Has an actor/actress ever said/done something that made you avoid their work from that point onward?
Has an actor/actress ever said/done something that made you avoid their work from that point onward?
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If I want to watch a movie I first check if the main actors or the director talked shit about Trump.
Dumb cunt and her rat face ruined The Accountant for me.
No way an autist would develop feelings for her.
I was really disappointed by Chris Evans but I don't watch much of the superhero stuff anyway.
Normally I can separate an actors work from the wierd shit they say or do (Tom Cruise for example) and I mostly ignore thier social media rants and virtue signaling.
I feel like i'm losing Jim, though. Not only have his recent movies been terrible, but everytime he opens his mouth, nothing but retardation and the most tinfoil hat shit comes out of it.
I hope he gets better, or just retires from acting at this point.
why did she agree to the pic and even smile in it if shes gonna be like that online?
why not just say "no"
Have you thought about his cock today though?
>covering up her herpes sore for the picture
Wonder what prescription she's picking up.
>Women in the 21st century
Yeah I thought he would've been a genuinely nice guy to everyone like Chris Pratt.
getting impregnated twice
You know what? I don't care that they're liberal. America Ferrera went on this whole thing about how much she loves Hillary Clinton and how proud she makes her to be a woman, good for her, I can respect that.
But look at this fucking cunt.
that man has some quality bants, what the fuck are you on about?
>this guy is moaning about old people
Haha how old is -
42? He's only 42? He looks like fucking garbage holy shit, I thought he was in his 60s
Same. If they preferred Hillary, fair enough. It's the cunts who go out of their way. Like Johnny Depp.
I don't get why people go crazy over her desu. Nothing special about her, she's just your average cheerleader-type Stacey white girl.
hes a butthurt Sup Forums faggot. trump supporters can NEVER handle the bants. they constantly bitch about hurr muh sjws muh white genocide,
Beat me to it.
Thank You Based Zod
Did that family at the end of Man of Steel vote for Trump? Is that why Zod decided to randomly kill one family in the whole city? How did he know who they voted for? We're the kids even old enough to vote?
>"FUCKING DIE" is bants now
trumptards, ya know? what are ya gonna do about it. its too late to save this place.
im thinkin about it jim
He's ugly anyway
butt hurt trumptard detected. back to Sup Forums faggot
watch this trumptard get triggered as fuck and angrily reply that hurr durr Sup Forums has always been right wing and Sup Forums is Sup Forums
>"GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" is bants now
yup this. trumptards don't even see the double standards they live with everyday, crying about triggered SJWs and liberals when they literally fall to pieces and cry about white genocide anytime a black man or white woman or transgendered person is successful. LMAO. Sup Forums tards are the new triggered ones.
Gas the Whites
White genocide NOW
Sometimes enemies are really best friends.
Well yeah, no one likes jews.
I can't take anything starring John Travolta after 2000 seriously. Same goes for Tom Cruise. And nothing starring Jim Carey post-anti-vaxx meltdown.
Also, Gwyneth Paltrow. I feel like she should be in jail.
Now imagine if he had said the same thing about Hillary voters or Obama voters.
Blacklisted, never seen in another movie or TV show, cancelled contracts, endless clickbait articles about how his "hateful comments indicate how racist/sexist America is", etc.
But since it was about a Republican candidate, ZERO consequences.
Leave Goop alone
Agreed, especially since he infected his ex-gf with something and then she subsequently offed herself.
>I can't take anything starring John Travolta after 2000 seriously.
Why is that?
>fan asks for picture
>picture taken
>instead of just realizing you should have said no, blame the fan and post snide passive aggressive comment on twitter, directed at the fan, so that all your other fans mob him and likely dox him just for asking for a picture
What a horrible person.
>>instead of just realizing you should have said no, blame the fan and post snide passive aggressive comment on twitter, directed at the fan, so that all your other fans mob him and likely dox him just for asking for a picture
She never mentioned his name or linked to anything for that picture. He's the one who commented "le whoops xD" and brought any shit that flew his way upon himself.
trump literally goes on stage and looks like an idiot full of racist sexist homophobic and transphobic rhetoric tho. he's been documented doing this multiple times. it literally LITERALLY can not be denied. this is why alt rights and neo nazis like Sup Forums and richard spencer flock to him. but i guess as a deluded Sup Forumstard you wouldn't be able to see that.
