Why do we hate it, Sup Forums?
I want to jump on this bandwagon, I want to feel being a part of something, feed my insecure emptiness and enjoy being accepted by anonymous faggots on a Taiwanese foamcrafting papyrus scroll.
Why do we hate it, Sup Forums?
I want to jump on this bandwagon, I want to feel being a part of something, feed my insecure emptiness and enjoy being accepted by anonymous faggots on a Taiwanese foamcrafting papyrus scroll.
Cause sony is terrible
I liked it
Because it's full of shitskins and amy pascal was involved in it's creation
everybody likes it so we have to hate it
fuck off with your capeshit
One of the few anons that saw it here
It was actually pretty okay.
Here's why I hate it.
>Spider-Man constantly Waaaahing about he can't be an Avenger. He really didn't seem to give a shit about keeping his neighborhood safe. He just did it to have something to report to Happy.
>Spider-Man suit is now a fucking Iron Man suit, eliminating the need for Spidey Sense, and adding more Marvel quips
>speaking of quips, they added a fat philipino friend to be the "guy in the chair" tech person, when Spider-Man doesn't need that (and he himself is the science/tech guy)
>CGI was such fucking garbage it wasn't even funny
I just want Spiderman to be again the good old homophobe bigot of the Reimi movies.
>implying there's any other motive at all.
It was just shit.
Feel free to convince yourself otherwise.
There's no Uncle Ben
yeah there is
List of comprehensive reasons why I hate Homecoming:
> Assembly line visual style and direction that makes it look like a television show rather than a cinematic production.
> No memorable music score, lame Avengers tier cookie cutter tripe
> CGI is lazy and looks plain bad at times especially on Vulture
> Hamfisted Iron-Man subplot that completely kills the crux of Peter's motivation from Uncle Ben dying and is an excuse for quip sessions from Downey
> Spider suit shit was unneeded
> Aunt May being unrealistically portrayed as a hip guardian instead of a moral centre and in grief
> Holland's weird raspy voice and the fact that everybody likes him for some reason
> Ramones song added for No Yawk "style" pointz when its a facsimile that makes it appear tryhard
Done thread over, go home.
It's not like the comics I read 25 years ago.
>It's a Sup Forums invades Sup Forums episode
you forgot the part where there is no tension and the only time people are in danger is when peter does something retarded
It was good movie, okay even if you'd like to say that. Here's what I thought of it
> Zendya's character was fucking annoying, but hopefully that's the way they designed the character to be
> Flash "the bean" Thompson was an alright character. Annoying, not necessarily bullied Parker but nagged him and really got on my nerves. I think they nailed the whole new era bully shit.
> Really liked the last big fight, the turn it took was new and refreshing to see
> Scene where Peter was stuck under the rubble was good, really felt the emotion.
There's way more I'd like to say but most of it escaped my mind.
> tldr it was alright 7/10 , 6 if you really want to nit-pick. Also, AMA about it
> new era bully
Please fuck off, he was not a bully at all. The only people who could possibly think that are the wimpiest of nu-males
> invades
Michael Keaton alone makes this an automatic 7/10. He's great, and I honestly didn't see that twist coming
>nigger mary jane
Fuck marlel tee bee aich
what's it like being so unhappy all the time?
What gave you that impression. I just didn't like the movie.
Mary Jane isn't even in this movie user
So he wasn't a bully. But he was rich, well off, etc. He basically was free to do whatever he wanted because of that (example: punk on Peter Parker or whatever). Would you really fight back against someone like that?
>it's not like the cartoon i watched 20 years ago
Not really? He was the butt of the jokes on that school trip and people kind of ragged on him.
Sorry shill, I meant ((((MJ))))
Exactly they took away all the individuality spider man has in the comic and turned him to some angsty teen looking for papa tony's approval cuz he wants to be an avenger
So Peter is the only guy he could pick on because he wouldn't do anything about
Tobey would have kicked his ass
bump for more manchildren hate :^)
This. Vulture was also a refreshing bad guy, not the LETS DESTROY THE UNIVERSE -tier villain like in most Marvel movies.
He literally HAD to be like that. It's a meta post unironic world.
>muh evil plan to spend 8 years selling weapons made from stolen alien tech to random thugs under bridges out of the back of a van for no reason
Maybe it would've been ok had they built up his character instead of focusing on fucking Tony Stark
>Cinematography = Terrible
>Direction = bland / bad
Technically the movie is shit, no personality or whatsoever feels like another Marvel
- never mind I take that back since I just checked my bank account and Disney just sent me some money
Yeah, he was just an angsty teen looking for approval, and only protected the neighborhood to report to Happy. Until the end when Tony recognized him as an avenger, and offered the suit and publicity. He turned it down in order to begin protecting his city for the sake of protecting. Doing good for the sake of good, which he didn't understand earlier in the film. Stark even comments on it, saying he made a "surprisingly mature decision."
it's called character development
>takes an entire movie just to develop Peter to about the first twenty minutes of Spider-Man 1 because no fucking Uncle Ben
Sounds like bad writing if you ask me