What is the Unknown Pleasures of cinema?
What is the Unknown Pleasures of cinema?
Pulp Fiction.
Something extremely cathartic and melancholy.
Fight Club
Whatever Herzog film Ian was watching
Lost in Translation
Magnolia, lol.
wew came in to say this
I hate meme music fags
You are literally the "le criterion collection is le deep xdd" fags of the music world
Dont know, whats some movie that everyone pretends that theyve watched, wear t-shirts of it, but havent actually wached it at all?
How could anyone know if it's an "Unkonwn Pleasure"??
sex is an unknown pleasure to you lmao
Our love is tearing us apart again Lisa!
fight club or pulp fiction
any poster that fits on a shirt
blown the fuck out
Fucking destroyed
do you mean that people only should be allowed to listen to the hottest top 40's? or garbage of the like of queen and the beatles? mite start eating shit as well
>meme music
off yourself
no coming back from that one
the road
how can a movie be a t-shirt?
New Order is the real deal.
Actually this, specifically because so many people own the poster
you realize criterion is a publisher right? they don't make the films themselves retard