Does this mean France is a med country?

Does this mean France is a med country?

basically most france could be considered mediterranean even without bordering it

isn't that province FULL with arabs?

No, I refuse to be associated with Shitalians, Spanish people and other subhumans.

so france is NORD? is that why varg chose it?

The French are the mutts of Europe.

France is French.

le mutte...

this guy gets it

>t. Celts who got raped by Romans, then Anglos, then Saxons, then Normans that racemixed with Gallo-Romans and Franks

>then muhammads

I love you guys, but please please PLEASE get rid of the muslims and shit

it's full of Sup Forums pensioners and the cities are 50% algerians

just after you get rid of yourself mutt
the situation wouldn't be as bad if you didn't export your ghetto rap culture here
not to mention destroying the most stable arab dictators and creating this new wave of immigration

don't @ me


Most of Germany and italy is southern european same with britain.

the wogs start at calais

There is nothing wrong with Muslims you stupid orc

Not italy duh i meant france.

muslims enslave blacks

>Does this mean France is a med country?
>No, I refuse to be associated with Shitalians, Spanish people and other subhumans.
ok, we dont want you either

>associate us with subhuman gabachos
no por favor

l'orco d'oltralpe...dio mio...

J'ai pas dit que j'étais nordique, sale medoid. Je suis FRANÇAIS, je viens d'un peuple NOIR et fier.

Technically, yeah, but they're all concentrated in one city(Marseille). Other than that, it's home to the richest coastal cities so immigrants can't afford to live there. I live in Aix-en-Provence right next to Marseille, and while it's not a coastal city, there are very few Arabs because the cost of living is high there, so the only Arabs there are students who commute from Marseille and those who come from wealthy families.
Most Arabs in France are concentrated in two areas: the northern part of Marseille, and the small departments surrounding Paris. You're unlikely to find Arabs outside of those two areas, but then again, they're also the most populous places


>imagine LARPing as a fucking sea

it is mostly, culturally

There's a lot of them in Marseille and the Azure Coast, true
more than in the other regions

You don't have too, that's not your region dumb fuck