How incompetent are these people, that they can't even consistently make 11 minutes of a show a week?

How incompetent are these people, that they can't even consistently make 11 minutes of a show a week?

Its been confirmed multiple times its mostly CN having no clue how to deal with schedules.

While I agree they're fucking up royally, I think you vastly underestimate the work that goes into 11 minutes of animation

Did they just air a new episode every weekday for several weeks?

Korean blood, sweat, and tears are cheap.


ur a fagget

You're laboring under the misconception that I can be wrong.

That's not how production works.

If it were up to them we'd probably get weekly episodes.

CN is a bunch of faggots and think that bottling up the episodes and releasing them all at once is a better idea for some fucking reason.

This bitch looks like she has problems breathing through things that aren't her mouth hole.

CN is trying to trick kids into watching CN.
They want kids to turn on the TV and put on CN regardless of the time.

They do that by airing their shows all over the place.
Better keeping watching! You never know when your favourite show is going to air!