Thank you, Donald Trump, for saving my career

Thank you, Donald Trump, for saving my career.

He's gonna snap before too long. The constant winning will break him.

Hmm, it's almost like comedians need a source of materials. Obama was awful for comedy because he was such a cool guy.

What winning?



No comedians made fun of king nigger because it would've ended their career

this pic looks kinda cool, should have made him uglier

I really genuinely enjoyed LSSC pre-Trump. The first few dozen episodes were great, then they started retooling it due to sinking ratings, then Trump happened.

the late night ratings war


Why should I care? Following politics doesn't affect my life at all. I don't have time to actively do something, so it'd only serve to stroke my ego.

Clearly they weren't that great if their ratings were sinking.

>Following politics doesn't affect my life at all

This kind of attitude is why the West is in the fucking toilet. Grow up.

Not him but I don't give a fuck about politics either. Doesn't matter at all to me.

I thought the memes were just playing it up and Colbert was pretty reasonable but he literally just announced another cartoon show hes doing ontop of his late night show just to make jokes about Trump

Only old people care about politics. Go to bed grandpa.

It does matter to you greatly, you're just too irresponsible and infantile to see it.

Then I'll remain irresponsible and infantile. Fuck politics.

I read shit before elections and vote. There is no fucking reason I should read all year. I'm too fucking busy with school to worry about stuff that I can't change.

He kept Colbert from getting fired and will contribute to him making millions of dollars

You know Colbert will be praying he gets re-elected in 2020

>instead be like me and spam Twitter with frog pictures, now that is how you know I'm interested in politics and trying to save Western civilization

I'm a viewer not an advertiser.

healthcare, swamp-draining, wall-building... all the things that are definitely happening like he said!

What the fuck are you talking about?

they're doing the thing where when somebody laughs at the stupid thing you said/did, you insist they are mad for pointing it out at all

are you trying to have fun with your memes? no no, take your fun to /pol, we don't want that here in our serious board

Is this a meme on Sup Forums?

>His career needed saving
Good to see the crossposters are still butthurt over this guy. He's funny AND makes stormbabbies mad. How much better can one guy get?

threadly reminder that if trump didnt live with his foot in his mouth, it wouldn't be so easy for comedians to keep drawing from that well

>tfw you realize Colbert was only ever funny when he was voicing cartoon characters

Ask that again when he's POTUS


Ignorance is bliss, pal. I couldn't give a flying fuck about politics.

whatever you wanna call the thing he utterly shit the bed on, yes, that thing

>implying Cuckbert could pull states like Ohio, PA, WI etc.

haha sure thing, bud.

The old order is being restored.

>Implying you're not talking out of your ass and have no clue what you're on about.

Either Colbert, Yeezy, or the Rock are getting my vote. If a reality TV clown is allowed to be president one of those three should fit the bill just fine.

I don't like him because his team make literal memes

Lmfao found the butthurt leaf cuck

When I'm sad, I watch him telling Trump that he will never become president. Always a good laugh.

really i'm surprised colbert ever topped his ratings, with how hard he panders to the kind of people that would still have a cable package/be unable to figure out how to watch things online

>implying he wouldn't be doing the same to Hillary had she won
His career was never in jeopardy. This kind of "entertainment" always rags on the people in power.

Vote for the strong woman of color Kamala Harris you fucking racist nazi

I don't get it, are you offended because he didn't get that was being sarcastic?

Reminder that Colbert has been making fun of Putin for over ten years and people are only just now getting offended because Republicans are thin-skinned and nerd rage at any perceived slight against Trump.

Turns out people really wanted a show that shat on Trump, but it looks like they're getting fatigued now.

What was he making fun of Putin for 10 years ago? I feel like that kind of context is relevant.

Made me giggle

or maybe the fact that the only "joke" you can come up with is variations on calling him a nigger epitomizes the point that guy was making

You really believe that?

>This kind of "entertainment" always rags on the people in power.
I don't remember that with Obama.

its a lot harder to make jokes about a competant human being. All you guys can do is call him a nigger, it should be obvious why

The west is in the toilet because of 40 years of failed economic policy, and you stupid fucks keep voting for people that want to continue that policy but with minor irrelevant tweaks.

Boy, how about Syrian civil war?

Obamacare is still in effect since the Republicans healthcare bill can't make enough votes

I literally have no idea, I don't remember things that happened ten years ago.

I'm not American.

Exactly what is so bad about Obamacare?

Thank you libcucks, for getting triggered every night and day and making me laugh out loud.

>thread full of ass pained libs

Business as usual. Based Trump.

Putin has always been what Putin is. People are only just now bitching about him because he's the flavor of the month enemy for the press to pin everything on.

>in the land of the """"" free""""" you have to pay for a socialist program for just existing

White people afford their own private health insurance and Obamacare forces everyone to pay for crime races medical visits. (blacks/hispanics)

People have always bitched about Putin. Have you never heard of Alexander Litvinenko? The difference now is that he has directly fucked with America instead of simply fucking with his own country. And quite frankly, fuck you if you don't think he's someone we should be bitching about.


Nah, Trump was far too late. He stopped being funny with the end of Colbert Report. Even though Trump gives him lots of material, that talkshow he has is 99% cringe with the 1% being OK when he gets good guests.

Most political news satire shows went downhill in recent years. You'd think with all the dumb stuff Trump does they would experience a renaissance but the fail utterly. Upon contemplation I pinpointed the problems as following:
1) Instead of concentrating on Trump's political actions they just rag on him as a person, beating the dead "isn't it wacky who our president is" horse
2) They ignore pretty much everything else. Trump isn't the only damn politician on the face of the earth.
3) Their stance shifted further left and their jokes became ultra-PC, and that's saying something considering they were always left and PC as fuck.

It did because basically his entire shtick was to parody Bush-era Fox News pundits and when Obama got elected he lost all direction

>PC as fuck
Colbert and a bunch of so-called leftists keep making these extremely homophobic jokes about how Trump and Putin are gay for each other. It pisses me off immensely.

Is Reddit down for anyone else right now?

>crime races