>Dude haha, isn't it funny that I'm threatening violence against an innocent cartoon character haha
>Dude haha, isn't it funny that I'm threatening violence against an innocent cartoon character haha
>dude gun lmao
This probably accounts for 60% of Nostalgia Critic jokes
Doug deserved to be shot tbqh.
Doug Walker seems like a nice guy, however, his sense of humor has always been cringy as hell. Don't forget Demo Reel was his dream project.
>Dude nostalgiacritic LMAO
Doug is one of the most pathetic people on the internet.
both of them?
He is from Chicago.
TGWTG will always hold a special place in my heart.
He was like half of my childhood.
>that forehead
He looks like Plinkets dead wife in the thumbnail.
>Jim doing a Latza episode next
I'm not sure if I'm ready for our boy to go mainstream.
Latza is more respectable than any of the Channel Autists.
>Whedon fan
>Big Bang Theory fan
Paul had it coming.
Is that real??
Paul is innocent. He just doesn't know any better.
At least it's now official: Latza is on the same level as Doug and Spoony. He finally did it!
Douge will rue the day he ignored Paul
Imagine if Latza had the black guy's role in the AVGN movie. It would have been so much better.
His latest review of Tom & Jerry Willy Wonka wasn't so bad. Very oldstyle where he mocks an objectively bad movie behind his desk, no cringe sketches with paid actors or any of that shit
I hope Jim has all the material from the Grindhouse1981 saga
Ran into latza the other day at the local Super Putt (pic related)
I saw him from afar and realized I would finally put an end to his torment.
as I walked closer I drew my gun and aimed for his head, the same head that stores
his autism wracked brain. I stood pointing at latza and snapped this picture, as I did thought for a moment.
I was about to end him, once in his life perhaps when he was young he had dreams of making it big and having adoring fans.
"The world is wonderful" he thought, "I can have a dream and as long as I work hard on it, one day I will make it".
When he was much older after he came home from a long day at Best Buy, during his routine of watching hours of
videos on the internet, before crying himself to sleep, he came across a video from someone named Nostalgia Critic.
Interested, he clicked play. Instantly all the dreams he had as a young child were re-awakened. With the power of YouTube
anyone could make it big. This was his chance to show the world his genius. Unfortunately he had no talent and was just a retard.
As I finished my pondering my finger very slightly increased in pressure on the trigger.
In that moment I felt time had stop. There was only me and latza in this world. He looked up at me, I started shaking, his eyes looked
directly into my mind. I could sense his true power. He walked closer to me, I didn't dare move for I feared I my life was already balancing atop
a thin needle. Before I knew it he was standing directly in front of me, his nose was touching mine. He slowly leaned toward my ear.
He whispered only a few words "My name is Paul"
I became aware of what Latza truly was. I turned around immediately and walked back to my car. I dare not look back and step on latzas mercy.
That day I learned our reality only exists because latza allows it to. Praise Paul Latza.
I forget, was this even real?
>Wore a fedora for school photos
I think he's an athiest.
you'd have to larp pretty hard to fake all those timestamps
I feel like demo reels failing made him crazy
>Balding in high school
This is how I imagine most of you autists would turn out if you weren't so obese and had some ambition
hello projecting
I must've struck a nerve
>tfw he lives right near me
Hey is Eggkara still around?
If there are infinite realities, there is One where Paul got the roll for Cooper in the AVGN Movie. And Paul cucks James at the end.
What's Jim even going to say about Latza? How he likes deep plots and MLP? How he only got $521 from his kickstarter? Will he show Sand Niggas? I guess he'll have to talk about the RLM audition.
Who is Jim
I figure he got a lot of shit back in school for having the same name as said cartoon character, so I can see where his hatred stems from.
I'm liking the series but I thought the AJ video today was whatever.
Can't wait for him to tackle Lindsay.
Yes, that's one of his stupid running gags.
He canceled the Lindsay video because he didn't think it was entertaining. He said he'll talk about her in his finale video.
>threatening violence against an innocent cartoon character
Did this sentence sound less autistic in your head?
my dad watches big bang theory
Fuuuuuuck, oh well
I have the same name too
people called me doug funnie all the time
but doug is still one of my favorite cartoons of the 90s
>me name was Ben
>had to grow up back when Ben 10 was all the rage
>felt like a goddamn hero
>that one guy that convinced people in these threads he was actually cinema snob
How did he do it, bros? How are you so stupid? Dude was roleplaying and you all fell for it.
Doug is to NC as Top Gun/Jekyll and Hyde/Castlevania II are to the AVGN
Why does he have a photo of a young Christian Weston Chandler?
He hacked Brad's accounts and left tripcode details and secret messages and pointed us towards them. And if I recall right, actual Brad read some of his messages and thought it was bizarre because he talked exactly like him, so it was real convincing. But we were all the Latza during that time.
your dads a fucking faggot
>nothing happened
>memorial chat for justin
>page 8
>omg noooooes
>emergency bump activate!
>briiiiing my epic thread back to life!!!!!!!!!