How incompetent are these people, that they can't even consistently make 11 minutes of a show a week?
How incompetent are these people, that they can't even consistently make 11 minutes of a show a week?
Its been confirmed multiple times its mostly CN having no clue how to deal with schedules.
While I agree they're fucking up royally, I think you vastly underestimate the work that goes into 11 minutes of animation
Did they just air a new episode every weekday for several weeks?
Korean blood, sweat, and tears are cheap.
ur a fagget
You're laboring under the misconception that I can be wrong.
That's not how production works.
If it were up to them we'd probably get weekly episodes.
CN is a bunch of faggots and think that bottling up the episodes and releasing them all at once is a better idea for some fucking reason.
This bitch looks like she has problems breathing through things that aren't her mouth hole.
CN is trying to trick kids into watching CN.
They want kids to turn on the TV and put on CN regardless of the time.
They do that by airing their shows all over the place.
Better keeping watching! You never know when your favourite show is going to air!
>I don't like it so it's wrong.
The theory is that bombs create more word of mouth, bringing in more viewers. Think of it as infrequent huge explosions eating away at a cliff face instead of one long sizzle. Theoretically, bombs bring in more viewers than they lose.
I'm pretty sure she doesn't have asthma like you
This is why I'm rooting for streaming services.
To be fair, none of us are in the industry so we can't speak on how hard it is to manage a show.
They want weekly episodes but I've heard that apparently CN's strategy actually kinda works? They have weird complicated ways of determining scheduling to get better ratings and specifically get as many kids watching as they can. And apparently their bomb format does that for them a little better than airing once a week, so I think they're sticking to that for now.
Who the fuck still doesn't have dvr
Who the fuck has cable anymore?
Supposedly, hyping up the bomb means people will know for sure when to turn on their TV instead of casually going "maybe there's an ep sometimes this week?", fans start to speculate, post about it online, previews and other glimpses are as anticipated as the real episodes etc.
Did I insult you by saying bad things about your favorite pseudo-lesbian cartoon creator?
My bad senpaitachi.
Why are you complaining about us not getting weekly episodes when we finally are getting weekly episodes.
they took a page from alexander the manlet and put out a few episodes, and then let the internet write the plot for them because they lack the creativity and/or to take a risk that tumblr or reddit doesnt approve of.
Superior nippon can shit out a 30 minute anime episode every week. And it's better than what a Westerner can do within a year.
These. It helps knowing that I can consistently know when an episode on, even if it's just for a week or two. It just seems confusing to us that they schedule like they do because we're used to the old-fashioned format. Which is also why regular network shows are faltering in ratings.
>being forced to meet weekly deadlines to the point animation and assets are rushed only to then shill OI the intended version for 50+ per BD out of otaku audiences is "superior"
>inb4 B-BUT NUPP-
The Phoenix Wright anime isn't the only one guilty of this. Just off the tip of my tongue, there's Mekakucity Actors, the new Berserk anime, that first Dangan Ronpa anime, etc. nuPPG is only show that actually matches up to said sloppily animated niptoons.
Starving fans of new stuff is a smart way of releasing your show if you're smart about it. Steven Universe fans are especially rabid and will become more into the show and its merch if they are starved for new stuff.
I'm just saying
You're not a nose doctor
she is ugly as fuck and spawned tumblr the show.
And cucked brian duhart from getting her show in CW by naming one of the gems Amethist.
Fuck that bitch and her bitch ass show.
In all honesty if CN actually wanted viewers why'd they cancel most of their good shows? Why do they reboot them in the worse ways as well.
The movie theatre picture from old to new is the reason why nobody cares to watch CN anymore.
>Mekakucity Actors
I didn't find it forced nor rushed, really
God, fuck. She looks like an ugly version of Ashly Burch.
>they can't even consistently make 11 minutes of a show a week?
How long do you think it takes to animate something? Do you really think 2 minutes a day is some sort of workday average?
>Superior nippon can shit out a 30 minute anime episode every week.
We've seen what happened to One Piece when they stuck to this, and it's a tragedy. And that's likely a studio multiple times the size.
How entitled are you, to think that 1. they have any control over the schedule that CN comes up with 2. they're supposed to work non-stop just to please you, when they've already made over a hundred episodes in 3 years with lots more to come.
I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you don't know a lot about animation production, but here's the thing: it's HARD, and it's slow. Anyways, if you want to complain, complain to CN, they're the ones in charge of the schedule (and honestly I think that the whole Steven Nuke format worked out because the show seems to have drawn in a lot of new viewers over the past month...that being said I hope they don't hold out on episodes that long again).
>You never know when your favourite show is going to air!
but they air TTG all the time
I'm under the impression that SU probably gets more viewing from people (i.e. not kids) who *can* go out of their way to know and watch at a specific time.
Wait did she do it intentionally or like she did not know?
They do make the show consistenly, it's just that CN's fucking with the schedule: you know how they've had an episode a week day from the past few weeks? The earliest of those episodes coulda aired in march
Are you fucking retarded?
I remember a buddy of mine stopped watching SU the moment he found out how ugly Sugar was.
People just don't fucking get how long animation takes, even for something that's like 11 minutes.
I've had people be like "SOURCE?????" when I said something as basic as a new cartoon episode airing this year would've been written and storyboarded roughly a year before the airing date, and not like a few months/weeks before.
>she is ugly as fuck
You have no taste, Hitler Dubs. I'd smash that so hard she'd require intensive care.
11 minutes of animation takes literally months.
>He'd willingly fuck RS's emaciated jew boy body.
would u "fuck" her, anons?
Some surprisingly don't. I was talking to a friend at work and when he mentioned missing the end of a game I brought up recording and he said he just has regular cable (by that I don't know if he meant basic or just a service plan that doesn't include DVRs because I think a few are still out there)
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