Is season 3 of Dark Matter any good or have I just got used to it?
Is season 3 of Dark Matter any good or have I just got used to it?
It's getting better, but it might just be a small peak.
They used the groundhog day episode and time travel episode almost next to each other, and those are the pineapples of scifi
Season three has been their strongest, Let's hope they don't fuck it up with the last four episodes
Guess even less people watch it than I thought
Sup Forums is slow during this hours. Americans are asleep
i cant into waifu threads. is that the only thing this show has going for it?
i don't even remember why there's a war
why the corporations don't get a long
or why the blink drive even existed in the first place
>is the third turd any better than the first two turds?
This is what people had to say about it.
Shit man, it is dying enjoy it while it last, props are shit.
See First season is shit, Just a bunch of people finding out who they are after amnesia, are they good or bad
Season 2 is better and gives much needed character development to 3 and Android and makes them the best characters in the show
Season 3 has improved so much it is now a perfectly average sci-fi show.
>i don't even remember why there's a war
Bunch of companies want more power, Someone blew up their version of the UN, everyone is on alert
>why the corporations don't get a long
Bunch of companies want more power
>why the blink drive even existed in the first place
New tech to make space travel fasater
The latest episode goes deeper into the blink drive.
Jodelle isn't even the best girl in the show, but i guess she's the show's mascot.
The older girl, named Two is much prettier.
But Tash is the best.
The stories are kind of sci-fi clichés, but it's put together enjoyable. Starting off with a Firefly-like crew, and sometimes brutal kiillings, not sparing the main cast either.
Not doing too badly for a syfy show
Poor, Poor man's Katee Sackhoff
literally who?
Until now 2 > 1 > 3
I hope it gets better.
Starbuck from BSG
Katee Sackoff is currently the poor mans Katie Sackoff. Aside from being blond and on scifi shows, there is nothing to compare in these two characters.
I quiet like this season
Strong, Independent, White woman that don't take shit or need no man
one was boxing guys and winning, one has the strength of a machine
not how I would describe a service model* android
see above*
It's been good
oh.. then 's comment is even more laughable
I don't know what this show is but I like girls in pajamas
Please post more girls in pajamas
>I don't know what this show is
learn to fucking read
>Incorporated (canceled)
I was waiting to watch the whole season at once. Jodelle's live tweeting while watching episodes air is kinda annoying me now though, as is her general attention whoring and attempts to look nerdy.
so quirky OMG ^____^
Boobs ain't even big anymore ;-;
Buffalo Bill had no problem with fatties, help me lift this couch into my van.
and this
Literal prostitute attire and makeup she wouldn't look out of place at the AVNs. She does have a thing for the neck band things though which is nice.
Maybe don't use twitter, Mute your phone, She was contractually obligated, >Attempts to ook nerdy