How do you guys feel about the Blade movies?
How do you guys feel about the Blade movies?
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Blade 1 & 2 are both pretty good but for different reasons, Blade Trinity is pretty bad but Ryan Reynolds is cool and Jessica Biel is hot so it's not all bad
The stories of the off set stuff for blade 3 is far more entertaining then any of the movies.
Opening to Blade 1 is kino
The Dracula fight was disappointing, and the build up to it wasn't really there.
Blade 3 would've been better as proto-Daybreakers.
>snipes would just smoke weed in his trailer, so most shots of blade are actually his double
blade 1 and 2 are pretty good because marvel wasn't making movies for kids like now. just action with vampires and bad cgi. perfect
Blade is kinda cheesy and dated but decent, Blade 2 was the best but it was literally just Del Toro adaptating his early ideas for The Strain, Blade 3 sucked.
i bet she has a strong pusy
very strong
got some fillins about them
giv muscle gf
1 & 2 are classics. 3 sucks because it's ugly, the new characters suck, the guy who played Dracula is fucking boring and Wesley Snipes is barely in it, some scenes you can tell it's not him, it's his stunt double. The only good thing about 3 was the behind the scenes bullshit and the commentary with Reynolds, Biel and Goyer.
>Why didn't he open his eyes?
>He just didn't.
They tried but David Goyer is a dumb pussy and didn't think it would work and decided to make this film a jump start for the Nightstalkers.
1: 8/10
2: 7/10
3: steaming pile of crap/10
Liked 1 and 2
3 is kinda meh, but it's watchable
Still bothers me that Blade didn't get the vampire qt in 2
Liked Nomak's character, with all the rage and good fight scenes
haha what if you tried to get water out of the water fountain but they shoved you into the wall and then they spit some water on you and laughed haha you could get dehydrated like that haha
Only good moment in 3: "You made a goddamn vampire Pomeranian?"
I don't know, user? What if that did happen?
>Snipes had gotten too far into Nation of Islam black nationalism autism
>would sit in his trailer smoking weed while everyone else was rehearsing
>come to set stoned and would refuse to make eye-contact with Ryan Reynolds literally just because he's white
>would not even talk to him or Jessica Biel
>would tell his assistant to "tell that cracker to get his lines right" or "tell that white bitch to hit her marks"
>he would get upset that there was only one other black person on the crew for this movie (since they were shooting in Canada and not in Detroit like the last two)
>didn't even want to talk to the director, would have sticky notes in-character as blade sent to him, like "fight scene needs to be longer - Blade"
>for a scene where he wakes up after being knocked out he simply refused to open his eyes
>they had to CGI in him opening his eyes to use the footage
>breaking point was when he saw the one other black crew member had a t-shirt on for the band "Garbage"
>he assaults the director while screaming "ONE OTHER BLACK MAN ON SET AND YOU MAKE HIM WEAR A SHIRT THAT SAYS THAT?"
>security can't deal with him alone, they have to go across the street to a biker bar and ask them to come help keep Snipes away from the director
>had to film the rest of his scenes with his stunt man who is Blade for almost every wide shot and behind shot and they CGId in Snipes head onto his body for a few extra scenes
>Snipes ended up in jail for tax evasion for 3 years after he fell for the "dude you can technically avoid taxes by using this secret method lmao" meme
You mixed up 2 and 3 dummy.
Where can I hear about all this shit? Is there a podcast out there with a crewmember or something?
>>I'm gonna be a naughty vampire god
Trinity sucks but Parker Posey as Danica Talos was so fucking hot
>dem calves close-up
Is there a gif of blade mouthing WTF from 1?
Patton Oswalt talked about it not too long ago. Just google "Patton Oswalt Blade Trinity"
I'm on mobile so it might not work but Google "blade wtf"
Why don't more people use google?
First Blade is amazing and the rest are crap.
The problem is they introduced the cure for vampirism in the first movie and it just fucks everything. The second goes farther on the genetic shit introducing genetically engineered vampires with spider mouths destroying the mysticism aspect of the first.
>ywn be bullied by a qt fit martial artist
why even live?
"Hey Blade! Why don't you try Fat Burger from now on? You can get yourself a cheese and fries for 2.95, faggot!"
Blade 1 has a quality the other two cannot copy
>you will never be a early 00s weeaboo who decides to learn martial arts and be bullied by a qt fit martial artist
Blade 2 was best, because I watched it first.
First two were great. Good action, funny when it needed to be. And Snipes was perfect as Blade. Third movie sucked was and should have never been made.
