What's the absolute scariest movie you've ever seen, Sup Forums?

What's the absolute scariest movie you've ever seen, Sup Forums?

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Unironically Insidious. Saw it with my mom on the cinema and it really spooked us

your biopic

>Go on, boy. Fetch the horrors of war.


Did you cop a feel?

28 days later the first time i saw it


Session 9 got under my skin, but Martyrs where the main girl finds that girl down in the underground bunker had me horrifically awed. I wanted to look away but I was so captivated by how fucked up it was. And when she kills herself in the bath, jeez.


Signs. I am fucking scared of ayyys so that corn field scene with the alien foot is freaky.

Sinister was scary too I thought. And Dark Skies.

Requiem for a Dream

Paranormal Activity is the only actually scary movie I've seen

synecdoche new york t b h

Jacob's Ladder

This fucking video


it's real

Glengarry Glen Ross


Sinister was pretty spoopy

>Suddenly hears voices emanating from hell itself
>keeps on walking and reviewing the ThruNite TN12 flashlight





ThruNite actually advertises the warding off of demons as a feature.


That guy has balls of titanium.

Yes, some scenes in that make me feel legitimately uncomfortable, captures that fever dream sensation perfectly
Likewise Under the Skin

Jesus fucking Christ I hate this planet.

totally normal


fucking hell I feel sick. What is that shit the doc is pulling out in the second one


Scream, saw it when I was like 12. More recently was probably Grave Encounters


The Japs make some fucked up shit.

I was never spooked by this, but I can see why it scarred a whole generation

I watched Inland Empire alone... AT NIGHT

i doubt anyone can top that

As a kid: ET and Roswell.

As an adult: Dark Skies.

Aliens are the only thing that scare me.

It sounds like someone's playing clips from a death metal record

That's pretty scary

>demons yelling at him to get the fuck outta their turf
>"welp that was weird, hey how about that flashlight guys"

Them things with their heads shaking violently, scary as all hell


You were a little faggot growing up weren't you...?

Would you guys ever go cave/mine exploring?

You ever watch Fire In The Sky ?

No hell raiser?

saw it with my granda on HBO. spoopy as fuck.

It's utter shit but it scared me bad for some reason.


fuck ET. he's even creepier than the traditional gray aliens.

This because i paused it on the subliminal demon face


Ohhh shit fuck that movie. I don't even fond ayyylmaos scary and that movie fucked me up.

Got crazy near the end

Drag queens aren't necessarily transgender people.

Probably just medicated gauze, same stuff you'd pack any other wound with.Also this shit looks EXTREMELY rough because it's probably the day after surgery.

they're all mentally deranged degenerate trash, you too from the sound of it

>it's probably the day after surger
Oh well, that's makes it acceptable. Faggot.

Sure, sure. Just saying drag queens are 85% of the time men who dress in drag as a hobby or fetish. Most of them shit on transwomen too kek

Is that the bitch who does a hell speedrun for her friend?

Texas Chainsaw Massacre, some of the violence like when he nails that dude with the hammer is still so visceral, and there's something about a horror character not walking towards you in that "badass" style but straight up running after you with a chainsaw over his head that is scary as fuck still.

Didn't say it was acceptable, just sayin the facts here. Everything looks like it went through a meat grinder the day after surgery, especially if your penis has been spliced and flipped inside out.

new scary movie for me
these butches can't keep getting away with it
i like to imagine this is nazi human experimentation on jews during ww2 and then liberals brains exploding

My sister made me watch this when I was 8.

I am 29 and still have nightmares about it. If I think about that little girls face I have to get out of bed and go on the computer or something, can't sleep afterwards. I'm a giant pussy I guess. Thinking about even attempting to watch it again makes me panic.

How do I fix this?

Watched this when I was 7.

Terrified of closets, open underbeds for years only until recently.
Had a large scab on my head that created a bump, and literally had a mental breakdown
Hated it.

>How do I fix this?

Fears can be broken down by exposure therapy. And also fear flooding combined with a beta blockers.

A Drug to Cure Fear

The Cure For Fear

holy fucking shit i agree with this, i think part of it is you don't go into it expecting it to be that fucking scary

glad he annotated it so I could skip directly to 12:10

watch "the making of" if it exists. it's easier to calm your fears when you realize that images of a child actress in a costume are keeping you up.

the machinist
it hit way too close to home

Definitely one of my favorite thrillers. Just avoid the director's cut.


>Just avoid the director's cut
how come? I don't know if what I watched several years ago was the director's cut

>that part in the beginning where ET is shuffling towards eliott
fucking nightmares even thinking about it now

This 80s or probably 90s VHS movie about a mutating drug that makes a hobo suck people brains through their eyehole with his tongue. At the end of the movie a baby becomes a brain sucking mutant which is also the movie poster.

I've asked for sauce over the years and never got any.

Were it so easy. Even seeing that picture is unsettling.

I know it is very irrational.

Completely ruins the idea of it being purgatory, goes more into detail about the drug they were given

ctrl+f signs.

Same here. Nothing on film has ever spooked me as hard as this scene here.

Did you cop a feel?

what about starting with just the actress and then working your way up?

I've also found that you can't fear what you've fucked (in your mind's eye). Imagine that scene where she's strapped down in bed, projectile vomiting in your face, howling dirty things while you rawdog her - and she actually seems to be enjoying it. You can even imagine saying, 'THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!' with each thrust. Fight irrationality with irrationality.

ah, then it probably was the director's cut. still enjoyed it though.


Not a lot of movies scared me, but the tapes in Sinister always creeped me out.

Kys if you think that movie is scary

Kill yourself for being too pussy to spell it out

fucking fake.

Knocked Up
Fat stupid Jew gets a insufferable German skank pregnant

He looks JUST like my cat who just fell from the 12th floor and died.


That would be Night Feeder(1988). Funny someone would mention it. I just watched it about two weeks ago.

Fire in the Sky. Haven't been out in the woods since.

session 9 was fucking shitcan. not scary at all whatsoever in the slightest little bit. idiot

you just keep watching it

Until Dawn

I really don't think that would help lol

it absolutely would
the best way to overcome fears is to face them. after watching it like twice you'll know how everything goes and the familiarity you gain from exposure makes it stale and predictable.

this is actually scary to people?

In no particular order:

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Ring
Childs Play (traumatized me for years)
The Strangers
Paranormal Activity
The Poughkeepsie Tapes
The Descent
28 Days Later


Meet the Spartans

signs for me, had to leave the theater.