How do we explain this?

How do we explain this?

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they wuz origin of the universe n shit

God came.

We don't. Because it's bullshit.

that is a picture


I believe that whatever can physically exist, does. If you zoom out and look at the multiverse outside of time, that's all there is. Everything.


Is there any proof for the multi-verse?


Some guy did it.

The British education system, ladies and gentlemen,.


The big bang is pseudo sience.
There never was a beginning and there wont be an end.
Time is a flat circle, it simply does only exist in our perception because of Atomic abrasion and the way our brains decay.
Still time does not actually exist. Its just how our mind tries to put order into chaos.

about as believable as a bearded man sitting on a cloud somewhere creating people 2000 years ago

Do you know there was a time when Germany used to be the world's center of science?

People like you are the "used to".

If I define time as the Brownian motion does time exist?

It was actually 6000 years ago, and no, it's more rational than your spontaneous creation out of nothing.

there was a magic guy at the beginning



How is it more rational?

I will concede that, maybe there was some force behind the creation but all religions are shit made up by humans to explain existence with no proof of anything.

Let's add another question for the militant atheists out there

Should people have the right to believe God has caused the Universe?

>with no proof of anything.

You mean no scientific proof of anything

What explination do you need for it?

No. Because the perception of time is like the perception of colors. Its simply how your mind translates Impulses into thought.
Its even questionable if every organism experiences time in the same way.
Can you influence something you did 5 minutes ago? Probably not. Thus proving that everything is happening at the same moment and time as we deine it is not real and your brain is just a needle reading off the record.

>stop saying weird shit

What explanation should I be allowed to give?

Is time any less real than you mind?


if everything is expanding why are some things coming closer to us

checkmate atheist scum

Of course they should, why not?

of course, but others also have the right to believe that those people are flagrant retards

You can't prove anything. You couldn't even prove your existence to another person. Look up epistemological solipsism if you don't believe me.

It's more rational because within the framework of science, nothing can create itself. That's illogical. And from a naturalistic perspective, everything has a beginning.

Ex nihilo is the crux of the God meme Achmed.

>nothing is faster then light
>except the Big Bang and whenever it suits us

Good work 'scientists'

Should they have the right to freely express this opinion? Without being shut down

Should we let other people hear them instead of ridiculing and shutting them up?

That's not actually atheism. That's the current scientific hypothesis on what might have happened. Atheism is simply not believing. You might believe that a god created everything, I don't. Simple as that.

Atheism is anti-faith. So most of them naturally flock to the natural sciences

The Universe is infinite.

God has always existed. He is supernatural. He exist outside of time and space. He didn't have a beginning. So no, it's certainly not a crux.
Atheism leads to this, unless you want to strawman yourself and use the buddhists as an example.

Well depends. Are dreams real?
In retrospect you can alter a dream as much as a memory.
I think pop science was the worst thing to happen to science and philosophy. Its basically a substitute reliogion for millenials

exactly, both are most likely bullshit

Only in String Theory/M theory but as the name suggests it's still theory because it's really hard to prove multiple physical dimensions outside of our own 3D + time reality.

Obviously to believe in god as per mainstream religions view is nothing short of absurd and you're a narrowminded fool if you do, as you're willing to accept something as inherently true just because someone else says so. You're gladly subscribing to someone else's thoughts with no proof beyond folklore from sand people.

I'm not saying that I know there isn't a creator, because I don't. There very well might be, but to firmly believe there is with all the information available today is literally retarded.

Wouldn't a Big Crunch eventually run out of energy?

stop it with the cancer ID's you retards. You are not special fucking morons.

How do we explain this?

electric universe everything is electricity even sexual intercourse and blow jobs

The current leading idea is that there will not be a "big crunch" at all. But that the universe will "end" frozen as galaxies, stars etc. drift further and further away from each other and over time die out.

Are you really asking a question that takes a least 5 years in college to answer ?

The big crunch can never squish the whole universe because it's infinite. It only gets a part of it and then it starts expanding again.

I believe in God because I have arguments for His existence

I'm also a Protestant so I don't follow dogmas and dictatums except from people I consider fully God (Christ) or directly tasked by God for such things

No it isn't

This goy is not good!

He's right you know

The Big Bang Theory is shit science but everyone gets exposed to it all the time so we just tend not to question it.

It's a combination of creationist mythos and retardedly complicated math.

It's just a shame Ramanujan is dead, he'd probably singlehandedly destroy modern astrophysics by pointing out where they forgot to carry a one.

Isn't the Big Crunch a process? How does a process enter perpetual motion?

stay woke

Gas the stars

I like the idea of the electric universe. A lot of things are easily explained using this model and it doesn't go against anything else either. You just have to be open to the universe working the way we are observing it for different reasons than the dysfunctional models we have today.

It would also explain a lot of ancient mythologies, paintings, symbols and so on that we know from ancient times. Truly fascinating whether it's correct or not.

>documentary related

>what is spacetime
>what is relativistic kinematics
>what are the countless equations and algebraic frameworks dependent on time in physics

Yeah. Time sure is an illusion...

That's not necessary though. But science does allows us to know some things with certainty, so it's natural to trust a scientist more than a priest.
No it doesn't. When asked how did the universe begin, you might say "god created it". I'd say "I don't know". If I don't believe in one thing, I don't have to believe in another either.

>Are dreams real?

They themselves are real in the sense that they're happening

I wouldn't call their content real

You are free to believe exactly what you want, and I am free to call you an idiot for doing so.

