i like to think of s1 as its own fully contained series, sepearte from s2. ive seen 1 three times now, and 2 once.
literally BRAVOVINCE the sequel
Why doesn't Elliot just kill himself? It's the only way to stop Mr. Robot anyway.
Shit gets old fast.
first season was not bad but got pretty sidetracked from the leet haxor shit about muh society crap
i watched 2 eps of season 2 before turning it off and not giving it another thought
you mean one part of the second season, so over 50% of the way through the series, you thought something that happened once became old.
>leet haxor shit
>implying this isnt the only reason to watch the series
Fight Club TV Show
You are missing out man
season 1 was so comfy and masterful in so many ways. I rewatched most of the episodes from season 1 three times. I stopped watching season 2 at about episode 2 or 3 when that one black guy dies and I missed all the stuff where Elliot is hacking stuff and hiding information and such.
The point is that the constant struggle between Elliot vs. Mr Robot is badly written
Would kill to have a lantern jaw like that.
no, i mean i was watching it for that... instead of being leet haxor shit it just turned into muh revolution which was stupid.
i do agree. i certainly understand why elliot isnt the main focus of s2, because it would cause that struggle to become even longer in the tooth
I loved 1337 haxxor stuff and there wasn't enough of it in s2. The global conspiracy/mr robot split persona plot is ok but there is too much of it. S2 felt very pretentious and strange with plot twists for the sake of plot twists.
Def not enough of it in s2 i agree. but what was there, was still quality like s1
Does Elliot get back to his hacker shit in s2?
there is some hacks. not as many as s1, but they are still there, and they are still good
yeah, I agree. It's just that the whole season was pretty boring. They spend 50% of it for some worldbuilding and a twist. There is nothing happening. That's my problem with Better Call Saul, too. There isn't much going on. In Breaking Bad and Mr Robot Season 1 you can tell that they've tried to fit in a lot of stuff, a lot of ideas, so it felt very refreshing, they knew exactly what they wanted to do and barely had enough screentime for that. MrRobot S2 has way too many overaching themes making it look like a shitty Snyder movie and a lot of excessive exposition as well. A lot of hallucinations, too, that just waste screentime and add nothing to the plot. Nobody really gives a shit about Elliot's relationship with Slater (well, people DO care, but you can't dedicate several episodes to the issue, especially if it eventually goes back to square one). It felt like director was jerking himself off trying to consistently achieve interesting cinematography and cool visuals, sacrificing everything else. I mean, yeah, he sure did, but it's just wasn't too interesting or memorable.
Listen user, I just want schizophrenic Elliot doing hacker shit, figuring his shit out, building actual relationships and to get rid of Mr Robot in his head. Is that too much to ask?
season 2 is objectively better. fight me
agree with you both.
s1 was relatable in a way, hes tyring to figure his shit out, trying to get his relationships going, wasnt TOO fucking insane, and the hacking was so good it makes me focus and double down on my studies.
the twists and lucid dreaming and halucinations make me relate less, because i dont get those things
Me too. But instead we got all that chinese FBI shit, Elliot spending time locked up talking to Slater with no actual relationships with anyone and failing to get rid of Mr Robot consistently throughout the season. His character doesn't really progress IMO, sure he gets beaten up, headshot and all sorts of shit but he himself is the same person that he was at the end of S1. And once again there is NOT ENOUGH 1337 shit
im sure you have reasons. probably artistic, visual, cinematic ones that went over my head as someone who came in solely for the hacking, and stayed for the story
so what's gonna happen in S3? post your predictions Sup Forums
pretty sure we're going to see even more chinese shit
Elliot x Tyrell x White Rose threesome
I agree, lack of relatability was something that brought S2 down. It's hard to relate with character in a world that's literally going down to Fight Club-esque scenario with bankrupt companies and anarchism. It's hard to relate to characters in prison, hard to relate to insane people, hard to believe the story on a global scale about global crisis, international hit squads and whatever the fuck. They should've kept everything grounded t b h
yeah. i can relate to elliot hating his job, having to put on that mask for his coworkers, how much social media bothers him, but exactly what you said, not any of what you just listed
His role as crazy prankster was better.
is it any good?
>Le social outcast maymay
Fuck off
I do not want
the fuck are you on about
the writers go apeshit crazy and all those time travel / alternate timeline theories are revealed to be true
list of supposed hints
> elliots favorite movie is back to the future 2
> white rose is obsessed with time
> back to the future soundtrack used multiple times in season two
> random unexplained backwards 30 second time jump during a news broadcast
and there are others that i forgot, but what would you anons think if there really is some scifi element added?
Adding some stupid time travel shit to resolve unresolvable plots would make me stop watching. General audience already stopped watching during S2 so they actually can't afford to drive more people away.
Woah wtf I didn't know there was time travel
there MAY be time travel, or rather, alternate timeline shit going on, since the main plot of BTTF 2 is diverging timelines (normal 1985, bad 1985, and improved 1985)
forgot about this pic too
Oh god no fuck no please no
That sounds so awful and hacky
idk, they could either totally fuck it up, or it could be interesting. if you think about it, elliot's current timeline is a lot like the "bad 1985" timeline where there is chaos everywhere and everyone is miserable.
also another hint is pic related
It's only shit because of what he did.
I like it that way. It's the extension of fight club, showing how project mayhem would have made everything worse for everyone, just like what is happening post 5/9.
If mr robot hand waves that away as an "alternative timeline" I'll be fucking pissed. It's refreshing and interesting to have the main characters do something stupid and it actually cause harm. It's a nice change, and I just can't deal with the idea that it'll be dismissed to conveniently tie the series up
great show but i just rewatched fight club and i forgot how much they ripped off, more then just the basic plot tons of little stuff