"I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized."
"I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized."
Other urls found in this thread:
>Except the 10 year old with epilepsy.
What? Most people I know favor legalization and a lot of them have never smoked or smoked in the past and didn't like it. I've never met anyone in real life who was vocally in favor of marijuana being illegal who wasn't a cop or over 65.
Everyone who wants to legalize marijuana is a fucking pothead. No exceptions.
Fuck off, you don't know shit, pothead.
I don't smoke or drink but I think weed should be legal as long as alcohol is .
>muh drugs cuz my life sucks
I do, their arguments convinced me. I don't smoke it but I do smoke tobacco
>cash crop that saves western states plagued by drought and mineral deficits
you are truly a dumbfuck
> dumbfuck stoner calling me a dumbfuck
Just fuck off.
Very strong argument! You sure as hell showed him. Idiot. Most people are sick of laws that do more harm than good. That's the problem.
Weed is a deceptive substance. In the wrong hands it leads to degenerative behavior. In superior hands it breaks the chains of Marxist culturalism.
Why are the people that are against cannabis always those that have literally never tried it, or those that do not bother to research the difference and variation of drugs. I bet you argue that caffeine and alcohol are not drugs.
Potheads like you do more harm than good.
I bet you that you're a fucking pothead.
Still you are using an OS that is created by potheads. I smoke weed but i hate potheads because they are often say a lot of bs about weed.
>Cash Crop
Are you fucking retarded?
> I smoke weed
Then you're opinion doesn't matter, you fucking cuck.
Because they have no arguments and believe what Harry Anslinger said and his team of experts. A lot of shit he said have been proved to be lies but idiots like OP think they are so smart.
Occasionally smoking weed =/= pothead, just like occasionally drinking booze =/= alcoholic. Please explain to me why you are so against cannabis and where your hatred for it comes from.
I've tried it, I enjoyed it. I support it being illegal.
I'm also constantly around people who use it. They become unproductive and anti-social. Some of them develop serious mental addiction to it, can't cope with real life without some form of drug.
>And the worst point is, it smells fucking awful.
No, the ones that are idiots are degenerate potheads like you.
But that shit is from 40+ years ago, and the age of the average Sup Forums poster is far younger than that era. Anslinger and that shit started the train, but why does it still continue?
What is your argument if cannabis were replaced by alcohol? It is far worse on a society yet it is legal
Name one person that doesn't smoke weed but thinks it should be legal. I fucking dare you.
You still have yet to offer up a legitimate debate on the subject. I'm done with this bait thread.
Fine, get the fuck out, you worthless drug addict.
Legal pot is the worst thing to happen to my home state of CO. Denver is full of punk homeless kids and degenerate druggies now. There's an increase in tax money sure, but at a huge cost to our standard of living.
And the funny thing is is that a lot of that extra tax money has mysteriously disappeared and has not been spent on schools or infrastructure. They don't know where it's gone.
I said that.
Earlier today, actually.
>dude weed lmao
There, I did it for you.
You can fuck off.
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Also called LEAP
It's a police organization that sees that the only thing the drug war has accomplished is police militarization and ensuring the monopoly of cartels.
>this same old stale copypasta posted every fucking day
Just stop pls.
>a huge cost to our standard of living
A transplanted texas faggot worried about his ski trip.
Everyone who doesn't smoke weed is against legalization, and you faggots could never prove me wrong.
>What is your argument if cannabis were replaced by alcohol? It is far worse on a society yet it is legal
Society would be better off without alcohol as well.
I don't know why people always bring up alcohol alongside weed.
>"Hurr alcohol is worse for you"
Well that doesn't mean you should just throw another problem into society just because its less of a problem then another.
Lets say Alcohol is 5 problem points and Weed is 3. That takes legal 5 points in society, to legal 8 points. Just because weeds less harmful. And then chuck in ciggies into the mix as well and we have 15.
I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalised
What's your problem, m8? I think it should be legal, because its fucking expensive for the state to deal with the "criminals" who possesed 0,1 g weed (court costs, for example).
And when you're ill, and need weed from the pharmacy you have to pay 1000€ per month and health care won't pay a cent.
But I agree, that there are many things in politics which are more important than the legalisation of weed.
Nice try.
>I don't know why people always bring up alcohol alongside weed
Because the hypocrites who insist weed remain illegal never, ever, EVER argue for reviving prohibition.
