What does Sup Forums think of Neo-Reactionism?

Also called Dark Enlightenment.


>The Dark Enlightenment, neoreactionary movement, or simply neoreaction (abbreviated NRx by proponents), is an anti-democratic and reactionary movement that broadly rejects egalitarianism and Whig historiography. The movement favors a return to older societal constructs and forms of government, including support for monarchism and traditional gender roles, coupled with a libertarian or otherwise right-wing or conservative approach to economics. Some critics have labeled the movement as "neo-fascist".

Basically, we cannot rely on a system to be completely fair, if the rulers are themselves part of the system. The social democracy movement that's been ruling western society since the revolutions against kings, is ultimately self-consuming.

We need to go back to a point where the ruler was totally out of the system, so that he alone can guide us to a better world.

The basic idea is that the best society imaginable would be ruled by an immortal all-powerful being, that could never be overthrown.

>See pic related.

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self bump

I don't like the term but it sums up my views pretty well. I believe in a supreme monarchy (in our lands only and the windsor family of course) that oversees departments of appointed civil servants that are sourced from the officer corps of the military. Perhaps there could be an elected peoples commissar that could also petition the monarch to veto laws but big tent political parties cannot continue to control the direction of the state.

A retarded non-movement only supported by those who know nothing about the feudal era.

I also of course believe that any change such as this needs to be put to the people using the current electoral system. No violence or revolution of any of that shit of course democracy must be democratically abolished by the people if it is to be abandoned imo.

Well yeah, I've been leaning towards neoreactionary ideas more and more after I've read Spengler, Evola and Junger, as well as lots of materials on history. Seems like going back to our roots and staying true to what made European civilization great is the only way to preserve our race. Oh, and Kek worship of course, christcucks should fuck off.

Absolutley retarded. What worked 500 years ago with a fraction of the population and industry that we have today wouldn't work in modern times. It's just not possible for a single person to efficiantly rule one nation autocratically. And people will not go backwards socially without a fight, you're not gonna put chains on black people or take pills from trannies without a lot of force to back it up, which isn't possible especially noe that white males are a shrinking demographic, they just don't have the power or want.

Speak for yourself commie

What would be the problem with establishing say, America, under a Monarch (with his firstborn being the next heir, etc)?

How does this relate to feudalism, if he himself oversees public committees, and we have no individual lords over land?

Yea, I agree. The name "Dark Enlightenment" is retarded.

And your point is valid, that he would need to be democratically elected. Is it even possible to slowly move towards this goal with an understanding public, in our day and age?