What kino is the hardest to comprehend?

What kino is the hardest to comprehend?

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劇場版ポケットモンスター ミュウツーの逆襲 (Yuyama, 1998)

I think I speak for everyone when I say it's Donnie Darkino

sorry i made cube


Jodo's films


Batman v Superman

any foreign film without subtitles

Бэтмeн пpoтив Cyпepмeнa: Ha зape cпpaвeдливocти


Kino criterion plebs will never understand.

Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice

unironically The Shining

The one you've never seen

L'Aube de la justice

t. brainlet

Hellraiser 2

The Stiry of Benjamin Burrito

go ahead and explain the 5th dimension let alone the 4th

oh wait let me guess, you were just trolling....

what are you, blind?

t. brainlet

I thought most people liked the first two Kinoraisers?

Le Fílm Emoji (Leonidis, 2017)


t. idiot who isn't smart

Primer takes like 5 viewing to even somewhat comprehend the plot so I'd say that. Far from kino tho

L'Ascension du Chevalier Noir

Pocket monster huh?

le upboat

>watch 10 kino films without subs
>rewatch them with subs
>compare and see if they had the same impact

Its a really good experiment senpai pai.


Mulholland doctor

新世紀エヴァンゲリオン劇場版 Air エア/まごころを、君

백지 수표

Knight of cups, Youth (and other sorrentino's films), Obviously they aren't all that complex but you have to be open to life to experience them in some meaningful capacity.

When you understand the book was King talking about himself it's easy to understand the movie was Kubrick talking about himself. That's why King hated it. This retard didn't even understand the point of his own book.


jim henson's the cube is kino



Matrix 2 and 3


End of Evangelion


That's autistic as he'll man

Inland Empire
Last Year At Marienbad

death note season 2

King is legally blind and can't enjoy movies giving him bias. Its why he went into books instead of TV

This thread is over, delete it, consider this mercy


but that's piss easy to comprehend because all the religious symbolism is superficial as fuck


He was joking


Chłopaki nie płaczą (Lubaszenko, 2000)

Any movie that's recorded in 48FPS

t. brainlet

>Did I even tell you I was struck by lightning 7 times?
>Yes old man, it's literally the only memorable part of this film


One that is intented not to be comprehendable

Nobody listed Bela Tarr's flicks, fucking plebs ...

WTF did Gargamel have against those blue monkey rats?


They're simple plots with god tier cinematography.

Art vidéo

Unironically the only correct answer itt

Junior le terrible 2 (1991)


Idk why people are saying primer when upstream color is infinitely more complex

You sure about that?