/got/ Victarion. edition
bran is the RIGHTFUL KING
First for Euron
>Jon Snow looks nothing like a Targaryen
>Stark genes are weak enough that Ned porking Catelyn only results in one mainly Stark kid out of five
>Edric Dayne tells Arya Ned and Ashara fell in love
>Barristan Selmy believes Ned and Ashara were in love, and that they fucked at Harrenhal
>Howland Reed sees them dance together at Harrenhal
>Ned tells Robert that Wylla, a Dayne wetnurse, was involved in Jon's birth
>None of these people have any reason to lie
dispute this
>protip: you can't
Some kind soul answer my Viserys lore question.
Season 8, just you wait!
So what do you think they will do with Bran's story once he gets to Winterfell?
>Jul. 22nd, 2007 07:14 am (UTC)
>Ten years from now, no one is going to care how quickly the books came out.
1st for Dany is a downgrade
Literally only watching this for Euron. He is my psuedo-Stannis
Bran's storyline will consist this season of telling Arya and Sansa stuff so they kill Littlefinger, and telling Jon things next season so he'll kill the Night King.
He's the same, but we get more insight on his infancy. Harry Lloyd is a great actor and did the deranged, cruel man very well.
>this millionaire still cares that people on the internet bash him for being slow
>he still replies to their bait with walls of text
When will he learn?
Crown him king
>He was a handsome devil. But was Viserys actually good at anything? Can any book lovers confirm if he was as flawed in them as the show?
He was as good as Dany at everything.
Which means, of course, that he sucked at everything.
But if he had been given
3 dragons
10k unsullied
100k dothrakis
barristan selmy
the tyrell
half of the greyjoy
(soon to be)
the Stark
the tully
the vale
probably the frey bannermen (now that freys are gone)
the stormlands
He probably would've done OK.
Because a 6 years old autist would've done ok with all that.
Those pointy tits could break through a door
And then warg into Viserion
he was great at pinching Dany's nipple to make her scream in pain.
Can the Dothraki assimilate?
>She will never break your rib cage
>Yara + 50 of the best Ironborn soldiers
>outnumber Ramsay's forces
>run because he had like 5 dogs
>Theon and no one else because everyone is dead or having their tongue ripped out
>the fact that Euron can just kill Yara the second Theon takes a step forward
>escapes because he has no chance
Guess who normies think is the bigger coward?
Hey Sup Forums. How have people remembered my legacy? Is it everything I dreamed it would be?
This is the true dragonpill. Dany realized it in the books, if she had been old as her brother she would have ended up exactly as him. She never truly experienced the utter shame of being a defeated and exiled former royalty. It rocked him psychologically.
>mance is a libertarian
>he literally killed 3 leaders so their tribes would follow him against their will
b-but they follow me because they want to! I mean after I killed those who didn't want to.
Thoughts on Boat Sex and Jon "Aegon Targaryen" Sand/Snow?
better tribute than OP one desu
Who was this again?
he'll even die like a beast. most likely by someones sword and by the ocean. 'what is dead may never die' *euron happy face and falls backwards into the ocean* and a giant fucking kraken rises from the depth of hell itself.
He had to know that his kids fucked, right? And that everyone knew about it?
>jon sand
I'd rather have Jon Starkgarysnowand and Sandra Boltonnisterully.
user, it's easier just showing them a pretty video with lights, sound and logic.
>Ned "Yer Grayce" Stark is an An-Cap
lol, come on
This triggers the Ashara autist. Reminder she killed herself because Brandon pumped and dumped her with a stillborn daughter.
He probably knew. Joanna did and put them as far away as possible when they were growing up, I can imagine she told Tywin about it.
he was the guy who died on shitter and also he had this fucked up family
He definitely knew, probably more than anybody. He just tried to be as delusional as possible about it.
>no Finding Gendry
Some old man who got killed by a dwarf while taking a shit. Quite the embarrassment really. He won't be remembered.
>tfw winter was coming
>tfw "Was it rape?"
>tfw Storytime with Old Nan
>tfw verts and reaction images everywhere
>tfw "Hi Sup Forums, this is Edward Starch"
>tfw you didn't know Dagmer's real identity
>tfw no chain
>tfw it fit
>tfw merlings were everywhere
>tfw CLEGANEBOWL was just one guy and he'd wish you merry CLEGANEBOWLs
>tfw frogfu was just one guy doing a countdown and he never got firsts
>tfw Rickon and Dickon become gay emperors of Essos
>tfw you were haeving problems
>tfw "Friendly Reminder with Ros"
>tfw Talisa was a spy
>tfw Roose finally got loose
/got/, I dreamed I was old.
Was Tysha a whore?
>rebelled against tyrannical king in favor of a less tyrannical king
technically yes. she did leave with silver didn't she?
Well, he has stopped bothering with his blog desu.
she is now
>incest between everyone except the Stark sisters.
I'm out.
