Date Asian women

>Date Asian women
>White women get mad
>Date Black women
>White women get mad
>Date younger girls
>White women get mad
>Date white men
>White woman gets mad

And this is why i wont date any white women anymore.

You forgot
>date white women
>white women still get mad


B-but we must preserve a future for the white kids!

Wtf? I love white women now

You post this in nearly every yellow fever thread and yet no one credits you for it. Its honestly impressive.

Why do you care if women get mad ?

That article reads like satire.
>men can't talk about what they want with women
>but they can do so with men
>they can have relationships based on their actual wants with friends instead of faking a persona in front of a woman
>this is bad
It's just time for women to change :^)

>University of Winchester

The Greeks, Romans and Samurai had male lovers. Were they enlightened?

wtf I hate Latinos now

>Women become cold cunts that no man wants to be emotionally close and open with
>This is the mans fault


>And Jomon guys get White girls

>9 people over a year long period



Do you actually think no one can tell your pathetic same fagging?

>a literal 3/10
Please stop user, you're just hurting yourself

>t. pathetic manlet poor lat*Noid

>home of weeaboos
>accurate representation of women

>male camaraderie is very important in the west
>novels are full of extremely intimate relationships between men
>hollywood machismo
>extreme sexualisation of relationships
>friendship between men becomes stigmatised, since it's now seen as gay
>it's finally okay for men to be friends again
>"how do we stop this? this is the end of the world!"

When will you pierru-kun stop loving a girl in your monitor?

It's russian site for anime fans
Of course they like japs
But majority of girls here hate asians (living in Kazakhstan border, there are lots of them here
Even kazakh girls hates kazakhs and trying to get russian bf

I would honestly be very happy if more people were unable to have relationships

Well I'm coming this summer, please prepare your imouto for my big gaijin cock

I can't even imagine having a really close male friend. Nothing like what I would have with a gf.

>make chart
>all colours are the same

wtf is this supposed to represent?

Russian women (salvic women in general) are meant to have their pussies plundered by foreigners. That's why the women are beautiful and the men are so ugly.

Can confirm, gf is ruski.

>the women are beautiful and the men are so ugly.
It s myth

>9 posts in over a year


he's way out of her league

Idk, would still plow

I'm serious
Average russian women are fat, and ugly because of her weight. Even if she isn't fat, she will be manly because of smoking and drinking since 13y.o
But men are fit in common. I meant among average poor people

Only upper middle class girls are good looking and thin, and men are ugly skinnyfats or just fat. Because they have money and girls will date them regardless of how they look, they can afford themselves look like monsters

Myth about "russian qts" is only myth, (our men are better at least they are not overweight) mb they were in 90s when foreigners started getting russian brides, but not now

>Millennium men have started to view women with disdain, say social scientists

I wonder why that is.

I really have doubts on this study. Firstly it used a sample group of just 30, and all from one specific group (Undergraduate from 1 school/area). A sample size that small carries a confidence interval of 17 for a 95% confidence level. That is basically no better than flipping a coin.

Then you have this line

>Of the 30 men interviewed, 29 said that they had experienced cuddling with a same sex friend, and many said they often slept in the same bed.

96% of your sample group actively cuddles with male friends and sleeps in the same bed and you consider this a remotely acceptable sample variety for a study on this kind of activity?

This is a terribly done study and really casts doubts on the quality of the University of Winchester, which I've never heard of before today so that might be saying something.

>Date Asian women
>White women get mad
>Date Black women
>White women get mad

When has this ever happend

>I prefer Korean guys more, although it doesn't matter actually, the main thing is that he wasn't a slant-eyed asian
pfff. dumb roasties

you got some fair points smarty

Lots of contemporary stories and journals/recounts of the pre-20th century feature what is essentially this "very close bromance" concept among men of that era. It's scene everywhere from medieval Europe to the American west. It's very much common enough that it is certainly not just occasional stories of secretly gay men in the past. It was very clearly a normal friend relationship level.

As said. This seems to have been the case for a lot of history except the most recent period where social stigmas generated out of pop culture expectations. There's nothing wrong, society functioned just fine then and led us to today, and today will lead up to tomorrow.

>Women get mad

Your women must be really different over there. Around here white women get incredibly hostile (Either actively or passive aggressively) when they see men with Asian women.

White women, even ones who are themselves not very attractive at all, will basically call every black, Asian and Latina woman ugly, unimpressive, etc. If they get stuck compared to another white women they will start to get vain about it, calling them stupid, bimbos, sluts, psychos, etc.

Around here dating an Asian will get you less hate from 85 year old veterans who fought the Japanese than it does from 25 year old white women.

it's the quality of women that went down 2bh

>regular /r9k/ threads now
another board falls to the omega male plague

I doubt that because this is the first time i hear it and i cant find anything about it om the internet

Move on over and experience it yourself then, my city if full of Dutch so you'll feel right at home.

I've never understood why asians vote democrat when they are too rich to for gibs and suffer negative consequences from affirmative action.

she looks like emperor palpatine

woke as fuck

t. yellow fever white nationalist

Why is good looking guy with a ugly girl

Now I love white women and will go out with them

this is even worse than the sandal and sock dudes in thailand

She's white

they have aunts and uncles to import
they literally only do it for immigration reasons, otherwise they are red as fuck

>The rise of the ‘bromance’ could threaten heterosexual relationships, academics have warned, after discovering that many men find their close male friendships more emotionally satisfying than relationships with women.

Hasn't this been true since the dawn of the species?

She is just fat, but her face is cute, she would look good if she lost weight

>literal propaganda poster tier chad with an extra from trainspotting

is this meant to be impressive?

Just date a superior LATINA and leave wh*tes for other subhumans

>use sex doll
>white women get mad

>After surveying 30 undergraduates
they interviewed a bunch of faggots, probably from the same social circle even, and then conclude everyone goes homo

Wish i could fuck brazilian tranny

Fine by me. Most white women are sickening, in this country at least. Asian and East European women are wonderful.

I want a TWICE gf

Do you want to find love in Japan?

Lol no , swap "white women" for "white men" and what you are saying is correct. Just go to Sup Forums if you don't believe it

Asian women at their best are the acme of female beauty and grace. White women look like fucking orcs in comparison.

more of a cosmics man myself desu

Asian women are for beta, feminine, fat soyboys that can't get a white gf

>they literally only do it for immigration reasons, otherwise they are red as fuck
nice delusions weeb

But you posted orcs as well. Ugly and unfemenine.

Agreed. Low-tier asian shit is for beta-incels only. Slayer get white ladies.

Shut your chink ass up you filthy d*Ne

Your hottest woman would rather marry 60 year old Donald Trump than be the gf to a "slayer"

You're a fucking retard, Asians and all other COMRADES OF COLOR will take down the smelly wh*Te dog

Deal, you can deal with Stacy Thundercunt instead.


Can confirm that this is true. I have a white GF, and this sort of shit regularly happens:

>Her: "Hey, do you think [white girl] is pretty? You have to be honest!"
>Me: "Sure."
>Her: "Alright."
>Her: "Hey, do you think [black or Asian girl] is pretty? You have to be honest!"
>Me: "Sure."

>mfw im going to spend this weekend with my friends in a house in the mountains getting drunk, having a barbacue and wandering around

>I have a white GF
no, you don't, Chan

If all asian women were photomodels with extremely slim feminine facial features then sure
But that is faaaaaaaaaaaar from the case, take a look at the average asian chick in videos when they ask strangers stuff on the streets of different asian cities and maybe 1/20 is this petite feminine beauty, the rest, not so much