. But yeah it was a pretty lazy way to get him in the situation that needed to chop his arm off.
>what is a junkie
Read some william s. burroughs or go live with a heroin addict and you'll understand
Both great for different reasons.
Yeah but why wouldn't he switch to the other arm?
Ive seen ladies like this around my Area in LA since i was a kid...seen em on busses, metros
One lady would walk around deshevelled in her nightgown with LAYERS of make up to the point where she looked like a clown...shed be wanderin around looking for something. ..while all the kids went to school in the morning
I always wondered what was wrong with them or what happened to lead them to become this way
...then i saw this film.
Because it's a lazy scriptwriting way to get him to the point where he needs his arm chopped off.
i knew one like that, feels bad man
I wish I lived somewhere like that so I could throw shit at them
>smoke weed once and you get a dildo shoved up your ass or lobotomized
this movie was so retarded
Literally not what the movie implied. The couple times they are smoking weed in the movie doesn't make them strung out.
It wasnt JUST weed...it was EVERYTHING.
plus they were trying to sell the hard stuff on the side
And by the time we meet the chracters they are way beyond recreational use
I remember one guy that looked like a bum version of Ian from Forgotten Weapons, always blankly staring, never blinking once, always wore a extremly dirty, brightly colored jacket he probably got from goodwill. We called him Jesus.
The other guy always sat in the front of the bus and read his newspaper out loud, always flipping out on "crooks" (politicans) that were mentioned in said paper. He talked really loud and talked about spending 20 years in the insane asylum. He never did anything violent but he creeped the shit out of everyone.
I can't believe she was robbed of an Oscar by Julia fucking Roberts. Look at his scene. It is the most heartbreaking scene of the year 2000. youtube.com
>get caught with your drug addict friend you've taking hospital
>get arrested taken to some forced labour camp managed by racists
does this really happen in america?
>tfw your mother had the same problems
Even one of my female cousins had the same drug problems and got into sex work as well, this movie really fucked me up watching it.
A lot of them are self medicating for a mental illness.
Look man, when you're at the point of shooting shit into your arm, you're past normal logic. Heroin basically rewrites your brain and makes the drug feel as essential as food or water, if not more. There's no thought process in it, junkie sees heroin, junkie grabs it and injects it ASAP. Beyond a point, they'll just use their own track marks to know where's a good place to IV the shit. You could make an argument that Leto's character didn't trust himself with his other arm to waste a hit.
>throw shit at them
>they shank you
No thanks. Besides, junkies have this aura about them, even the functional ones. The normal response is to get out ASAP. You'll know when you see them. You have to be constantly exposed to junkies to not get immediately creeped out.
He was arrested for violating his bail agreement (going across state lines)
what was your moms prostitute name?
Everything about the movie was cartoonishly exaggerated. He'd just be in a normal prison.
I'm not denying it's cartoonishly exaggerated but it's totally believable he would be in a prison like that in South Carolina or wherever they wound up on their way to Florida.
>And by the time we meet the chracters they are way beyond recreational use
this. Harry and Tyrone are stealing Harry's mom's television to pawn it. It's a regular ocurrance
>Everything about the movie was cartoonishly exaggerated.
I actually expected an Oz style rape scene near the end.
It's actually a criticism of moral panic and the US war on drugs.
The ending made her and her son's on par. She appeared on television and he had started his own business and was engaged. Instead he threw it all away
the part where Harry breaks down in the car afterwards always gets me
>live near a methadone clinic
>try to quietly do my groceries
>oh sheeeiiiit it has just been feeding time
>have to ignore and evade shouting junkies on my bike
these degenerates should just be shot
you should move somewhere not near a methadone clinic
it's literally in the city centre opposite of a hospital
I get that. But there has to be a better area outside the city
Why don't americans legalize all drugs?
watch The Corner miniseries and find out why
Yeah that's true, they should try putting her in a horror/ psycho horror film, she seems really good at playing characters in distress.
I also thought Marlon was good equally.
>they should try putting her in a horror/ psycho horror film
she has like a 60 year career. I'm sure there's some psychological horrors in there.
I was a fucking mess too
watch The Exorcist ASAP
>Is this the most overly dramatic movie ever made?
Americans discovering disfunctional middle class dramas might be the worst thing ever.
Magnolia isn't any more overdramatic than a giallo.
Why is the soliqweqwed qwof Sup Forums to always recommend another televison show or film to solve therienfwes problem?
where the fuck do you think you are? this isn't a Civics 101 class.
My bad. I'm sorry. Sometimes I get episodes?
well if you happen to be French, they are free on YouTube with French subtitles.
Great miniseries. very insightful in my opinion.
It's pretty accurate tho.
Have none of you ever seen a perfectly good person spiral down due to drugs? I mean yeah, it was really fucking bleak, but it's not inaccurate. People getting put in prison, contracting disease, loosing their mental health, and turning to prostitution to get thir next hit.
I have read WSB, and I was a heroin addict, you faggot. I would switch arms when it started to hurt.
Junkies will often get used to a site, especially when patent veins can be hard to find on them. Alongside generally not caring about themselves or being to stupid to think otherwise. People inject in far more horrific places than an infected arm in real life.
The whole film is a melodrama that's meant to depict the worst possible outcomes for these characters. I wouldn't think too heavily about it.
Junkies by a methadone clinic are the friendliest, chattiest people around. I'm in no way saying they aren't degenerate and don't need removal, but i'm not convinced you've actually seen any of them if you think they get riled up before and after receiving methadone.
I used to know a girl, she had a dozen guys and one day one of them found out about it. They beat her up so bad she ended up at a hospital on Guerrero Street.
nah fuck that bitch
What a story user.
It's disturbing to me because my Mom was is in her 70s and she's getting slowly more naive in her old age and I could easily see this shit happening to her if she didn't live in the middle of nowhere.
>doing any drug harder than psychedelics
serves them right