Believe all you want, just don't trick yourself into thinking its anything but superstitious belief. Because you can not prove it.

>perpetual motion
With continual acceleration.

Um... can i has a cheeseburger?

Even if this is true shouldn't it be theoretically possible for an advance civilization to stop entropy from happening in Innumerable amount of time?

If the multiverse theory is right in anyway, wouldn't it be possible to simply create black holes in another universe and create a white hole in our universe to bring in energy and matter to keep going forever?

>Is there any proof for the multi-verse?


not a militant atheist but people should believe whatever they want so long as it doesn't interfere with the rights of others

that doesn't mean that the Big Bang Theory isn't a security blanket to protect us frail finite beings from the incomprehensibly humbling reality that the universe is infinite in age and in scale, its turtles all the way down, and that makes us small

Now i truly understand where russian runes comes from

>college education

Basically regurgitation. Students are not real scientists

Fucking physics man, or uh, lack of physics at first.

The equations require a certain frame to work, but there is no global frame, so in a way time is indeed an illusion. Basically time is the order of all events, but that order depends at least on location and velocity.

>science does allows us to know some things with certainty

Name me one thing that science has established with certainty

First we need to explain who were the 91 victims killed by Hitler during:
That was not even 100 years ago and we can't name a single Jew from those 91 victims, but we know there were 91. So how are we going to explain big bang if we don't even know 91 names?

>No it doesn't. When asked how did the universe begin, you might say "god created it". I'd say "I don't know". If I don't believe in one thing, I don't have to believe in another either.
No one "knows" how the universe began. No one "knows" whether or not God exists. What do you think faith is? Atheists are well-known for proclaiming things as factual. They are clueless about epistemology and generally lack an aptitude for logical and critical thinking. Socrates knew that knowledge is fundamentally unattainable 2000 years ago. Why have atheists still not caught on?

If you think about it really hard you can almost hear the smell of his autism

>Believe all you want, just don't trick yourself into thinking its anything but superstitious belief.

Why are you forbidding me from believing this?

This. These meme stars are fucking cancerous.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I know the answer to your question, but to my knowledge it's not entirely impossible.

We would have to assume that multiple universes exist, in the same plane of existence outside of our own universe. Then we'd need a close to infinite amount of energy to create the necessary rift in the fabric of space and time to allow for such a wormhole to exist.

In THEORY wormholes are absolutely possible, it's just that in reality it's entirely unfeasible, at least for another 500-1000 years probably. When we are able to harness the power of entire stars.

The first 3 digits of pi are 3.14.


>"death created time"

Most retarded shit ever heard.

Time exist because of energy. Without energy time wouldn't exist. Energy is matter.

The whole universe is dust in someones asshole,
If he farts the whole unvierse torn to pieces and we
all die.

We have established things beyond reasonable doubt. Such as

>Earth orbits the sun
>Gravity exists
>Speed of light
>Structure of an atom

And what is driving that acceleration?

Dark energy is for example assumed to drive the accelerating rate of expansion

What would be perpetually driving a Big Crunch?

It is purely a freemasonic NASA story to explain the false narratives of evolution, the globe earth and gravity. Without the "big bang" none of those pretend stories make any sense.

How do all atoms fit inside a infinitely small point? Do they just squish down to nothing? Are atoms squishy?

I'm not forbidding you because I can not actually stop you from believing. But think about it for a second, if all you have is arguements for something existing but no actual proof, what on earth makes you think anyone should take you seriously?

I can argue all I want that purple fairy dragons exist but only I can see them. That does not mean you or anyone should believe me, or that I should be supported in my belief of purple fairy dragons.

It's the exact same concept here. It really is.

If it makes you feel any better, I am not an "atheist" or whatever you want to call people who do not believe in god, as most believers see it as very black and white, either you believe or you don't.

I believe it is absolutely possible to be spiritual and create your own, personal connection with the universe and your reality, and I personally try to do that. But what you are doing is like I said earlier, subscribing to someone else's thoughts and ideas that are prefabricated for you, you don't actually have to think for yourself, and you probably don't if you take this folklore to be "The truth"

Why would the universe be infinite across time if, when you go further back enough in time, the mass of the universe is so condensed, that it stops time in the same way the singularity of Black Holes stops it?

These are not facts but probable theories. It doesn't matter how certain you may think you are, you can't be 100% due to epistemological solipsism.

Yes, most people are stupid. Therefore a ton of atheists are idiots who might proclaim things with absolute certainty. That doesn't mean atheism itself stupid.

Regardless, what are you even trying to argue for? If you don't believe with certainty that god exists, then aren't you atleast an agnostic yourself?

are you implying the universe is God Ejaculate?

Why do you define "actual proof" as "purely empirical proof"?

Holy shit Sup Forums. You are all retards and this whole thread gave me cancer. Stick to jerking off to Hitler.

God and Satan is an creation of Jinn and Jinn was created by big bang space dust.


Federal reserve

I'm an agnostic christian. Agnosticism is not a stand-alone belief system. You either believe in God, or you don't. You're either an atheist or a christian. Then you have gnostic/agnostic atheism and theism.

Time is a human construct, therefore time always has existed, there was never a point where time didn't exist because time isn't a literal thing.

They have been overwhelmingly proven and have an overwhelming about of evidence to indeed label them as "facts". There's a difference between having enough evidence to be certain beyond reasonable doubt, but it not being absolutely 100% certainty, and having an idea with absolutely no proof and trying to put it in the same box as scientific theories.

And that does actually make them facts. Even in university philosophy classes, where you seem to get your terminology from.