We give up. You win DC.
Official message on behalf of the entire Marvel fanbase
Other urls found in this thread:
Never forget
These are the people that sant you to believe they're Sup Forums and white
south america confirmed for best and most patrician country
>Four movies
>Two of them are dogshit while two are mediocre
>Franchise is literally being saved by a jew who can't act
>Justice League has less hype than the upcoming Thor movie
>Affleck has gone full JUST, Cavills hairline is just getting worse
Oh no no no no
>a fucking roastie is first
that explains this boards taste for the last few years
you got the message wrong you idiot
it's "Just give up DC. We win."
You win DC, you make the best comedies!
Brazilians just have a weird and deep obsession with DC characters. They actually have paramilitary organizations that use Justice League symbols and murderous criminals that worship the Joker.
>this stilted English
Giving shitskins the internet was a mistake.
(uma) delicia comics
save us bay
>falseflagging to post that webm of facebook shitskins
Meanwhile all DCEU movies do much better in the US than Marlel on average while the MCU does better in shitskinland, and that's as objective as they come
Daily reminder that the only timestamped pic of DChads is a white man and the "girl" yesterday was a Paki using some random twitter girls pictures
>breathes in
>is a hairlet
No wonder they idolize Henry Cavill
>DChad was an oldfag working homeowner possibly grant morrison
>Marvlet's final boss is a dicklet with a grotesque body
No wonder you idolize Feige
>Justice League
>no Green Lantern
>no Martian Man Hunter
>fucking Cyborg
>That thing
>A chad
ya wanna know why wonder woman did so well? its cause Hillary lost.
thats j**** the pedo
you know? the other guy the guy who spams cloister at everything spams
>You can't even see his face
Post your pics you ugly faggots
Jesus christ marlel get your shit together
why did ghostbusters bomb then, considering it was released during a time where the tension between Hillary and Trump was high?
I never agreed with this
DC may be more serious but Marvel is more fun.
>doomsday looks better than thanos
You can't make this shit up
>a fucking TV show looks better than Shillvil War
>Doomsday looks better than Thanos
He really doesn't
>DCEU domestic average 330M
>MCU domestic average 300M
Keep that shitskin meme up shills, it'll catch up someday
Based black man!
t. Fevasu
Heres another chad from Nigeria
>my eyes don't work
There is literally nothing in the MCU anywhere that looks this embarrassingly bad.
>it'll catch up
Warner really needs to teach you Hue's basic English before they allow you to shitpost
What's the pay rate these days, one monkey head per day?
Kek that black guy is probably better looking than every DCshill on this site
Go to sleep Zach
t. Sri Lankans
>inb4 Marvlets steal this insult like the unoriginal jews they are
It was never Marvel vs DC
It was Marvel vs Snyder
I am brazillian and this is true especially the Joker part.
Zach, I'll promise to stop posting that image if you declare DC better than Marvel, ok?
I fucking called it
>DCpajeet ACTUALLY went as far as to ironically post a bunch of shill threads for Homecoming just so he could use them as 'evidence' for Marvel shills later on
I think this might be a new low for you guys
>not supporting the only half stable country in the Middle East over their nuke loving neighbors who routinely advocate western genocide
Hate Jews all you want. But going against the interests of Israel is kind of retarded right now mate.
>Dipto Comics fans in one image
Kek, they're so fucking pathetic
>multibillion company cant take on a single director
Based snyder
you're more subhuman than us, making fun of someone's kid's suicide.
Fucking Sri Lankans
>46 KB
Still on dial-up, Ranjheep?
The amount of damage control they've doing since this webm came out is absolutely hilarious
>He admits to being a shitskin
Lmao keep it up Rashul
His name is Mounir
Johnny combs /ourguy/
*breathes in*
wow he's just like me
It's pretty unreal. I took a look at Sup Forums earlier and was actually dumbfounded by how blatant the shilling was in this thread
>marvlets actually think this
You guys are so fucking dumb, it was your partner company Sony doing damage control after the anal ravaging of the Emoji Movie so they hired some Sri Lankan Sonyniggers to shit up the board.
God you're so fucking dense with this retarded victim complex
>being this oscarless
Your stupidity and lack of common sense is absolutely baffling.
>You guys are so fucking dumb,
>God you're so fucking dense
Ask Warner for a new script, Joao
>being this non-white
>posting random twitter pajeets
Wow wonder woman being about to crush civil war in the US has done a number on you guys
>failing to confront my argument
They're running out of shitposting material. You can tell since they're already at the point of just spamming about the makeup Oscar
see post your timestamp you little nu male darkie
The lack of hair on that DC figure is accurate
>being this assblasted about winning a orange blimp award
>the dc degio is having an utter meltdown in this thread
>being a low-test pube haired faggot
>not confronting any of my arguments
pussy ass bitch
What arguments? All I've seen so far is oscar memes and posting screenshots of older movies
DC has been wrecking marvel
JL WILL make over 1.5 billion and beat avengers
yes and your arguments have been calling dchads some random beaner names.
What's your point?
Why is that so fucking awful?
Marvel set the standard to this. That's why
>party redditor
>posts on Sup Forumseddit and /reddit9k/ too
holy shit
That looked good in motion, nice try though
Because Snyder's a hack
>MCUcks bragging that their CGI looks better than TV
>Go on there to see if this is fake
>It's not
>Go to James Gunns facebook to see if it's the same type of names
>it has some but not as many as Snyder that is 90% that
cyborg will look in motion, whats your point?
just as many spics and poos
left is snyder you stupid fuck
>he actually watched guardians of the reddit
>tfw the videogame cyborg is better
I agree, after Winter Soldier, the MCU went to shit.
I have enjoyed Marvel more, but after watching all the garbage Marvel has put out since, I realize how good DC is.
WB is just sitting back, making decent films that are better than Marvel, even though Marvel makes more in the studio.
yeah yeah yeah I'm sure that's the sum total of Marlel comments, nothing but trve aryans amirite?
>tfw homecoming looked worse than ps4 spiderman
is that where homocummings budget went? the game? and RDJ's platforms?
>DCcucks have to resort to falseflagging to win any kind of argument
Is this a new low?
>you will NEVER stay up all night drinking with the DChads
kill me lads
*breathes in*
*seconds before explotion*