That is why the movie sucked. Goyer was trying to do a spin off of the daystalkers for the next movie. So he made Blade 3 more about Reynolds and Biel and less about actual Blade. Snipes wasn't happy about this, and thus he did all the bullshit he did on set. Goyer basically wrote Blade out of a Blade movie.
Life really is pain
>Patton Oswalt
no thanks, he murdered his own wife
Oh, Christ. That was the third Blade movie. And there’s a scene where Blade goes in and confronts this guy for harvesting humans. That scene was supposed to be the whole basis of the film. Blade is fighting for the last shred of humanity. But they thought that it was just so fucking grim, so they decided to just have Blade fighting Dracula. It was just one of those; it was a very troubled production. Wesley [Snipes] was just fucking crazy in a hilarious way. He wouldn’t come out of his trailer, and he would smoke weed all day. Which is fine with me, because I had all these DVDs that I wanted to catch up on. We were in Vancouver, and it was always raining. I kept the door to my trailer open to smell the evening rain while I was watching a movie. Then I remember one day on the set—they let everyone pick their own clothes—there was one black actor who was also kind of a club kid. And he wore this shirt with the word “Garbage” on it in big stylish letters. It was his shirt. And Wesley came down to the set, which he only did for close-ups. Everything else was done by his stand-in. I only did one scene with him. But he comes on and goes, “There’s only one other black guy in the movie, and you make him wear a shirt that says ‘Garbage?’ You racist motherfucker!”
The third movie is way wayyy waaaay much much much better than the dog shit piece of trash that was the blade tv show.
The show completely takes a huge shit on the movies.
ATLEAST.... AT LEAST the third movie has wesley snipes.
The guy in the tv show is one of the worst actors that ever lived.
He ruins everything wesley did withnthe character.
This guy had the charisma of a wet napkin
And he tried to strangle the director, David Goyer. So later that night, Ron Perlman was in the city. Everyone who makes movies in Vancouver stays in the same hotel. It’s like an episode of The Love Boat. Every time the elevator stops, you’ve got a different celebrity getting on. Like, [announcer voice] “Hey, now we’ve got Danny Glover!” So we went out that night to some strip club, and we were all drinking. And there were a bunch of bikers there, so David says to them, “I’ll pay for all your drinks if you show up to set tomorrow and pretend to be my security.” Wesley freaked out and went back to his trailer. [Laughs.] And the next day, Wesley sat down with David and was like, “I think you need to quit. You’re detrimental to this movie.” And David was like, “Why don’t you quit? We’ve got all your close-ups, and we could shoot the rest with your stand-in.” And that freaked Wesley out so much that, for the rest of the production, he would only communicate with the director through Post-it notes. And he would sign each Post-it note “From Blade.” [Laughs.]
Oh yeah, he did. When I met him I was like, “Hi!” And he was like, “I’m Blade.” And also, Natasha Lyonne was on that set, and she was going through some kind of mental breakdown. Wesley is all boundaries, and she has no boundaries. She played a blind computer expert. So the first scene they had together, she put her hand right on his face, and he just recoiled. It was awesome.
A lot of the lines that Ryan Reynolds has were just a result of Wesley not being there. We would all just think of things for him to say and then cut to Wesley’s face not doing anything because that’s all we could get from him. It was kind of funny. We were like, “What are the worst jokes and puns that we can say to this guy?” And then it would just be his face going, “Mmm.” “Smiles are contagious.” It’s so, so dumb. [Laughs.] That was an example of a very troubled shoot that we made fun. You have to find a way to make it fun.
some nice techno so i cannot complain
>some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill
i want that as my epitaph
There is a show? Must be shit since I've never seen anything about it
Anyone got that workout with the ball webm?
I read somewhere they did that as another fuck you to Snipes for "fucking up the movie" when he just wanted it to be better. As a kid who loved Blade, I was so excited to see this until I saw it. I like Onyx (the rap group Sticky Fingaz is in) and I love Blade, so I figured how bad could it be. It wasn't bad until Sticky attempted to act and the shitty fight scenes started. I did like the Moon Knight reference in the show.
It was. It was on Spike TV in 2006 and just like the third movie, Blade is pretty much a side character. Some episodes were interesting (The one where Blade gets kidnapped by his former gang that he turned into vampires was pretty good) and it traveled deeper into the Blade lore than any of the movies. But the actors were shit, the dialogue was shit, CG was shit and Spike TV was shit so it never got picked up for season 2.
More Biel
I still adore Blade 1 and it's raspberry jam CGI for all the blood effects.
based pusy poster
>"fight scene needs to be longer - Blade"
>cord phases through her arrows
cgi shit
I feel nothing.