Alright, im gonna say it
>City of God isnt nearly the cinema gold everyone makes it out to be
Alright, im gonna say it
>City of God isnt nearly the cinema gold everyone makes it out to be
I 100% agree with this.
I will never understand why so many people consider this to be one of the best movies ever made.
Cause theyre retards who read subtitles for the first time in their lives, still a good movie though
It's the same people who genuinely believe shawkshank redemption is the pinnacle of filmmaking
My biggest problem with the movie is how tonally inconsistent it is, it doesnt know what it wants to be. The first 25 minutes are actually fantastic, but then the tone shifts to almost cartoon like, and the real life feeling of tension that was in the beginning disappeared. Suddenly Lil Ze, this little kid, is taking out heads of the drug game left and right and without any problem becomes the top of brazil. Even the tacked on "hero with a cause" with Knockout Ned felt forced and unnatural
>lil ze and several other guys gang rape my wife
>they for some reason dont shoot me
>oh boy i better also become his top competition in the coming year or 4
just felt like even i could have gone in and shot one of those guys and said "im the king now" and it would have happened because "drug life man"
No shit, if you think that's a controversial opinion you really must be fresh off the boat
Next you'll be telling me there's better Asian cinema than Oldboy and Spirited Away
Agreed, it's a pretty good movie at best but it has no place in those top xx movies lists.
Shawshank is leagues above City of God though.
It's actually based on real life events, i think.
yeah that i got, and i could care less if any "based on a true story" movie is accurate, just as long as its enjoyable
what i meant by the tone being all fucky is, for example, take the scene where Lil ze and his gang rape Ned's wife, they leave ned alive for some reason. Then like 5 minutes later, it shows Ze and his gang of like 30+ henchmen walking along side him in an alleyway, when Ze stops, the camera closes in on his face, and says "wait, i should have killed him" and turns around with his guys all agreeing and waving their guns in the air
the whole movie was littered with stuff like this, just really took the "no one is safe" feel away from it, and turned Ze from a formidddable drug boss to a clumsy shit skin version of pic related from TPB
That entire scene demonstrated how non nonchalantly they commit heinous acts to the point that forgetting to kill someone after a rape is similar to forgetting turn off the stove.
Don't know what to tell you, that scene felt tonally given the previous instances of chaos that governed their life.
I agree that the tone's kinda jarring, but they're all kids anyway, they're not supposed to function well as crimelords
Its good the first watch. But when you watch it a second time you realize its not really something you ever need to watch again. I really like the way its told. You feel like you're part of it, like you're there or something.
>demonstrated how non nonchalantly they commit heinous acts to the point that forgetting to kill someone after a rape is similar to forgetting turn off the stove
i get your point, but i think other films have done this much better and with a consistent tone, and in a much more realistic way
>The Departed
>Gang Tapes
jesus fucking christ kill yourself fucking retard
its true though
>muh no english therefore no good
fuck off already
when have i ever implied this
>and in a much more realistic way
But those are fiction and this one is based on real life.
Shouldn't it be the other way around though? if CoG is based on real life, then it should have been portrayed better IMO
>Even the tacked on "hero with a cause" with Knockout Ned felt forced and unnatural
He wasn't not a "tacked on hero with a cause." Sure at first he was more sympathetic but he then eventually started killing innocent people like the guard at the bank and they even state that he forgot why he was at war with them to begin with. His entire character is just another example of how the city corrupts and swallows people even those who try to live a straight life. He was never meant to be the "hero with a cause" this is just you completely misinterpreting his character.
>just felt like even i could have gone in and shot one of those guys and said "im the king now" and it would have happened because "drug life man"
They showed you that lil z wasn't just a random guy, he had a following and was respected to a certain extent. This is why he was able to move in and take over several areas. A key plot of the movie is what happens when some rando just tries to kill a gang leader.
If you call it City of god, i already know you are a pleb. The movie is called Cidade de Deus, only plebs translate movie names.
br monkeys are retarded so it makes sense
You hate city of God because you went to Sup Forums and the word nigger popped up in your head throughout.
> top of Brazil
Nah, today Rio de Janeiro (the city) has more than 700 slums. Back them it was nothing close to this number but we had different communities, where crime was ruled by different people. City of God is just one.
The point was just to show that on a place without law violence is a infinite cycle. They are just drug dealers. Usually they are not smart, they dont have expressive numbers and they die or go to jail often ... and then just another ruthless cunt will take his place and will start winning money with drugs and violence.
it's cinema god
>My biggest problem with the movie is how tonally inconsistent it is, it doesnt know what it wants to be.
Oh good, the youtube reviewer is here.