I mean, it's similar to Keigel balls, which are legitimate.
>the wall isn't between Mexico and the US
>it's between people who voted for Trump and people who didnt, and we need to do something about that
>proceeds to tell Trump voters they should die
Fake cunts gonna fake cunt
Didn't really watched her work that much to begin with, but the I attended a panel hosted by the woman who's famous for her tits in Star Trek TnG. Joked about stealing Trump signs for fun. It made me realize the prevalence of liberalism in Hollywood, even to B list actors.
Point stands. Tell him no. Don't agree then bitch about it.
>Also, Gwyneth Paltrow. I feel like she should be in jail.
Why's that? What did she do/say?
If someone surprises you when you're out at a store you may agree to whatever just to be polite. It probably happened really quickly.
>Point stands.
It doesn't at all.
>so that all your other fans mob him and likely dox him just for asking for a picture
Literally didn't happen due to her doings. Little fag brought it upon himself, or are you Matt, thinking that it's all her fault and not your's?
Naw they're all libfags. I just enjoy seeing the degenerate life style and worldview leading to their downward drug spirals, broken marriages, suicides and overall misery. They all deserve it
This is so gay lmao, you can only watch like five movies. Imagine being this sensitive
she probably doesn't want pictures of herself without fully prepared make up out there. she forgets that fellow humans might not mind seeing her as a normal person on occasion.
usually pretty much anything they say
Chris Evans is a whiny bitch on Twitter. I'm not a Sup Forumstard but he's annoying as hell.
lol what a cuck
lol, no argument
Wew lad hope you outgrow that awkward tweenage daddy worship phase soon
Reminder to never go full retard.
Liberals and Conservatives are both ugly dude, generally most human beings are ugly as fuck
she looks like a skeleton with skin tbqh
I honestly can't tell if and when responses like this are trolling or not.
We have so many ACTUAL low-intelligence SJW Tumblards on Sup Forums these days leaving limp-wristed whining in every thread it's hard to know when someone is is genuine or just imitating them. Poe's law at its finest.
You're an idiot. LITERALLY.
Can't even stand his voice anymore.
B-buh buhh I hope no one said anyfing mean about my big sexy master Trump
>using literally twice in the same post
Back to tumblr tranny
>it's a reddit kid denies his meme president does stupid shit all the time episode
Love this one.
Jennifer Lawrence comparing herself to rape victims because her nude photos were distributed. And then she followed it up by talking shit to that poor reporter who was trying to read a translation off of his phone so he could ask her some questions. So I'm pretty much done with her.
Us an-caps are the most beautiful people
Time for the urn, faggot
Here's some more epin bants
>C-can y-you believe he said these awful things?
Look at yourself. You've become the monster you fought
Best Jew
>Letting a democratically elected politician become president is burying democracy
Joss is the kind of person who would have turned out better with a good beating. I'm not saying I'm a super macho tough guy but holy shit is he a fucking pussy.
>democratically elected
Uhm, Sweetie, that's not true. Hillary had MILLIONS more votes than Drumpf. That's the opposite of democracy.
>literally lost to Hillary's numbers
I can't watch Sean Penn after his comments about the Falklands.
>Sup Forums has always been right wing
It was though.
Why does this fact anger you redditors so much? lol
It's like you're going crazy telling yourself that it isn't true.
Because she's a woman and they're passive aggressive cunts by nature.
I've never understood getting photos with people, especially in that context and his post "Me with..."
No one is going to see the photo and say "Hey, That guy knows Anna Kendrick!" You wouldn't go up to some random person, take a selfie, and imply on social media that you were "with" them. You just awkwardly walked up to them and asked for a picture, and everyone knows it.
>how dare this man spend his own money
No, we're laughing at him.
lmao rat looking mf
I mean, are you really sticking up for this guy?
what about his support for Hugo Chavez?
>Enter spotlight career
>Demand privacy
Please continue ostracizing the people who KEEP YOU IN DEMAND.
This one makes the whole shitty trend worthwhile though
>Tfw famed for talking out of his ass
>so why stop now?!
>w-we're not the triggered ones, y-you are
Every fucking time with these ass damaged leftists