Is “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” an argument for fascism as a response to an ineffective government? Is it a warning about the influence of tech titans who want to disrupt everything, even democratic governance? Is it a reflection on what citizens own their countries?
Is “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” an argument for fascism as a response to an ineffective government...
No but tdk and tdkr are
if you were old enough and actually from the west you'd remember all the crying :^)
No it's a movie about a bunch of superheroes being in it with the sole purpose of making money. Posts like this tweet on the other hand are contributing to the rise of facism IRL.
This definitely looks like a person who's opinion I'd value.
>Sup Forums: post a twitter screencap, LARP as a leftist faggot, get 300 replies
Why is everything that even slightly lean right either a nazi or Fascist?
Well, DC comic book stories deal pretty heavily with that subject, almost to the point of glorifying it.
Remember the whole CADMUS plot from the old Justice League cartoons?
these are the kind of people who make me want society to collapse
Nothing about BvS is right leaning, because rightcucks can't be heroes and are too dumb to be actual villians.
>t. radical centrist
Rorschach is a republican.
>even democratic governance
It couldn't be arguing for fascist governments if this is what it was commenting on the destruction of.
No, he's a NatSoc with anarcho-primitivist sympathies
A gay insane republican hobo...sounds about right.
Most superhero stories are just about there, either the street vigilants enforcing the justice without give authority or superhero teams who answer to nobody elected.
yup Batman was painted in a positive light throughout the movie. Snyder, Affleck, and Terrio love Dick Cheney. I totally understand the movie you gais.
He is asexual.
The writer himself said he was a republican, NatSoc is Left leaning.
BvS deal with the subject of how people deal with power, both those without any and those with far too much of it.
The caped heroes themselves are all beings of great power and as their nature as vigilantes dictate they all ignore the society's rules and norms to impose their will on it for the goal of an utopian ideal.
>Nothing about BvS is right leaning
That would explain why the few messages of the movie are shit a five year old could understand.
>NatSoc is Left leaning
Strasserism is left-leaning. Hitler had not intention of abolishing the corporations.
>Hitler had not intention of abolishing the corporations.
and? That is not the only thing that makes you a leftist.
>didn't have the end goal of abolishing private property
>believed in permanent heirarchy
Hitler wasn't a leftist, dummy
>borderline incoherent
I can see hating the film but why make stuff up?
>bbbbbut my motivation
the characters literally say what their motivation is. Please pay attention
he's a liberals idea of Objectivist
>a fucking capeshit was too smart for critics
This explains why every critic likes Marvel I guess.
NATSOC is left leaning, Hitler just used it as a front.
And then when critics are so wrong the fucking competition has to step in to tell you to fuck off.
>film school level of symbolism
Woah, dude. My mind is BLOWN.
Because they are actual Communists and Communism is totalitarian.
>film school symbolism
>he didn't get it till someone posted it
pretty sad really.
What in the field of visual storytelling isn't symbolism? Every object has to symbolize something. The language itself consists of symbols.
Hitler was a leftist of a sort, just a nationalist one. His party had a very progressive ideology and very progressive policies, and I don't meant that as a compliment. If we were in the 1930s all of these SJWs would be on Hitler's side.
I take it he doesn't know what "fascism" is?
This is what happens when you don't actually pay attention to the movie you are watching.
No, they would have been on the Strasserists' side, and even then only if they had dropped the anti-semitic rhetoric and been more friendly towards internationalists.
SJWs don't believe in racial hierarchy nor nationalism
Is there any filmmaker of our times that has been as unfairly criticized and treated by the media as Snyder has? This has gone from criticism to a geniune hate campaign.
I prefer "counter-semitic".
Bay you fucking child of IMDB and facebook sensibilities
I would say Michael Bay, but for every kino he defies the critics on (The Rock, Armageddon, The Island, Transformers, Transformers 3, Pain & Gain, 13 Hours), he shits one out that proves them right (Bad Boys, Bad Boys II, Transformers 2, Transformers 4, Transformers 5)
Fuck drumpf and fuck white people?¿
It's about the made man, the moral man, and a random woman coming together to fight the great evil that is....
