>a movie with an 0% on RT is actually going to turn a profit
Has this ever happened before?
It's actually got a 6% now.
It's not the opening weekend for Dunkirk, genius.
Sony 1 - Neckbeards 0
Drumpf BTFO
More like memers - 69 amirite?? xD
someone end this timeline already
90+% Beaten by 6% shit flick HAHAHA
>2017 = film ended
Sat numbers indicate that Dunkirk has retaken the lead. emoji had a weak saturday and bad word of mouth.
It was actually a really good movie. I read a review somewhere explaining why it is a new step in cinema, as it is giving people what they actually want, and isn't pretentious
>whitebois thought a movie about dead white men could compete
guess what, cumskins, you are all inbred bastards waiting to die
Fuck is wrong with people
Dunkirk is now expected to be the top movie again.
also, good summer for WB
>Sup Forums is wrong once again
Sup Forums here, could you stupid cucks just pretend to care about shit sjw movies like the emoji movie and hype it up so it ends up failing. You are quite literally always wrong. It's like you have the super power of having the completely opposite of whatever you think will happen happen.
It's a scam to skim taxes you moron
How is this movie SJW? I saw the interview with the writer who said it would help to "resist drumpf" but what specifically does it do.
It's heavily implied that kids are the ones wanting to see it, getting their parents to go with them, and giving it higher ratings.
>lead female is a blue haired dyke
>empire is white supremacist
>one of the main party is a jihad raghead sandnigger who was a pilot for the empire
It's not, it's just your run of the mill cynical cashgrab, albeit more overt. TJ Miller was just talking out of his ass because he's a moron.
>You are quite literally always wrong. It's like you have the super power of having the completely opposite of whatever you think will happen happen.
How'd the big July 27th happening go?
When will /ourguy/ Armond "Honorary" White review this movie? I've been checking Rotten Tomatoes daily for his review.
If he gives it a fresh rating it will destroy Sup Forums.
If he gives it a fresh rating that means its bad, newfag
It's funny because his last name is white and he's black.
Why do people can straight up admit their movies have an agenda behind it and still get away with it
You're trying too hard to fit in newfriend
It's a real shitskin vs whites battle this one is
go outside abatap
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The Emoji Movie might be the most important movie of our generation.
truuuuu 100 100
>[Full Review in Spanish]
Given his track record with animated movies he'll probably give it a really good review.
I mean this is the guy who thinks Disney's best CGI film is Chicken Little.
thats not funny, thats sad
Armond White is right again!
If it actually succeeds in bringing down drumpf then I'll agree
A dumb, fun movie beat out an obviously depressing world war movie?
White males just don't sell tickets.
reminder you fuckheads said it was a sad attempt to appeal to le current generation.
>Or have we been Occupied, Antifa’d and Fergusoned so harshly that the young generation Wright addresses enjoys only the shock of violence and no longer cares about the cultural heritage based on those non-Tarantino virtues: connection, respect, obligation, civility, and love?
>non-Tarantino virtues
I love it
fuck white people
He doesn't review that many movies every year. Might not happen.
>LARPing as a nigger on the internet
This scene (pic related) from the emoji movie really took me off guard, in a good way. A bold message that all our children should be exposed too. Bravo Sony.
the big happening is in september, the 7/27/17 was just a meme
How many times has this movie come out? I swear Ive seen this shit every year
it's really comfy and engaging
>He doesn't review that many movies every year
then what does he do for a living
>Sup Forums here
stopped reading there