Actually, I do favor Prohibition, and I also favor locking up subversive addicts like you who want to poison the world with drugs.
Smoking should be illegal.
>Actually, I think it should be legal because it's not any worse than alcohol and cafeine that is legal even though they are drugs
>pothead pothead pothead pothead pothead pothead pothead pothead pothead pothead pothead pothead
I do smoke pod
Like once evrey2 days when programming till late
And its legal here and i love it
Dont see the problem.
>Because the hypocrites who insist weed remain illegal never, ever, EVER argue for reviving prohibition.
Well, theres some among us who wouldn't mind reviving prohibition.
This too. Its fucking disgusting.
Isn't addiction absolutely irrelevant, IF you are a functioning member of society?
Working in a full time job + Nobody can tell that you are an addict if you didn't tell them
What do you mean nice try?
Your retarded ass didn't even specify if it had to be true.
It is btw. I don't smoke and neither does my grandfather, who believes ALL drugs should be legal.
People can't prove you wrong because you are oblivious to actual evidence.
Carry on though, you are doing great work for the cause of legalisation by making the prohibition crowd look totally batshit.
The fuck is that thing from?
>my grandfather, who believes ALL drugs should be legal.
He sounds like a fucking idiot. I can understand the reasoning behind wanting some drugs to be legal. But do you real think there should be any reason that Flakka, Bath Salts and other drugs like that should be legal?
I agreed with you for a second until I realized that you just described me.
>Be American
>Have a national obsession with Freedom (tm)
>Smoking weed should be banned arbitrarily
How can cognitive dissonance on that level exist?
Except me.
I don't smoke or drink but I support the rights of other to.
That stuff only comes about because of the illegality of drugs in the first place, you think K2 would've ever got popular without weed being illegal?
You sound like an even bigger idiot.
He supports freedom and doesn't have enough of a stake to stay up to date with all the horror stories you read.
> But do you real think
Call me revolutionary, but I support evidence based approaches to harm minimisation.
>IF you are a functioning member of society?
that's the crux to it though, drug addiction is closely related to neglect of duties and parasitism
If something affects the lives of others negatively, it isn't governed by freedom. Marijuana leads to shit like the 1960s and 70s. We don't need that ever again.
>This too. Its fucking disgusting.
They're doing the right thing about the smoking plague. And the territories down under are leaders of this effort
this 2bh family. If you do not support the legalization of cannabis and alcohol use, you do not support freedom
I've never smoked marijuana but I support its legalsation.
what about LSD? you can't get dependent on it and it causes zero health detriments
>you think K2 would've ever got popular without weed being illegal?
Probably, start off with weed. You'll be more willing to move onto other drugs to give it a go, cunts will constantly be making drugs.
>He supports freedom
Would he support incest? pedophilia? bestiality? All these things people should have the freedom to do. And since you'll say they're only affecting themself, what if its two consenting brother/sister. Consenting child and adult. Or a women just letting a horse fuck her in the ass?
kek only faggots like that shit be a man and do some meth
>actual evidence.
haha, ok
muh portugal
>Why are the people that are against cannabis always those that have literally never tried it
Why are the people that are against pedophilia always those that have literally never tried it?
I've never smoked it
all for legalization
It used to bother me when I found out every girl I was dating did it
but then I just stopped caring and realized it's their lives not mine
I do.
I say so.
I think, it should be legalised. Instead of this, there should be some restrictions for alcohol drinks, as for me alcohol is much worst, than marijuana.
(I don't drink alcohol and don't smoke marijuana)
>Marijuana leads to shit like the 1960s and 70s
No, banning it leads to shit like the 60s and 70s.
>hear that cannabis is a devil weed that ruins lives
>try it anyway
>it's a better feeling than alcohol with no crash at the end
>do your homework
>turns out that powerful companies falsified negative cannabis data to protect their paper, textile and pharmaceutical interests
>start to wonder what ELSE you've been lied to about
>assume the answer is 'everything' and go full counterculturetard
I've yet to see any evidence that smoking weed makes you any more likely than a smoker or drinker to try other drugs. I smoke darts and I've never had the urge to snort coke off a hooker's arse
im not smoking rigth now and i still think it should be legal
Why is this cretin allowed to make this shit heap of a thread every single day?
I don't make these threads but I don't think they should be banned
>I've yet to see any evidence that smoking weed makes you any more likely than a smoker or drinker to try other drugs.
