why does skin turn yellow on fat people
Their body can no longer move liquid around to the limbs properly so it just pools there eventually causing the skin to die and then rot
Juss one lil egg roll
Instead of making fun of people why don't you go worry about your own life?
because my life is more or less GREAT so I have time to laugh at people with mental illness
based legposter.
>hey, how y'all doin
Cellulitis - bacteria eating his laygs
>fried rice, that's healthy, it's fried!
I hope it's different where you are, but I live in Canada and a significant portion of my taxes go to covering a public health care system:
Living in this country is basically like that clip on a much larger scale.
James managed to have:
>a loyal wife who was his full-time medical carer, changed his catheter, changed his bedpan, fed him, clothed him and washed his necrotic, rotting legs daily, and received nothing but abuse and bitchiness in return
>friends who helped her do all of these things
How did he do it?
Thoughts on Joey?
Do you think he posts in these threads?
why did they give everyone one little scoop of ice cream but two scoops to trump? did he hack the kitchen?
I honestly hated him more than his brother because he thought he was a decent person just because he wasn't a drug addict and threw piss on his nurses like his brother
At least the other brother accepted he was a terrible human being
Funny you bring this up...
Dated a fat girl once. Currently dating her actually, we've been together for about five years.
Creativity is essential to maintaining a well groomed obese girlfriend. Every day I have to think of exciting and interesting ways to interest her in showering. At least four or five days a week I have to shower with her, and the only reason she even gets in the shower is because she can lean against me while I finger her. After she gets off, she lets me shampoo her hair, and soap her up.
The worst part though, the part that I cannot even remotely enjoy, is the wiping. She has trouble really reaching back there after a particularly wet bowel movement, so I have to help her wipe. It's not TERRIBLE, but it is unpleasant.
I don't really enjoy it, but it's better than the alternative of having this smelly fat chick masturbating on your sofa and then touching your controllers with those hands. Before I knew to bathe with her and wipe her, I actually found FECES in the cracks of my Xbox controller. Between the buttons and under the analog stick.
Did his muh legs actually hurt?
He also fucked another guy's wife in order to get his current wife and he was 400lbs then
Thanks for reminding me to not settle for a fat girl.
I really hope this is pasta
I've seen this pasta before, but you could actually sell those controllers to people on Sup Forums that want something touched by a real life girl
Is fatkino back on the menu?
We just need to convince Boogie to go on the show and he'll end up crying to the therapist about how /fit/ bullies him
Please be true
>their life recorded for everyone to see
>not expecting these kind of responses
His wife was abused by her ex-husband - I think she kind of needs to be treated like shit. Her daughter's young and dumb enough to be roped into dropping out of school to clean up his poop.
I dunno how he got his hooks in these other people. Maybe they just wanted to be on TV
Please refrain from posting on this board ever again
oh no. is that elephant ok
How can they not hurt? Have you seen the pictures? He's crying in the video.
fucking kino that scene
he posts on reddit, i forgot his username
Good. Be a contributing member of society. All u do is go jack off to hentai and spend all your money on video games and Doritos any way
>makes a good point about an intrinsic value
There should be a law that stipulates the execution of morbidly obese people.
So? Silly Europoor, America is the land of the free, where one doesn't have to enable filthy fucks.
t. Healthy non-American who wishes to live in a wellfare free state.
I find intrinsic value at laughing at fatties
>TLC has to do a positive ending
>normally it's the patients going to a salon or a restaurant and them being able to do basic things now like walk around
>with James they literally just got him to sit up on the side of the bed whilst happy music played
you seem upset
can someone please explain how people get this fat
its literally unfathomable to me
Let me guess, you're overweight?
Well James in particular was bed-ridden so he had nothing to do but eat all day
But for ordinary people it's just eating shitloads of food whilst drinking calories from things like soda
It will be a sad day when he dies
>Well James in particular was bed-ridden so he had nothing to do but eat all day
why the fuck did he just not.. eat...
who the fuck was feeding him
Watch the episode senpai, his long-term gf was feeding him
>why the fuck did he just not.. eat...
