Why is this character so popular again? I legitimately don't understand

Why is this character so popular again? I legitimately don't understand.

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Literally the only interesting super hero.

1. Wasn't born with his powers
2. Isn't a God
3. Isn't rich
4. Doesn't know what the fuck he's doing

His villains are also better than anyone else's except maybe batman

>1. Wasn't born with his powers

Wasn't he born a super genius, one of the smartest humans in the universe, who created his webshooters & a new experimental material for webbing in his own room as a teenager?

He has cool unique powers, a cool look, and was the first real teen hero so that makes him more relatable to people since most people get into capeshit as kids

>muh relatable hero

That's all. Somehow if people can imagine themselves being the hero, the hero is better. I dunno about you but this is bullshit for me, If I had superpowers I wouldn't deal with the melodramatic bullshit that Marvel likes to put into its comics.

Everybody loves underdog.

Its all just coasting on how much he exploded at first because he was the only teen hero.

>That's all. Somehow if people can imagine themselves being the hero, the hero is better. I dunno about you but this is bullshit for me
It's not ALL, but it is part of it, see Also, I think people who say characters being relatable isn't a factor in why they like them is total bullshit. The main reason some people loathe the Punisher because they think killing is wrong, that means they automatically compare the character's personality to their own and judge whether they like them based on how they match up to their own personality, this is common as fuck and most people do it to some extent

People on Sup Forums love Cyclops, is it any coincidence that a bunch of unlikable uptight pretentious nerds masturbate over an unlikable uptight pretentious nerd? I think not, they relate to him hence they like him while normal people hate him much like they'd probably hate most of this board if they spent any time here.

He does quips, he gets fine pussy, and he had cool villains

>3. Isn't rich

He is now