They leave Bay alone. For Snyder, nearly every article about the DCEU is taking jabs at him. It's like they suffer some compulsibe disorder.
He wasn't. The key pillar of leftism is weakness and ugliness, natsoc is an ideology of strength and beauty even if it fails in it's leap towards these commendable goals.
Don't forget ugly manlet born to a prostitute
He's hated only by close-minded idiots
>They leave Bay alone
Now I know you're from Sup Forums
>implying prostitutes having children is wrong
Now who's the republican?
This is no place to defend your mother.
It was just a shitty movie. Might as well ask if the new Emoji movie has libertarian undertones.
This is no place to defend the Dems.
If you say so, whoreson.
>still deeper than marlel
Sad really
No, but Snyder's treatment is also not unfair.
>Is “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” an argument for fascism as a response to an ineffective government?
No, that's kind of The Dark Knight but even then, not exactly. BvS is a movie that criticizes any form of political discourse as fallible and ultimately an obstacle to humanity's advancement. It portrays both extreme leftists and rightists as incompetent, which is why it makes so many people mad. Batman and Luthor are both radical depictions of each side, while Superman is the guy who tries to be apolitical to do the right thing on humanist terms.
Batman's greatest nightmare is seeing someone else with more power than him enacting their vision of society over his. Luthor's greatest nightmare is seeing someone with absolute power existing at all. Superman's greatest nightmare is just seeing humanity die.
>Batman and Luthor are both radical depictions of each side
How so? Which one is on which "side"?
Batman is the hyper controlling right wing parody, to the point where he quotes Dick Cheney verbatim. Luthor is the absurdly secularized left wing parody who immediately considers anyone with power to be guilty.
Just visually you can see it. Luthor is designed to be a Zuckerberg-esque parody of today's youth while Bruce is meant to be a throwback to the stereotypical suave macho hero of the past.
>Luthor is the absurdly secularized left wing parody who immediately considers anyone with power to be guilty.
...but he's a billionaire with tremendous power himself. Zuckerberg is a full-blown capitalist, like Luthor. Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but I'd say Luthor and Batman BOTH fear absolute, unaccountable power--Batman wants to take out Superman himself, while Luthor tries to create Doomsday to do it for him.
Dont you faggots ever get tired of making the same thread day in day out
Haven't seen a "Snyder is a fascist" thread in over a year sou desu ne
there you go :^)
I thought fascism was a partnership between the state and corporations. How was BvS fascist?
For the average leftist, fascist = anything authoritarian = the very existence of a state in and of itself
...thats retarded
fascism doesnt mean anything anymore. liberals have destroyed our very language so that we cannot even have philosphical debates except on their terms.
>Superman's greatest nightmare is just seeing humanity die
He literally murdered an entire city in Man of Steel and straight up threatens to kill Batman and Luthor in BvS. He is just an arrogant asshole with superpowers, which in turn makes Lex Luthor seem right in wanting to get rid of people like him, except that the way Luthor tries to do this is to create a CGI orc that is literally the same thing he hates to kill Superman and Batman, even though he would have no way to kill said CGI orc afterwards and he just made the problem he supposedly was trying to solve WORSE. It makes no fucking sense, but they needed a reason to have an ebin fight with a CGI monster at the end - and I guess Wonder Woman is here now because we gotta set up those movies ;^). And don't even get me started on Batman giving up on his fucking ideals just because Superman's mom had the same name as his mom. Holy shit.
This movie has no political message, it's just a hack director trying to use nice visuals (like that shot with people touching Superman and those stupid dreams Batman has) to trick people into thinking his garbage "film" about retards in costumes fighting a shitty looking monster has more substance than it actually has.
The upper right shot above Luthor's walk looks like a Renaissance painting
It's sad to see how little you payed attention to the movie.
At least take a crash course in Western art before saying shit like this