Which country would the bad guys be from if Indiana Jones took place today?
Arabs? Chinese people? North Koreans?
Which country would the bad guys be from if Indiana Jones took place today?
Arabs? Chinese people? North Koreans?
Europe. Indy would also be a black female.
Any country where white men exist.
Indiana Jones would be recast by a black woman and the bad guys would be white working class Americans.
Obviously he would go to the middle East to try and preserve ancient artifacts and stop them being destroyed by terrorist groups like isis
there was one like 10 years ago.
the map hasnt changed that much
Wow. Very original.
we're trying to meme here sir
kys reddit
Ignoring the Sup Forums-tards in this thread, probably Russian-backed Islamic terrorists (although Islam would never be mentioned as part of their schtick)
The treasure would probably be something meaningful to the good Muslims Indy would pal around with, while the ISIS analogue would want to destroy it. Maybe something about releasing evil into the world or whatever, like Pandora's Box
>le Sup Forums boogieman
Are you aware Indiana Jones wasn't made in the 30s?
USNazis like HobbyLobby stealing from foreign countries for museums. kek
>good Muslims
And the twist at the end of the movie is that they betray him.
ironically in real life it's the russians who back the good muslims and the americans who support isis
Fucking die. He's 100 percent correct, idiot.
>took place
Did you even bother to read OP before lapsing into hysterics?
I'm sorry I'm not a non-white faggot.
Wasn't Indy's best ally in the first movie a Muslim? It's like you retards have never watched the movies in the first place
>tfw white people were the villains of 3/4 of the Indiana Jones movies
>tfw Sup Forums-tards like you would see it as (((SJW))) brain-washing if the bad guys of a new Indy were white
The USA. More specifically, rednecks/KKK/neonazis working with Republicans trying to go after and bury/destroy some ancient Indian artifacts that prove humans are more alike than different.
So you admit to samefagging?
So you're a white faggot, then. Also illiterate.
>I'm sorry
Yeah, you truly are.
Muslims. I hate these guys
This. ISIS' big thing was destroying temples and statues in order to replace Syrian culture with theirs.
>A nigger is this mad movies from the 80s don't pander to his race
Classic American
Russian hackers
>Which country would the bad guys be from if Indiana Jones took place today?
Reminder that this is the topic of the thread which you responded to with
>Are you aware Indiana Jones wasn't made in the 30s?
because you're illiterate and also a self-admitted faggot.
>Damage control
Time to go back Jamal.
>>Which country would the bad guys be from if Indiana Jones took place today?
>Are you aware Indiana Jones wasn't made in the 30s?
>A black man still can't understand a sentence
What a surprise.
>working class
Funny how you Sup Forumstards think the working class is on your side.
it'd be this, especially with all the news about isis and old artifacts/temples
>tfw you are the working class
What did you mean by this?
The question was if it were made today, which is rampant with SJWs.
So, he's correct, you imbecile.
This Tbh
"Are you aware Indiana Jones wasn't made in the 30s?"
It would be white people.
imagine how much they'd screech if they made an indy movie where he fights nazis
>op is trying to write a modern day version of Indy Jones and needs help
>these are perfect examples of unfunny shitposters trying to pass as humorous trolls
Good job, faggots.
this. New "Mummy" had brief short scene that was kinda straight from XXI-placed Indiana Jones. Generally 1st act (40 minutes, untill plane crash) was pretty much Indiana Jones ispired movie, set to present times,
I'm not even going to give you the satisfaction of a (You). You're an absolute fucking disgrace to the white race and you should remove yourself from the gene pool. Learn to read, you pathetic fuck.
>le SJWs boogieman
why is the white race so fragile and touchy?
They're just insecure mixed people, real white people aren't like that.