If you could erase one film (or franchise) from history, what would it be
If you could erase one film (or franchise) from history, what would it be
Star Wars
that space one where love conquers all by nolan
Marvel. All of it. I'll live without those good 80's Iron Man and Punisher comics.
Unironically star wars it spawned "universe" franchise movies for kids that were taken too seriously by adults and look at us now
The dark knight rises
the entirety of film itself
Yeah, I'd probably say Marvel as well. I hate those dumb ass avengers movies more than islam or green tea
Jaws, capeshit would not be a thing now.
This. Or the MCU movie franchise.
Star Wars
Harry Potter so I could have hope for a decent adaptation.
Jaws may have been one of the first high concept wide release summer movies but really it was Star Wars two years later that created the summer blockbuster as we know it today.
if I can pick Marvel and instantly erase all Marvel franchises I would definitely pick that. I just hate how much it has influenced pop culture and all elements of society for young people.
MCU, literally zero good movies so far
lol there's nothing decent there to adapt
Probably the Saw franchise.
The Hobbit trilogy
Did you... seriously... just do a fucking emoticon on Sup Forums? What the FUCK?
Fuck you, the original movie is GOAT space adventure
the first Iron Man film was good
rest is vile garbage
>"Do I fit in yet" The post
Id erase the F&F franchise in a nanosecond
What is Jack thinking of right now
Transformers or Amazing Spiderman
thingken of raw
fuck u
Under fucking rated post, only saw the first but that was enjoy to ruin my appetite
Harry Potter
Serious Answer: Starship Troopers Franchise
Eadweard Muybridge's Sallie Gardner at a Gallop
ITT: Sup Forums shows it's contrarianism thread #2567947
What do you have against green tea?
Alien franchise so I could steal the alien's design as a minor race in my sci fi book
Anything and everything Disney
Then Star Trek would fill SW role. Really SW was like more 'pleb-friendly' (no offence, I like SW too, but find it less nerdy than ST) Star Trek.
Not hating, but due to success of MCU, we got pointless DC/Marvel fights and Universal Dark Universe attempts. So agree, Marvel universe it would be, if had to pick only 1.
Harry Potter is a very serious answer.
Fast and the Furious.
This. I'm convinced that Star Wars is the main source for the atrocity that is contemporary nerd culture. Seriously, why do these people spend so much money on plastic shit with no utility?
Birth of a Nation. So that film itself hopefully would not exist. Just like I'd delete Pong, or the first TV shows, or the first sport, or whatever.
Seriously. Nothing good has come of entertainment or fun in this timeline. Just delete it entirely.
How are normies not sick of Star Wars and capeshit yet?