Do you think Team 10 has future in Hollywood movies, or are Disney Channel films enough for them...?
Do you think Team 10 has future in Hollywood movies, or are Disney Channel films enough for them...?
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Hes gonna do something stupid and then never be heard from again like most youtube dbags, he has more hate than love
>Jake Paul is married and I'm not
>Hes gonna do something stupid and then never be heard from again like most youtube dbags, he has more hate than love
t. hater
*dabs on you*
You want to be married?
Yes. I also want to have kids.
this "perfect nuclaer familly" seems more soul-crushingly depressing than even being a loser neet to me for some reason
Ban evading is against the rules, shill
It's the thing I long for most.
>this guy makes 56k a month because of this video
end my life
You just need to sort yourself out.
firt time im making this thread, hater
its also not against the rules by any means, we are discussing a TV star
Jake Paul=Sup Forums
Jake Paul haters=reddit
I think the alcoholism might have something to do with it
dab on them haters
>2017 film
Does have a bit of a Boxxy vibe
Married at 20 always ends well.
is he /ourguy/?
It used to in simpler times. My great grandma was married and having kids at 15. That marriage lasted 'til death.
Unironically he has the potential to be yes.
Not movies, but you're looking at the 2036 year elected president of the United States.
Calling it now...
Damn, they must have started sleeping around early to get married that young. What did they use as for tinder back then?
Bitch dab
leaves and small twigs/dry moss
Dude is balding and 20, he has no future at all.
Jake is LITERALLY /ourguy/
>pure white and not some h3h3 kike
>does what he wants
>everyone hates him
>has a harem of underage girls
>pisses off everyone around him
>bogeyman of YouTube (like Sup Forums)
>brown eyes
>is a rapper
white people are a joke
The loser neet doesnt work 80 hours a week and doesnt have to worry about his wife and kids hating him for never being around because he provides them with so much.
I don't know this guy, why does he have le h8rz?
He has clear eyes, even blue depending on the lightning.
this, BBC or bust!
nice trips
because his very existance forces jews to compare themselves to him and that creates resentment which is then expressed through h3h3 videos for man children which get circulated around redddit
>off-topic thread being babysat
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :^)
maybe, thats why i find it fucking hilarious when the losers on Sup Forums and Sup Forums especially idealize that much this and hate on "degeneracy" when pretty much everyone here is the same kind of loser
>off-topic thread
how is this thread off-topic, you monkey
It's all based on their projections.
Your views on life and family have been so distorted by Hollywood that it's sad you actually believe the shit you're spewing.
>shilling against Jews
>can't spell "existence"
every time with you halfwits, go back to your containment board you fat waste
Sup Forums basically thinks that having sex is degeneracy
something something the fox something something the grape
unironically Sup Forums
I guess its hollywoods fault that the divorce rate is so high.
It has nothing to do with Hollywood, but storytelling in general. Once you learn about exceptional lives, it's hard to yearn for the dull, meaningless life of wife + kids + career.
hey ethan
no, they have a future in youtube which is much more lucrative
Thank you *dabs*
his content is already dying out.
i doubt he'll last once school restarts
i dont think you realize how much money those youtubbers make
if hes smart, he can probably live till the rest of his wife with 1 strong year of youtube money
>his content is already dying out
>gained 4 million subs since everyday bro released
he was on 8.8 m subs like 2 days ago when i was shilling and today hes on 9.2
Why does this guy trigger nu-males so much?
>when i was shilling
>live that lifestyle he has with 3mill max
not that lifestyle necessarily, but a decent life without having to bother working ever
and, thats not including money from other business, investements and all the opportunities and people that you meet once you are famous like him
basically, if you arent a complete retard, you need to get big once on youtube and set your life
What? He's getting at least five million dollars a month, and that'd be low numbers.
>Do you think Team 10 has future in Hollywood movies, or are Disney Channel films enough for them
In a few years, their main audience (Generation Z kids) will stop giving a shit about any of them so no, OP
all the net worth estimations are old because hes only been doing youtube for a year
go look at his profile and see his views, hes probably clearing like 10-20k per day just on his channe;, all of his videos get 5-10 mil views
and thats before we taking into account the fact he owns team 10 and gets a cut out of every person in that houses ad profit not to mention the merch, the team 10 youtube, etc etc
theres like 10 people in team with over 1 mil subs. do the math, hes earning big big money
based jake is definitely our guy
what the fuck is team 10 anyway
its his company. jake uses his influence to artificially create you tubers and puts them on a contract takes a sum of their profits in return for exposure
apart from a couple of the people in team 10 who were his old friends from highschool every one else in that house is just people he choose randomly from the street
hes actually a pretty smart young man
isnt this what those "youtube networks" are basically anyway?
>Implying Steven Suptic isn't kino and the Sup Forums youtube channel of choice.
wtf I admire Jake Paul now
so this is why so many jews hate him. cant let a goy take that big of a stake in the online media market
>social media labels are a thing now
What went wrong in society
How long before the jews set him like they did everybody else that got in their way, and what will they use, rape, molestation accusations, fake murder rap?
social media is the shit my man, you can literlaly become a millionaire in a year if you know how to work it
90% of Sup Forums are NEET autists, i have no idea why people dont start doing this and make mad dosh instead of shitposting here for 15 hours a day
This bitch will be set for life in a year and a half when she files for divorce.
they're just gonna keep picking at him until his confidence takes a hit then try to buy him out when hes feeling low. im hoping he will rise to the occasion
>dude just be a good looking sociable normalcunt and you'll make it!!
This is the final boss after you fuck all of the 6/10s
>tfw you will never smash tessa brooks plump ass
Drunken barn dances and sexual telegraphs.
I thought this guy was just another social media dummy, but I saw a video of him doing intravenous magnesium and B12, and I realized this guy is actually multiple steps ahead of the game.
>>dude just be a good looking sociable normalcunt and you'll make it!!
not talking about that you mong, but that definitely helps
learn how to promote pages, gain followers, etc and you can make huge money on facebook and instagram
im not talking about showing yourself, look at all those meme pages like lad bible or troll football that upload absolutely dogshit content for normies, but they make millions monthly
hot pudgy sluts are my kryptonite
has there ever been a more blatant hit piece than the one currently on jake paul??? hes genuinely a positive guy. so why is the media trying to hard to make people hate him. im really confused by this, its almost like theres an agenda here....
>wanting to have kids
I really hope somebody kills this asshole.
There's also his Instagram, snapchat etc. deals/sponsorships, television/film roles, live shows. He is fucking loaded.
This one actually works though. His 'wife' got something like two million subs in a couple of days
Wtf who is the girl.
You've opened my eyes. I'm now a /jakepauler/
*dabs triumphantly*
Kill yourselves
*dabs you to death*
hehe...silly hater
you're not wrong, neo/tv/ is pretty much this guy's fans
The janitor must like this since it breaks the rules yet its still up
at least thats another check in the list of things about him
Stop talking about them
>tfw this literally who has been getting spammed on Sup Forums ever since he got covered by news media for being a massive nuisance to his neighbors and then being a total retard to the reporters who came to cover the noisy shenanigans at his house
how is this breaking the rules you mong?
Not gonna lie, former Jake Paul hater here. This is fucking awesome watching Team 10 blow up.