How many times will they be allowed to fuck up Europe before somebody stops them?

How many times will they be allowed to fuck up Europe before somebody stops them?

Europe, what are you waiting for?

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>How many times will they be allowed to fuck up Europe before somebody stops them?
like 2 or 3 more times, my dude

they are cute and innocent now

No one is as feared as the Eternal Austrian

>we must punish austrians!
>hungary gets beat up

no more punishing, ok?

A*Strians should get fucking nuked. Especially that one shitposting lowlife

I even feel more sorry for you than for ourselves, those inbreeding cucks should get wiped off the map.

>had friendly discussions with almost every country on Sup Forums except Austrians
Where are the nice Austrians?

Without Vienna Europe would be a Osman Caliphate so no mate they can get away with it for a little longer

They don't exist, trust me. They are miserable cunts.

The only reason why the Ottomans got beaten were the Poles. Guess which country welcomed the Polish partition afterwards. Austrians are treacherous cunts and they deserve an agonizing death. Even Turks have more dignity than they do, the only reason why they got that far is fucking inbreeding. They'd be a fucking sandwich if they were more inbred. You should look into European history.

I'm aware of the charge of the Hussars. Fact remains that without the Austrains keeping the Turks in check for centuarys it may have gone differently. Remember that that was only one of the sieges of Vienna

the only """""""""""""""""""""""""""austrian""""""""""""""""""""" in this board is an iranian.

The Eternal Austrian is truly fearsome. They subjugated all of Europe countless times and never really got punished for it. While the eternal anglo is a threat, the one you never see or hear about is the actual true terror


>They subjugated all of Europe countless times

Not us :)
Fuck the disgusting Habsburg degenerates and their unholy "empire"

> Austrains keeping the Turks in check for centuarys

this is too much injustice for one night, goodbye

b a s e d

Based freedom fighters.

You don't seem to be aware that the whole HRE had to beat the Ottomans in the first siege then. Austrians can't do shit by themselves and all of them should fucking die. Even ww1 and 2 literally got caused by Austrian blood.

How'd the Burgundian war of succession go for you?

What do you want me to say? That the Habsburg alliances combined with the Venetian naval power stifled the Turks massively and that even when the kingdom of Austro-Hungary was in force the Turks mainly got held up in Hungary for a bit before reaching Austrian lands.

Good job and all but the fact is that it was the Siege of Malta that truly turned the tide and that


Yeah I actually don't know too much about it desu but the fact is that the Turk never got past vienna

Suliman was already an old man whose internal struggles had weakened him greatly.

A good question

>How'd the Burgundian war of succession go for you?

>How'd the Burgundian war of succession go for you?
It went very well.
And guess what, the Burgundian scum is no more.

t. academie de francais

I know this guy.
He's a dance teacher.

Lets face it if Phillip hadn't have been a fucking beast you would have been fucked. You still lost the most valuable land and ended up marrying into the Habsburgs at some point.

That being said the rise of house Bourbon made up for it so who knows

A tragically cringy one. Still funny sometimes

>t. certain Corsican on vacation in straya

No, the fact is that Austrians should get annihilated

Germany annexed Austria but the Eternal Anglo released it and unleashed it once again on the world.

1. nah
2. true
3. half-true
4. true

I don't understand the relationship of German and Austria.
They aren't brother country?
They aren't same ethnic group?
They don't love each other?