In the show, yes
>yfw you realize Drogo+Dany wasn't rape
>yfw you realize Jaime+Cersei wasn't rape
>yfw you realize Ramsay+Sansa wasn't rape
>yfw you realize D&D+Stannis was rape
dibs bedora :DDD
>character gets raised from the dead
>no one cares
>character blows up the most holy site in Westeros
>even a fucking baker in the Riverlands knows that the character was responsible for it
>nobody cares
>huge part of a characters bagage is killing off a mad king who wanted to burn an entire city to the ground with wildfire
>his sister uses said wildfire in a massive explosion, killing hundreds of people
>the character doesn't notice/cares about this
i don't care about this post
nobody cares about anything except for when its convenient to the (((plot)))
i really want to lick her anus
My only problem with Jon's resurrection is, only the people in the Nights Watch saw it. To literally everyone else in Westeros, would appear as a deserter because they didn't know he got resurrected. But no one mentions this, nor anyone questions the truth of his resurrection.
Jon pls
Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)
Listen youtu.be
wrong general numbnuts
She was paid over the rape, so perhaps.
Is Cooper the Great Other? The Night King?
She'd be the perfect Val.
>None of these people have any reason to lie
The only one of those points that has to do with Jon's parentage is what Ned tells Robert, and he absolutely had a reason to lie. Robert hates Targaryeans, and Jon was the son of a Targaryean he hated and killed with the woman he was betrothed to. As for the rest of it, yeah, Ned had a thing for Ashara, no one disputes that.
dragon battle when
He mentions the name of a wet nurse known to be in service of the Dayne household in connection with Jon's birth. You're saying he lied about that to Robert? Why?
At this point I just want the Night Kang (now played by Idris Elba) to conquer all of westeros and freeze it all.
>she will never smile smugly while she beats your ass to a pulp with her cane
Cersei is a literal retard, Tyrion is ebin quipmaster and Jaime has been relegated to "literally has nothing to do" status. Tough shit, bro.
eeeeewww what the hell Rhaegar
next episode will be shit
Is that Storm's End?
My Dance of Dragons knowledge is foggy
Imagine being the maester being secondmented with Victarion:
>clearly didn't won't to go in the first place
>crammed on a boat with Iron Born for months
>trying to heal a hand of a known Reaver
>hand wont heal due to the Dusky women with no tongue Victarion is banging (who you suspect is a Euron warg)
>getting raped by the crew constantly
>when you make a compliant Victarion give your skinny arse a knife to defend yourself against battle hardened Iron Born
>see Victarion get a weird religious adviser who clearly doesn't like you
>see same healing Victarions arm
You think you had a tough apprenticeship.
Joffrey Waters
>character religiously beliefs in his lord
>has TWO sons named after him
>doesn't really care when said lord doesn't return from a battlefield
>furiously hates magic and witchcraft to the point he plotted murder
>instantly switches full allegiance to a Nights Watch deserter because he was resurrected from the dead. By magic.
Well if any of the Nothern Lords doubt him he can just take off his shirt and show them his massive knife wounds.
nobody in this thread is going to disagree with you. The general consensus is that nobody actually cares about the story anymore and only watches for the production values. Its a big part of why spoilers are posted several times a thread and nobody bats an eye anymore. The only reasons to continue to care were killed off along the way.
N+A=J friends are good guys, and there's still hope for them, but you will eventually have to accept the final redpill B+A=J R+L=D.
Reddit+L=J niggers are too far gone, do not waste your time with them.
That's not exactly proof of being dead. They could say it was just some wounds from battles.
Even out of the show you have to wonder what Jamie saw in her to begin with. I suppose when both were young they were incredibly vain, narcissistic and shallow. They only saw one another as a mirror unto themselves.
It's only after Jamie gains some introspective and humility in the Riverlands that he's able to step back and see Cersei for what she is, even if the physical attraction remains.
The way you phrased it was that she was "involved." Jon's mom was dead, it makes sense that a wetnurse would be involved, he had to eat somehow. Maybe she was the closest; after the Tower of Joy fight, Ned went to Starfall to give Ashara her brother's sword.
And it's pretty obvious why Ned would lie about it. His sister asked him to because Robert probably would have killed Jon. The guy started a war over Lyanna and killed Rhaeger over her.
>R+L = D
Dany secret Targaryen all along
woah who would have fucking thought
serves that filthy strong bastard right
So where is Ghost at? Is he just chilling at winterfell, did Jon and D&D just forget about him?
all the budget went towards the dragons and Nymeria
Except while now she has a claim almost as strong as Aegon does, if she's just his sister that goes away.
How many scenes have Jon and Ghost shared together in this show total? They're barely ever together.
How will D&D ruin next season, anons?
they'll leave more than 10 people alive in westeros in the end
like 5 times in the first season and then never again, I don't even remember the last time ghost was on screen
>female bastard
>same level of claim
What was the point of Jorah getting greyscale again?