James is that special combination of being a piece of shit whilst also being retarded, he wasn't serious about the weight loss at all. With most of the patients they have an impetus to lose weight but usually they're at least partially mobile. James at the time of filming hadn't been able to walk for 1 year. If you've gotten to that point of not even being able to get out of bed for a year then you're probably never going to lose weight
fuck me I never noticed.
He has a fucking girlfriend?
all the fatties triggered in this thread
top kek
>people like this can find love and companionship
>I can't
jus b urself :^)
is that fantano with scaruffi?
>if I'm not gonna bring him what he wants, we're gonna get into an argument
lmao so what? what the fuck is he gonna do, hit you? He's fully dependent on you and would die in his own filth if you weren't there, you run the house.
She cheated on her ex-husband with James.
Sure. Go ahead and be an indecent citizen. But when you need something that comes from the cost of other tax payers then it shouldn't apply to you. Have fun with your autistic homeschooled children.
You're talking as if insurance companies don't exist. Get thrown off a helicopter, commie.
Fuck yeah I'm upset
No I'm not. I'm 6 foot 170 and i work out At least 5 days a week because I have shit metabolism and if i don't work out I get fat easily. I'm insecure about it and i just left my girlfriend because I feel like she made me feel worse about it :'(
It's a hard job but someone has to do it
ow mah butt
>Sup Forumsmblr isn't real they said
Back to your /got/ containment
Some people are born poor and can't afford it
Palme d'Or winner
La Biennale di Venezia nominee...
comes a once in a lifetime picture
You're talking as if private charity doesn't exist.
Is it bad that I'm literally fucking angry that this fucking bloated tick hasn't asked for death yet? Or why they don't just fucking let him fucking rot somewhere?
I'm so fucking angry they let this thing live
are they cleaning him with milk or is there just shit oozing out of his skin?
How do people get THIS fat? I understand getting fat but how do you let yourself get to the point where your legs don't even resemble legs anymore?
You're taking as if private charitys give health insurance to poor people and not just flu shots and condoms every now and then
Fat turns you Asian.
If you're that poor you shouldn't be able to eat enough to get fat.
What the fuck???
His argument for being allowed honest fries rice is that it's not rice it's fried
Eating can become an addiction. Just like crack, heroin. Or in your case, masturbation. Its a mental illness and poor people can become addicted too.
That's shit oozing out of him. You know how pimples have that weird fluid when you pop them? His skin is like bubble wrap right now
your reading comprehension is poor
the poster you are replying to was commenting on the fact that if you are poor, you should not be able to afford enough food to get fat. in an ideal world, taxpayers would not be funding his capability to become fat.
you should kill yourself.
At the very least not as fat as these people. For someone like James you have to eat at least 7000 calories a day just to maintain that weight, and he's gaining still. He eats 2 days what I would eat in a week, I can barely even imagine the cost.
So Sam contracts greyscale from Jorah? I don't understand.
t. steven
Is it necessary to watch the episodes prior to this one or can I just watch this episode without missing out on anything?
I've seen pics from it posted here a million times and I'm tired of being clueless about these threads.
>...ow muh foot
>that part where he whispers "I believe in you"
>go ahead and clean me, wagecuck
>I want fried rice!
>you're not supposed to have rice
>but it's fried!
my sides, holy fuck.
Nah you can just watch this one.
But the two Steven episodes are epic
Literally how?
>James at the time of filming hadn't been able to walk for 1 year. If you've gotten to that point of not even being able to get out of bed for a year then you're probably never going to lose weight
That just boggles my mind. That means someone is directly enabling him and aiding him in being that way. What kind of sick fuck would do that and why?
It's not much of an achievement anyway. She looks like his grandma.
shes like a 4/10 man, the guy she had probably wasnt that great either
I remember when the doctor calculated that James was eating around 10k calories to have gained weight while "dieting'
No, I mean literally how. Even if she was the ugliest most misshapen person on the planet, how in the fuck do you achieve sex when you're a guy that fat.