What the fuck is these people's problem?
What the fuck is these people's problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
is dunkirk the new M&C?
SJWs need to die
Stop giving them attention. No males in the real world do
Sounds like she is some naive woman who doesn't understand.
they're right, women should be the only soldiers now. when they get killed by enemy combatants they can die knowing they superseded men.
Ok, can we get a movie about dieppe now please?
>That movie was fucking bomb."
>That was one reaction I overheard after watching Dunkirk, Christopher Nolan's new directorial gift to men, who are currently spending their time fervently ranking his movies, arguing about said rankings, and—presumably—wearing fedoras completely un-ironically. Or even worse, ironically.
jesus christ Sup Forums absolutely annihilated
Someone needs to send pic related to her.
they make their money off of ad revenue, which is increased when people choose to click their clickbait
similar to how you make these threads with (you) bait, but instead of getting paid with dollars you get a little dopamine hit
you impying no one in this board is a male?
So women will all be volunteering to be conscripted during WWIII, right? Is it time for me to sit to the side while women fight for us?
Will feminists agree to do this? DISCUSS.
Women are niggers.
Literally the sacrifice of thousands of loyal leafs to allow for proper changes to the main fist up Hitler's asshole
Sup Forums isnt the real world believe it or not lad
they just want the choice to join or not
they don't want to be drafted or forced to join, that would be sexist.
thats the point though
I want them to really hammer home british autism during ww2
>i.e. my victimhood status as an oppressed women is challenged by seeing men get murdered by the thousands in order to preserve the freedoms I currently enjoy
>we're supposed to be the ones who've had a tough time throughout history!!!!
i cannot believe this is a real song
this is NUTS
>a rare good post by a stupid fucking namefag
Enjoy it, lads.
reminds me of this
I'll bet the farm that whoever wrote this went into the movie already hating it and spent the entire time trying to figure out how to make it about toxic masculinity or white people.
that's not what meme magic says
>>caring what some fashion rag article has to say about anything
wew, i'd say her femininity is very fragile
lol she think sit can't be realistic because Harry Styles is in it and seeing him is an immersion breaker. Does she know that actors are famous too and not just pop stars?
Why is celebrating being a man a bad thing?
feminists hate men obviously.
>tfw wonder womyn winds best pic over dunkirk
what the fuck is imax, explain to a third worlder please?
Really big cinema screen
really big speaker machine
70mm print. Normal film is in 35mm. So twice the resolution.
man it must suck being a woman
That movie should of had a female protagonist and and rag tag team of minorities, Rouge One is such a better and realistic war film.
It's great in your 20s. After that it fucking sucks.
Only a problem if it's a white one.
> boba fett
> force speed
ugh it's shit like this that sparked the "nerd girl" epidemic
>don't they get to do that enough already?
No, they don't.
Are you so insecure about being a male that you had to make this thread?
I miss the old days
"Male" should be used as an adjective not a noun, you ho
>calling out an ignorant cunt is insecure
Go back to buzzfeed, pussy
Why is it when you autists see something retarded on twitter you have to post it here
It's an article from a very famous woman's publication. It's not some random tweet.
Why do you care about it tho? Just ignore it and carry on
Why is it when an autist sees a thread they don't like, they have to let everyone in the thread know they don't like it?
just making an observation, anyone with some brain cells know what she said is stupid so why post it?
Show us your tits baby factory
Because the last time we ignored sjws sam hyde lost his show
yeah he sounds pretty fucking boring
I love the movies women don't understand meme
> Gets defensive in literally the title, doesn't even wait until the first line
Jesus why do these people get paid for this shit
Fucking hell the "maleness" on display in Dunkirk is literally the most subdued kind. The kind that DOESN'T get celebrated. I wonder if this bitch actually can't tell the difference between fratty dudebros and the reserved common folk that Peter and his dad represent.
tfw "movies women don't understand" is true
Sounds like fight club
Give em an inch...
>mfw I wrote that
>mfw I can't prove that I wrote that
>mfw it's probably for the best, that I can never prove that I wrote that
Man women really wanna burn every bridge.
Based Marie Claire!
This ain't reddit kid, no one gives a shit who wrote it.
>interesting conversations about
>sci-fi movies
Not the best argument I've ever seen.
If true, good post user made me think ever since I first saw it
is she right lads?
>implying a women can understand dunkirk to give it a review
>come here during the time Jessi Slaughter wants to make "brain slushies"
>do my duty and a wait a year before posting
>help create quality content from time to time
>come from Sup Forums like every newfag should, to Sup Forums
>never been to Reddit, not even once, since getting the internet back in 1995
... later...
>some young cunt turdburglar who doesn't even know who Cockmongler is, tells me "this ain't reddit kid"
>mfw the entirety of civilization has gone to shit and the young and meek just aren't worth protecting and nurturing anymore because this is what they become
>White director working in an industry created by white people made a movie about an event occupied almost entirely by white men for an audience that is mostly white
No, she's right, but why does she imply it's a problem to be critiqued?
>you can be excited about dunkirk
already that's wrong. it's physically not possible
>said the white woman, the most privileged, coddled and protected life form on planet Earth
I want off this ride
>help create quality content
>Stroking your dick this hard
If you really never used reddit you should give it a shot, they love stroking their own dick for anonymous randos on the internet.
Cry moar kid
>been here for years
>is still fucking reddit
>White director working in an industry created by Jewish people made a movie about an event occupied almost entirely by white men for an audience that is mostly poo in the loos
It's a story about British People fighting a war against German people. Were they supposed to pull a Sweden and salt and pepper minorities in there? Were there even any foreign legions there?
I'm sorry not everything can be a MultiKulti menagerie of various shades of brown.
Most movies nowadays are filled with different races, anyway.
i think this is the worst post in Sup Forums i 've read in a long time
>How dare Nolan make a historically accurate film!
Women's suffrage is and always will be the worst mistake humankind ever made
>...and it's not because I'm a naive woman
She's spot on tbf.
No IMAX in my country and the closest one is in Tallinn. And even that isn't 100% IMAX.
I am eternally grateful that Trump demolished Hillary the way he did, especially considering how cocky all of these cunts were during that night
What a major fucking cuck.
Poor Little White Boys BTFO!
Go pointlessly take credit for anonymous posts somewhere else.
>j-just ignore this, no one cares about this in the real world. They're fringe cases!
>feminism and social justice is totally cool you guys, you're just using strawmen.
To show the nature of feminism and leftism, so that you lying fucks can't claim these people don't exist and are mere figments of the rights imagination when you try to push your filth.
I am so fucking tired about this.
Do these retards believe the west is all there is?
Why are they never pushing for diversity in the jap or gook film industries? or in Bollywood?
I guess we can add Dunkirk to "films that women will never understand".