>first night in county jail
>get brutally ass raped
What would you do to prevent this? I don't think sleeping with underwear on would cut it.
>first night in county jail
>get brutally ass raped
What would you do to prevent this? I don't think sleeping with underwear on would cut it.
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Just made a thread about this movie. I enjoyed it overall, but there were some scenes that were not realistic. That scene being one of them. Most of the time, inmates in county are pretty chill.
not be a bitch
t. just got of of jail
Don't commit crimes
How the fuck do you get raped in county jail? You're only there until your bail comes through.
...unless you don't make bail
Shit myself and smear feces all over myself
smear boogers everywhere and spit on myself
also piss myself
behave like a crazy
weeks before commiting a crime start stretching your ass with the biggest bad dragon toys you can get your hand on. Once they find out that you're looser than a woman who just gave birth they'll give up.
tell me more about jail
what do you want to know?
Where did he get the lube to put that drug ball up his butt?
Never heard about anyone getting raped in county lock up. Getting beat down sure but not rape, that's a maximum prison deal. If you ever go to that type of prison keep to yourself and do not accept gifts from people you don't know. Worse case scenario you join a gang for protection.
That might actually work.
Can't rape the willing :)
nah prison isn't so bad
been in 7 years and didn't got raped
Yeah, what do you want to know?
Go into protective custody. I'm a chanturd, I can get by with close to zero human contact.
This. County jails are light hearted affairs. It's literally like your in adult time out. Prison is a different laughing matter.
Probably something he ordered from canteen or stolen from a nurse's station.
Prove it.
It might be a canteen or infirmary item
truth, if you stick to a non gang affiliated group of the same race in county it's not too bad
just try to make any mistakes like cooperating with COs, and if you're white don't even try to play basketball
actual tip:
buy baby oil from commissary, heat that shit as hot as you can and throw it in some niggers face
nobody will mess with you then
In county, most inmates are pre-trial or waiting to be sent to state. Inmates don't want additional time added for messing up before trial.
is rape a thing? does everyone get along? are all the inmates crazy violent psychos? do you trade cigarettes for currency? is it really boring or is the punishment being locked up with people who have no regard for the law?
*not to make any mistakes
Find an inmate even weaker than you and rape them
>le "act crazy and no one will mess with you" meme
lemme tell you how that works.
you come to jail, suckerpunch someone, and lets say you knock him out. Now everyone there hates you. The guards hate you cuz you start fights, the group of the guy you attacked hates you cuz you attacked him and everyone else hates you because your wild and unpredictable and probably a punk who cant handle prison.
Rape, I guess is still a thing but not really common. County jail is pretty chill although segregated. Prison is different depending on where you are sent. Most inmates just want to do their time and get out. Overall, it's boring. A lot of it is just routine. Wake up, eat, watch tv, go to sleep, eat lunch, sleep, watch tv, read, play dominoes, eat, shower, go to bed. Rinse and repeat.
In prison it's better to be hated than to be loved.
he wasnt in county when the rape occured he was transferred to the pen
note i said niggers face
the whites will love you for that shit and youll get some sweet tats after you come out of solitary
also possible future in dealing meth when you get out
You're implying those are the only two options
Not if you wanna live
That's why you take initiative and rape somebody your first night. Make them fear you.
Yeah, it was the pen but the "he got raped on the first night" thing seemed a bit overdone unless that dude had been marked and someone called his number.
watch Gladiator Days
basically a guide on how to survive if you're a skinny white boy going to prison for life
How about this, idiots, don't get sent to prison in the first place
>is rape a thing?
not really.
>does everyone get along?
not really but most of the time there is no violence.
>are all the inmates violent psychos?
no most of them are just angry dudes who are in a desperate situation and will be in a desperate situation that tend towards an unfortunate pattern
>do you trade cigarettes for currency?
I don't know hat you mean by this. things have value to some people and can be exchanged for something else
>is it really boring or is the punishment being locked up with people who have no regard for the law?
it's boring until it's the second one then back to boring.
its a movie first of all but it was just implying thats what happens to frsh meat off the bus. if you noticed when they first walk in some of the inmates are catcalling them
sometimes it gets too hot and shit hits the fan.
you're out to steal weed and money and suddenly you stabed someone in self defense and get 14 years.
true story happened to me
got out after 7 years tho and still on probation
That thread was a helpful example of how not to get a thread started about a movie you like
Some pro tips for jail...don't have someone put a lot of money on your books, just enough for a few things....don't borrow anything from anyone...don't snitch...be respectful to the COs, and get used to shitty food.
Yeah but then you burn yourself socially for the rest of your stay. He was in there for what, 30 years or something?
>also possible future in dealing meth when you get out
come on mate, aim higher
do you know how hard it is to rape a grown ass man?
prison is not like Sons of Anarchy or videogames user
>you're out to steal weed and money
Precisely where the person in your story fucked up
Obviously. Guess I should have used kino or capeshit in my title.
how often do you find crazy people in there? are you in constant fear of being beaten up? how do you join your gang?
>you're out to steal
Just not a good idea in general. You "straight" nowadays? I don't know the lingo.
Judging by this OP it needed to be about something interesting that was relevant to people who haven't seen the film
if I was in jail i'd shove a load of balls up my ass beforehand golfballs or snookerballs and then shit them all out and put them in a sock and smash the head off anyone who comes near me lets try rape me then
>commits robbery
>commits aggravated assault with a deadly weapon
>"Sometimes shit just happens."
