what are some movies that has bad guys as the protagonist?
What are some movies that has bad guys as the protagonist?
Fuck off Tony
From the thumbnail it looks like he has a gay goatee and gauged ears.
Are the Captain America movies any good by capeshit standards?
Holy fuck
Get his commienazi off my board
Rouge One
The second one is.
First Avenger is good
Winter Soldier is kino
Civil is good despite white Sup Forums says
the dark knight rises
>helps a fugitive
>good guy
Cap was wrong
Go back to San Fransisco
Way of the Gun
Any heist/crime movie I guess. Oceans, pain and gain
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad?
The second one is actually pretty good.
It's an entertaining capeshit, and it's a little bit deeper than it needed to be.
camera's too shaky but that's a good fight
wow, a 2 whole seconds without a cut in a marvel movie
I'm impressed
you do know that the whole movie represented conservatives vs liberals right? cap represented conservatism and never taking no for an answer while tony represented liberalism and government regulation exactly why liberals agree with tony
First avenger :6/10
Winter solider : 7/10
Civil war : 5/10
here OP
have the best of them
>Nazis are an occupying army
>they're the good guys though!
stormcucks are such brainlets