How do we actually FIX shit, pointing out the problems is the first step but what's next?

How do we actually FIX shit, pointing out the problems is the first step but what's next?
Inb4 "deport all the mudslimes" a nice thought but it's never gonna happen.
Will we ever be have a decent pure country or will we be forever tainted?
Pic pretty unrelated, in on my phone

>Next step

right wing death squads

>How do we fix shit

Keep shitposting, meme magic is real

1) For starters, stop looking to government for solutions. When they are not actively working against a decent, civilised, society with strong family values, they are inadvertently destroying it with their hopelessly naive policies and virtue signalling.

2) There is strength in community.

However, it is pretty much over for the UK, a once great country. We will never again amount to anything or achieve anything of any note. The "old" Great Britain is something of the history books, like the Romans, or the Ancient Greeks, gone leaving only some monuments and the history books, replaced by something else, something less.

The 2000 intake of muslims, who are uncivilised and barbaric, and who do uncivilised and barbaric things to native Britons have now reached breeding age, and will have many children, the curve on pic-related is about to rocket. The Britons of the past, whose ancestors built the worlds greatest secular democracy and civilised our world are about to disappear. Within just 10 years it will be done.

I'm not shitposting, I'm just sick of constantly seeing problems yet having no feasible solutions

hard to swallow but true.
the vast majority of people are way too bluepilled to do anything or fight back. The jew has cucked the west for good.

So do we just move to murcia and enjoy it while it lasts?

There are no solutions within the overton window.

We know that so many of these societal cancers are due to race/culture/behaviour, it is as obvious as the relationship between thunderclouds and getting rained on, yet every single day the government does more to suppress discussion of the the causes, the causes being the people.

A case in point, all the recent terrorism has been comitted by muslims, even 2nd and 3rd generation immigrant muslims, yet the government wishes to increase the amount of muslim immigrations. You cant win. Its over.

Keep yourself safe, keep your family safe, dont stay here too long, make your plan for getting out. I have made mine. I'm only here now to make more money until the situation gets too bad.

1 more London riot, where the city burns for 3 days while police and government do nothing to prevent destruction of peoples lives (because they wouldn't want to appear racist) and property and I'm gone.

Terror, insurgency.
But that won't happen because cucks.

>implying meme magic isn't just a psyop like the mandala effect.

You're on a containment board dedicated to happenings shitposting and larping. the redpills here are illusory.
The actual answer to your question is finding like minded individuals in real life and planning out your life from there.
Depending on what you wanna do, you can live a peaceful community/monastic life without any immediate hassle, or you could sacrifice yourself as a martyr via warfare/insurgency/uprisings.
The first step is a metaphysical one.