Again bringing up parallels to other drugs not mentioned. And its probably due to not being able to make an effective study that can control for all other factors that could lead to a person doing more drugs.
If you're willing to do weed in the first time despite all the bad rep its getting and the fact its illegal. Why wouldn't you go try another type of drug that gets bad rep and is illegal?
>I smoke darts and I've never had the urge to snort coke off a hooker's arse
You're probably better off doing the cocaine, atleast then you have the illusion of being a successful business man with a cocaine addiction. Instead you just smell like shit.
Laughed heartily.
Don't know where the stereotype Germans aren't funny comes from, thats two in a week.
lel'd and seconded. It's like a /420gen/, but with less to copy/paste for the first post.
ITT:pharmaceutical companies cannot extract the anti-seizure compound from a plant
Now i hate pot the faggots associated with it and the smell. However hemp is amazing stuff you can make so much out of it. Its the whole reason it was banned in the first place. Henry ford made a car of of hemp its self sustaining its why the kikes banned it in the first place as it hurt their profit margins.
This guy over here even got china to make hemp so he could build his sports car
Hemp is amazing for building and textiles and should be legal but kikes want $$$ and they dont get it from self sustainability.
>mfw shooting an intoxicated stoner on back of his head and watch him drop like a sack of shit
>legalise it
>build a weed monopoly
>poison it
I would be a great president.
>All these things people should have the freedom to do
You said it not me.
If it doesn't effect him, he doesn't seem to see why he should care.
Look I haven't asked him about more than drugs, and in fact this just came up in a family discussion.
I can't actually speak for my elders and betters over what they have told me. And unfortunately, we don't tend to have involved family conversations about women being sodimised by horses.
>turk tier response
Policy should be driven by evidence and research, not feels, even if they are muh feels.
Is that a hard concept to get your head around?
I was a huge pothead for roughly 8 months and quit because I saw how it affected me after I took a few weeks off. I still smoke from time to time if the group I'm with brings it up, but I don't buy that shit or keep it anywhere near me because of the way I act with pot in the equation.
I thought it should be legal before I ever smoked because of how much we spend on jail time for offenders and how much power it gives cartels on the border.
It should be left up to the states, like any other law. If you're worried about "muh degeneracy" look to Inuit communities in Alaska and how they made alcohol illegal, it works for some and it caused violence and crime for others. People do what they want to do and if the government tries to stop it they get the bill and taxes fund the payment.
There are people who have actually gone outside and lived a life... Some of them may have smoked weed at some point, had the standard meh-tier experience, and eventually quit.
>muh degeneracy
Shut the fuck up faggot. The drug war is the real problem. Thanks to criminalization Tyrone can get hoodrich AND collect a check every month because he don have no job. That's fucking degeneracy right there.
where is the pubmed link to your evidence?
Right well then let me change this up. These things don't affect him. But it doesn't affect society and having all these drugs, and all these freedoms can be detrimental to society.
Look at India for example. They have the freedom to shit wherever they please.
I don't smoke weed, wouldn't mind it being legalized.
Why? It's a decent way to sort out the weak.
I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized.
It shouldn't be up to the government to decide which substances I put in my own body. That said, it's pretty degenerate and I have better things to do.
>implying alcohol use doesnt affect the lives of others negatively
>freedom to shit
If you are joking, this is quality bait. If not, you are a walking insult to the human genome.
I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized
I need muh swords to protect myself from the kin-
I don't take any drugs but I believe that all drugs should be legal.
My only argument against this is if you legalize it the cartels will still make a shit load of money. They'll just set up "legal" shops here and probably make more money or if taxed high just continue to sell illegally (not paying a tax on it). Regulating it would be a nightmare
>"I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized."
>not vaping and using edibles. shiggy diggy
There's no way you could really be this retarded. It's not about wanting to smoke it, it's about the state wasting money on prison spending vs. the state making money via weed taxation.
You don't get outside and socialize much do you?
I am actually not inclined to wall of text you with links you will not read...
But seeing as you asked without cussing
>muh degeneracy
>backed up with false equivalency
I personally think people being this involved in the affairs of others is what is making society decay.
Is someone shitting up YOUR water table with dysentery causing microbes becasue they suck down some pot in their own homes?
I personally think black power and the mongrel mob being able to print money by selling weed to school kids without restriction is a pretty big issue here.
But acknowledging that would involve pulling your head out of your ass.
>Regulating it would be a nightmare
>compared to the war on drugs
"I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized."
there, i said it,