I spent 2 years in what i
I guess people call juvy? It was like this giant farm where you lived and worked, sorta ment for young criminals to 'change their way'
There was this 14 y.o who got unwillingly fucked thats, loads of fucking shit went on there.
Thoroughly enjoyed it but i wouldve liked it more if he didnt kill the big bad just to keep his family safe, that turned it into a pretty generic motivation. it wouldve been better if he was just a fundamentally institutionalized inmate
>how often do you find crazy people in there?
everybody's got their quirks
>are you in constant fear of being beaten up?
violence becomes more frequent but it is't always something you can be afraid of
>how do you join your gang?
if you were already on the path outside then you'll know the people inside who will move that process along. if that's not the case then you probably shouldn't join a gang
Judging by your response, I guess you are interested in prison rape.
Why does juvie seem to be worse than regular prison? Most of the stories I've heard of rapes seem to occur there.
You're just out for an evening of raping and just WHAM you're in the slammer.
It happens even to the best of us.
Because most people who worked there were fucking creeps and pedos. And the criminals, are justkids 12-17 y.o
people spend years in jail dipshit. It's poverty prison.
The film appeals to that dumb working class fear of doing something stupid and ending up in prison and having to fend off rapists. The OP appeals to that as well. You don't need to get so defensive that your thread didn't get any replies. It's happened to everyone.
Wait, so it was the staff? I assumed it would've been older kids.
>rather be raped and be known as the guy that gets raped
>than be the fun crazy guy that gets to take rad drugs
I'm white tho
was a very good idea
that guy had around 170k in his house and we sacked it all
it was actually his knife and I had nothing
I wasn't armed, my friend had the gun
but things happened and he got stabbed
I'm not defensiive. You're the one that brought it up. You think I give a fuck that the thread died? Are you in high school?
That's a false dichotomy because you have other choices to avoid getting raped.
>Been to jail in france
>in a section made of islamist jihadists, corsican and basque independetists, and mentall retarded far right wingers.
>Rape culture isn't actuall a thing
>Why is USA so gay?
I basically spent 4 months reading books. Far from traumatazing
>getting this defensive
It's like I'm trying to tame a wild bull with reason
No one in prison gets raped unless they are asking for it. Don't stir shit up, don't be a bitch, and don't act like a faggot.
delete this
you just watched Un Prophete user
The staff made you shower while they watched to make sure you 'cleaned yourself', it was a former military guy, who probably was thrown out. As he was a fucking mental case.
The 14 y.o girl rode the train. She got fucked by a 12 y.o and a bucnh 15-17 y.olds.
They sent groups of 4 kids to survival trips in the mountains, supervized by 2 adults. Its like 'break you down/rebuild you' kinda deal, where you hike for 2 weeks. There that girl got rammed.
What movie is this thread about?
Butt Raper.
>being this stupid
I get it, I didn't make a thread that lived. Thanks for the pro tips. You happy now?
shot caller
it's produced and directed by jamie lannister
is there a camrip out?
eurofag here
It's pretty much safe if you believe every bullshit inmates tell you. There is this guy who claim that he fucked 10 different girls every time he went to club. One of the gypsies (literally niggers of Europe, jails are like 1/3 locals, 1/3 gypsies and 1/3 eastern europeans of all kinds) told everyone he was some kind of boxing champion and he fought pretty much everywhere, every time he added a new place, but when asked "where exactly in Las Vegas?", he just mumbled "you know, the arena, see?" and the fucking cream of the crop was this literal embodiment of gorilla warfare pasta, he tol everyone he was in special forces and fought terrorists and also was and elite sniper and he could kill a man with spoon, you know, all that stuff. Howewer he was like 160 cm and 70 kg, so everyone was just laughing at his bullshit. Anyway, my point is, the only fights I've seen was because someone accused somebody else of stealing or telling bullshit, but the worst that can happen to you is black eye. Other than that it wasn't that bad, if you'll get over retarded people, both inmates and guards.
I don't know about USA, but no rapes, shanking or prison gangs here.
So did the staff know about it at the time? Were the kids who did it punished?
desu the movie was oddly realiitc
blu ray is already out my friend
thanks bro
No it wasn't
they found out after she tried to kill herself. one kid, the oldest, was soon 18, he got sent to prison.
others lost weekend privilage for a month, and diciplinatary stuff.
wait why was there a girl in the boys juvie?
Depends where ya from? Im in Texas and its the most racially segregated state in prison. Had a Satanist slap me in the back of the head for playing bones with nigers in county.
Sounds like it wasn't self defense and more like the guy was defending himself from armed robbers (you).
>people still don't understand the difference between jail and prison
i wrote, it was a farm where you live, work, i dont know what they call it. it was for young criminals/trouble children. Boys and girls.
underrated post
Checked. Thanks, bro.
Thats what I got 4th time in county walking in someone whistling at me. I just ignored it, I have no fear. Wish I knew who cause Im sure I would rape them laughing.
Tell everyone you have AIDS
Your ass is saved, niggas won't even want to punch you out of fear you'll get blood on them.
I just solved the age old question. You're welcome everyone ITT
You're welcome everyone in the country
True. Jail is for misdemeanors/city ordinance violations and prison is for felonies.
what if someone with aids tries to rape you
And now you're exclusively the target of people with aids.
They're weak because of actual AIDS so you'll be able to outrun him or wrestle free
Besides you can tell the guard because you're untouchable. Nobody will bother you